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Visibility was set incorrectly on the last post that you may have mistakenly received an email about... so uh, I guess it's as a good a time as any to advertise that LGR Wrap Ups are now a thing for $5+patrons :P

They're videos of unedited and uncensored rambling lasting basically an hour or so about all sorts of topics, from the response to the previous month's videos, to the nitty gritty of YouTubing work, to questions from patrons, to generally vibing about life and whatnot. They only started this year so there aren't a ton of them yet, and I haven't exactly promoted them since it's still evolving as a video format. There are two Wrap Up videos currently: one for January, one for February. The March one is still processing and will be up for $5+ folks soon.

My sincere apologies on the mix-up and plopping extra emails in your inbox, argh! I'll be back soon (hopefully) with more regular content. I'm in the middle of packing up and moving to a new place, so exactly when that'll happen and what that'll be remains to be seen. Actually still going through the final closing process on the house and getting repairs done, so yeah... It's honestly so busy lately that my head isn't on straight, ha.

Stay tuned, have a good weekend, and thank you for your support :)



Whoops, I just upgraded to $5 tier 💞


Still can't see the video though :/ am I missing something?


There are two $5+ videos currently: one for January, one for February. Those are the only two viewable at the moment. The March one is still processing and wasn't supposed to be posted yet! It'll go up in about an hour.


Thanks for clarifying; I thought I was going crazy when I saw the newest $5 video for a few minutes and then couldn’t find it again anywhere, haha


Thank you!!!


It would be amazing if you managed to take a couple of them with you but I don't know how feasible it is. I adopted a semi feral cat (could even have been fully feral the SSPCA didn't know) and he's great but he was a dick to start with. But taking them with you to a new place etc I dunno! They're lovely cats though and I always keep an eye on your Twitter in the hope of seeing them again.


Too bad I only watch Youtube on tablet now so I can't even see such videos.


Start watching it on your phone, or wherever you're reading this and then switch to the device you'd prefer to watch it on and go to history and it'll be there.


That's why I include direct URLs to the video within each post, so you can just click on them from the email, browser window, app, or whatever you're using to view Patreon posts. Hyperlinks open up YouTube just fine that way on all tablets and mobile devices I've tested.


That would require me to use other crappy mobile apps just to see the video. I use email only on PC and mobile browsers are only for checking the weather.


Yay for this "mess up". I didn't realize you do this style of videos, and as a long time follower I've always enjoyed "LGR-Blerbesque, unfiltered Clint".


Blarg, that's the kind of content I crave but since I'm job hunting I'm barely hanging onto the cheapo tier. XP


Best of luck with the move. That’s a big deal! Take it easy and get back to vids when you’re ready and excited to, and not a moment before, ya hear us? 😉


I had no idea uping $5 would give me more videos good job appreciated


Those videos are like the techmoan monthly updates?


Your accident turned into me upping my subscription (been meaning to anyway). Are these 2 older videos still available?


lame, what a leech