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Finally back from the Chicago trip! Lots of driving to and from NC, but it was well worth it. I also spent several vacation days after the show to take in the sights, sounds, and smells of downtown proper. Always a fun time, hehe. Many Chicago Dogs were consumed without remorse from my room on the 21st floor. Big shoutout to all of you I got to meet at VCFMW, it was an excellent time just hanging out and talking about weird old computer stuff!

And that brings us to this video about these weird old mice! Computer mice, that is. Or mouses, whatever, danged irregular plurals. So while I was at the show I had a table set up filled with LGR Things: computers, displays, MIDI stuff, and various controllers and peripherals. And one of those happened to be the Burger Mouse! Something that surprised me with how much of a response it elicitied it from passers-by. Everyone just had to try using a computer with a cheeseburger, it was magnetic. So why not feature it in a video, along with some other random weird old mice I have lying around in the LGR storage bays. I dunno, it's nothing too mind blowing, but it's a fun little video while I get back in the groove of things.

And for those of you that didn't get to attend VCFMW, I am indeed working on a video about the experience so stay tuned for that. There's also this recording of a panel I was on with other creators, so that's something related to watch in the meantime.


Three Weird Mice

an LGR thing. https://archive.org/details/mouse-burger-driver-test-program https://archive.org/details/motor-mouse-software-for-windows-v1 https://archive.org/details/media-mouse-setup-disk



Three blind mice, three blind mice, See how they run, see how they run, They all ran after the farmer's wife, Who cut off their tails with a carving knife, Did you ever see such a thing in your life, As three blind mice?


6:11 Wireless mouse in 1995?! Wonder how bad it was


I have a few old wireless things, they're not too awful with line of sight! Like this wireless keyboard from 1984: https://youtu.be/olmM3tNqHys


Haha, that last mouse was so funny :D And it was supposed to work with a 386, so I guess the lag for every sound would be even worse. I watched the VFCMW panel, it was great :) Looking forward to your video about it.


Thanks, I look forward to making it! And yeah I cannot imagine the lag on a 386... what a silly thing

Headset Guy

I had the opportunity to use the Mouse-Burger at VCF. It was... an experience.

Headset Guy

I could have sworn there was a video featuring it before, though.


That so-called multimedia mouse is gloriously bad in a super low budget gimmicky fashion :-D


speaking of weird mice, found this while browsing the other day https://buyee.jp/item/yahoo/auction/v775820196


I liked this format! It's a neat way to cover smaller weird things like these.

Timothy Kepple

Ok, Weird Drivebay Things is a cool idea.


The computer storage makes for a really great background when you are talking straight to the camera

Ryan Helinski

Should we call these The Three Mouseketeers?


oh that melody mouse is something else. beautiful


Thank you for that Clint. I LOL'd so hard when you got to the "melody mouse". It was comically bad. Imagine paying $20 for that back in the day. Good stuff.


I'm definitely down for weird assorted items (Oddware Anthologies, as it were.) Maybe one that's all the food-related or all the car-themed peripherals?


Cursed mice


What are your descent keybindings? It's always interesting to see how people play


All default, I believe! Arrow keys for movement, and I use the mouse for aiming and firing most weapons


Ha, awesome. I sure do have a rapidly growing number of 5.25" oddities. Even received some as donations at VCF Midwest!


Yeah I don't know why I hadn't thought of doing it before! Other than the self-inflicted shame of having so much stuff that I haven't yet covered, haha. It does give some nice depth to the shot though.


The very concept of a mouse that makes endless noise anytime you move it... still truly confuses me


Oddware Anthologies ain't a bad idea! Yeah there's certainly plenty of stuff to gather up into categories like that. Like I've got a whole box of mice themed after transportation, and another filled with sports devices, and another of kids peripherals that look like cartoons...


When I heard the "Oh no. Oh no!" You instantly made me chuckle along with the horribleness. This is definitely a gem of a video. I love all your videos, but Oddware and close to Oddware is definitely up there :)


That singing mouse is dank. Imagining trying to use that in my office. How on earth did that become a thing?!


I want to use your background for my Zoom calls ha

Carey Brown

Right? That thing is cursed to the max! It reminds me so much of the sound schemes MS released in the Plus! packs.


Horrible idea. Use the Sexy Mouse with the Media Mouse sound effects.

Joon Choi

Did not expect the most normal looking mouse to be the biggest, weirdest POS. 🤣


This video was way funnier than I was prepared for. Good stuff. I spit some water out drinking when the Vette cursor fired up and you started driving it around the screen. And the melody mouse software is so horrible, stupid and hilarious.

Kyle Anderson

Clint, if you still have the ISA radio tuner card with the army woman on the box I sent your way some years ago, I'd love to see another video of this style with it and some similar products. In any case, great work! ☺️


This kind of stuff is always interesting, and this format is very neat. I think the weirdest mouse I ever owned is one that doubles as a webcam. It's at least perfectly functional, even if you have to choose what feature to use, since you can't use both at the same time.


I need this Cruise Control software so I can find out what it does in Wine.


Oh, you already uploaded it? Well I am definitely testing this later.


I now fully understand you not accepting gifts from fans. Great video as always!


Pretty sure the iMac mice weren't that big. I have small hands and those mice were still oddly small.


It's close in diameter, the burger isn't very big around either. It's taller than the puck is though for sure.

Mike Menzel

Wonder if the burger mouse was European. I've seen that recycle symbol on European things.


why in the name of all that is holy did someone turn a mouse driver into an Annoyotron


The only thing useful with that stutterotron mouse is the ball and serial cable! What a pile of crap. The corvette is my fave, and that software, they actually tried and it was mostly OK, even if for a short gimmick. The car breaking apart on unboxing did have me in fits.


The cursed sound program kinda works in w98, keeps crashing explorer and the "sound wall" selection doesn't seem to work, but by opening duke3d and leaving it windowed you can sometimes get to enjoy the delightful clanks and eeps and boops while playing for a few minutes... doesn't stutter there for some reason


Did you eat that burger? I’m hungry now…🥸😂