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EDIT: video is now final!

Greetings, one and all! This is an early, mostly-complete edit of my video about the recent VCFMW event. The intro isn't complete, a bit at the end is blank since my brother's video isn't done yet, and there are several minor audiovisual issues to fix in-between. That's gonna take another day or two. So yep, figured I'd share what I have so far, which is like 98% complete!

My brother and I got back from the trip last Thursday the 16th, an eleven-hour road trip each direction. After he left the next morning I took a full day to rest up, another day to unpack and reorganize all the crap I brought up there, and I've been working on this video each day since. It's not nearly as big of an event as something like E3 of course, but we still ended up with a solid five hours of footage! It was a different experience working with video that was shot almost exclusively by someone else, but hey, it's always fun to try new workflows. Annnd now I know like a dozen things I'd do differently next time, ha.

So yeah, I hope you enjoy this! The full public version of the episode will be done sometime early next week but yeah, this is still basically the entire video minus the final intro. Have a good weekend, and shoutout to all of you that we met at the show! It was a lot of fun and came to an end far too quickly :)


The Vintage Computer Festival Midwest Experience of 2021

Checking out VCFMW 16 near Chicago in Elmhurst, Illinois! It's a weekend full of classic computers, retro tech, hardware and software sales, panels, gaming, and overall good times and chill vibes with tons of technology enthusiasts. Let's go t̶h̶r̶i̶f̶t̶i̶n̶g̶ conventioning! ● Check out Luke's channel and his video about the trip here: https://www.youtube.com/lukeisafinename ● Thanks to Jim and Steve for the additional footage: https://www.youtube.com/JimLeonard https://www.youtube.com/mac84 ● LGR links: https://www.patreon.com/LazyGameReviews https://www.twitter.com/LazyGameReviews https://www.facebook.com/LazyGameReviews ● All background music licensed from: http://www.epidemicsound.com #LGR #VCFMW #Convention


Jim Leonard

It was great to see you again. You're always welcome at the show; your exhibit is exactly the kind of love and appreciation that we like to see, and I don't think anyone else can claim they have a fake woodgrain table (!)


Wish I could have been there but the USA border remains closed to us Canadians. I had an unbroken 22 year run of going down to the annual Chicago-area retro computer show (which went through various names and organizers over the years: SWRAP, ECCC, before joining up with VCFMW) before the COVID put an end to that. Hopefully next year things will be more normal and I can finally return; I hope you'll be there again too.


And you were an excellent liaison, Jim. Thanks for all your help over the last however many months with making the show happen as smoothly as it did!


Yeah I was super bummed when I saw you and a few others couldn't make it! Next year though, I'm planning on it 👍


I wish i didn’t have to work that weekend. This is less than a 30min drive from me. I will have to take the days off for next years show. It looks like it was a lot of fun.


Wow the show looks amazing! I wish I could have made the trip, but maybe there'll be another opportunity. I know I'd have a great time


Awesome video Clint! It was so nice to relive VCF Midwest through your video. And of course, wonderful to meet you and Luke in person and chat about geeky things. No matter how many times you walk around the halls... you always seem to miss things, so it's great to see things a few days later. (and then kick yourself for not buying things) I have some footage of the Apple I board that was on display (that I shot on my GH5s). You are welcome to include it in your video if you'd like, I can email you the link. Hope to see you at another VCF in the future! :-)

Frederick G.

This looks amazing.


That is very cool that you set up a booth there, it is so good to get out these days, like you said, getting caught up doing all the editing and emails get old after a while! We have a VCF out in Cali but its up near San Jose, and Im in So Cal :( ...one day I would really like to get up there, maybe bring my stuff! Oh yea Micro Center....nice! I just went to mine today they had 1 CF to IDE adapter that the sales person didnt even know they had! I ended up buying a curved monitor, an ssd, ssd bracket, a mouse pad and 16GB of memory for my gaming rig,....love that place.


Yeah!! This show makes me feel alive too. I had the little table with the Atari 2600 Jr. by the arcade cabs! :) Thanks for bringing all that gear! It was awesome to see you again in person this year. Just a side note - when you mentioned the typewriters on the table with the Silicon Valley thrift store vibes, that's actually a Morse Code paper tape puncher! It's apparently from the 30s or 40s, electrical - and will punch Morse code paper tape that can then be transmitted to a receiver that will print them out!


I'm bummed I was so close yet so far. Had to fly out of Indianapolis for Florida the weekend prior, but this looks super cool!


Are there similar kinds of shows in North Carolina?

Evan B

oh man -- when the world is in a better situation I'd love to come out check it out

Robert Butler

lol, I definitely didn't squeal when I saw SuperZZT on that computer... Nope.. Nah! lmao.


Pleeeeeeaaaaaase finish the script on TeleVideo and put that Tech Tales episode together?

Stavros Karatsoridis

It really was a blast. It was only the second time I’ve been to VCF Midwest. My wife and I enjoyed the chance to meet you, and we’re both eagerly awaiting the LGR Blerb about that woodgrain thermostat you were given while there. 😆😆


This is so great. Hope to attend an event like this in the future.


13:46-13:50... Audio hiccup incase it has not already been cleaned up!


Yep, it's one of "minor audiovisual issues" I mentioned. Thanks though! I think all that stuff is fixed in the final edit 👍


Loved this video, so excited for the final edit .


Hi Clint, it was nice meeting you there on Saturday. The PDP11/70 shown at 21:30 is a Raspberry Pi-powered emulation of a PDP11. https://obsolescence.wixsite.com/obsolescence/pidp-11


Oh neat, thank you! It looked a little more authentic to me than the Pi version photos I've seen, mainly its style of knobs and key lock. Hard to tell looking at video footage and not seeing it in person :)


It looks like so much fun to be there :) And I loved that setup with the doom music played on that midi thing. Looks awesome :D


Great video, it looked amazing. The carpet at the venue really fit with the retro theme :-). You mentioned your brother has a YouTube account. Is it similar content? What's his YouTube channel name?


Our styles are rather different, but he does cover retro stuff still! Mostly film photography https://youtube.com/c/lukeisafinename


I wish we had conventions like that here...


Hey Clint, timestamp 1:50 shows an IP address....which given it's "client" I am uncertain if it's yours or not. Or what IP it's intended to be. Just wanted to mention it, great vid!


Heh, definitely not mine :) That's an archive of the VCFMW website, it doesn't show your info. Thanks though!


I missed it this year, I really was looking forward to harassing you for some more stickers and some Portillos, hahaha


Haha, definitely next time! I didn't even make it to Portillos myself, though I did have more than a couple tasty dogs


Does anyone know if there are any similar festivals in the UK? I've been a Retro Revival (https://www.revivalretroevents.co.uk/) a few times before. There must be others?


One of the main ones I'm aware of is the PLAY Expo in Blackpool, I know a bunch of folks who attend that


Been watching your content for a couple years and I finally joined the Patreon because the con video is just so cool. Hope someday to meet you at a convention and chat synthesizer/audio gear.


Hey, glad to have you aboard! Here's hoping paths cross someday, I'm always down for a good synth chat :)