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Greetings folks! And uh... happy 2021? Happy may not quite be the word I'm looking for, hmm. Eh. Yeeeaaaah.


I've been back to work for about a week now after taking a little time off during the holidays and the result is that I've got the year's first LGR video right here. This one's all about the IBM PC110, a Japan-exclusive 486 machine that's so absolutely tiny and packed full of interesting features that I hardly knew where to begin. So I began with "it's small and interesting!" and just went from there, heh.

There are a couple of minor audiovisual edits that got messed up in this draft but I'll be fixing those in the final video. Lemme know if you spot any mistakes though.

Hope you enjoy this one, and stay safe out there.


The Smallest Windows PC in 1995 Was Also a Phone! IBM Palm Top PC110

Not only was the IBM PalmTop PC 110 the world's tiniest DOS and Windows subnotebook in 1995 but it also functioned as a telephone handset! Let's take a look at this fantastic little 33MHz 486 computer from the mid '90s, which also strove to be a personal organizer, a digital notepad, a desktop clock, a portable fax machine, and a digital camera all in one handheld device. ● LGR links: https://www.patreon.com/LazyGameReviews https://www.twitter.com/LazyGameReviews https://www.facebook.com/LazyGameReviews ● Music courtesy of: http://www.epidemicsound.com #LGR #Retro #Technology



I really needed this clint. Your work and creators like you have been so important to me in this time. Thank you. I wish I was able to support you more. Also just got my cool crab sticker today for my old compaq armada


Haven't even watched and I'm already so happy about this... MUCH EXCITE!


Teenage me would've lost his damn mind over this thing back in the day.


I would have absolutely loved having one of these. I would have absolutely hated using it.


You had me at "it plays Doom in full color" you could have made a 20 minute video of you playing Doom on it and I would have been satisfied...LOL damn that thing is amazing for it's size, so small it dosen't even look real...I love the little DOS icons in the Personaware, amazing that at that time you could those things just running DOS...that blows my mind


Absolutely love these little machines!


What an amazing bit of kit - I think like a bunch of other folk, had it gotten an international release back then… I know my jaw would have dropped, even with the limitations of the screen and the slower hardware.

Jim Leonard

That's a very expensive system, I hope it was donated rather than you trying to pay for it :-) I look forward to the video.


Aw, it's adorable. I do love the all metal finish and the fact it's trying to do ALL the things. But typing on that small keyboard... I see hand cramps for days. D8


That's pretty damn impressive, as big as the laptops of this era were it's amazing how much power this little thing has

DFawlt Uzr

Dang talk about the jack of all trades for a machine! How awesome!


That about sums it up, heh. Tolerable in short stints but by no means a true workstation without adding tons of peripherals.


It really doesn't feel real even in person. The size, capability, and time it comes from all seem at odds.


Aye, I imagine it would've found a foothold outside of Japan with the right marketing. Perhaps then it would've gotten a better version with a TFT and 486DX/Pentium!


The small keyboard is ludicrous when typing normally! Not all bad as a wideboi Blackberry of sorts though.


Good stuff! I really enjoyed the phone call bits. Was kinda hoping you would let it ring once, but that must be non-trivial to do. Hope you enjoyed your time off.


I did not know that this device existed. It probably didn't catch on because of the price. Too bad actually, a real magic box! Thanks for your review

Frederick G.

The taco phone skits reminded me of Save by the Bell.


Well, time to start searching Yahoo Auctions Japan for one of these :-P

Evan B

Wow! that's super neat.. I can see why it's so collectible.. Thanks, Japan! ^_^ Do you think you'll try to buy one of your own, Clint?

Alyxx the Rat

Woah, thank you so much for this video. This is the coolest littlest sub-notebook I've seen.


I love it, I like small things and old tech like this, someday I'll have something like this (I'll settle for a Libretto). I do have a Win-ME Vaio from early 2001 though (PCG-SR27)


Good call. Good video.


Price combined all the concessions made for size, no doubt. The market really would've benefited from an upgraded successor.

Carey Brown

Wow!! I never knew this existed! It's amazing how advanced this was compared to what we had in 95.


I wish you luck! Unfortunately, I'm betting that these are about to get even more unobtainable for a time.


ALREADY DID, haha. Currently in the process of importing the only complete, working unit I could find.


Quite welcome! It's a mind-opener of a device, and really shifts what I thought was feasible with mini PCs in the Win95 era.


Nice, I love those earlier Vaio machines. Not the most reliable long-term in my experience, as some of the more physical components tend to fail by now, but their design is mighty appealing.


Seriously though, heh. This was more capable than my Packard Bell back then, other than the lack of floppy drives. Had no idea such a compact solution like this existed at the time.


All the good used to come from Japan.


Maybe I didn't catch it in the video but how is the battery life on this literal baby? Great video, Clint!


It varies based on the battery you're using since these camera batteries have quite a range in how much of a charge they hold. But reportedly it's between two and four hours with a newer, higher-capacity battery and one to three hours on the originals.

Seth C

Thank you LGR!


8675309, nice!


This thing is just so incredibly modern-feeling, too cool! To know that tech like this existed back then would have blown my young mind!

Valora Inverse

Oh, that's ridiculously fascinating, never would have thought a PC of this size for that time period would exist, but here we are - and with the not-unexpected, but still surprised they happened compromises. On top of that, very good goofs. The delivery on the Persona one especially got me groaning.


Devices like this make me really appreciate the Palm Pilot devices more. At the time, I lusted after all these super compact computers, but In retrospect it's obvious that these sorts of things were pushing too hard to cram everything in, and wound up with a sort of usability disaster. I'm pretty sure my Palm III was genuinely more useful.


haha nice quote in the NYT clint!


Finally got around to watching this. Love the VU Meter. Did you grab that one yourself or through Techmoan's recommendation?


Certainly more useful when it comes to performing its core functions. The PC110 feels like a technological dead end in a way, where Palms connect more directly to the smart devices we have now.

Michael Kerpan

Did I spot a Pilot Metropolitan in a shot? Is LGR a secret member of Pen Addict tribe? Is he hiding a shelf full of fancy Japanese inks to go along with his fancy Japanese laptops? Questions must be answered!

Hugo Cardozo

Aha! Slowly getting back the "Czar LGR" look, I see. And pretty nifty little laptop-phone, too 😂


Someone has been working on a TFT panel mod for this machine that looks awesome https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y34uRHTCeRk


Not an entire shelf's worth, but I do enjoy picking up a few milliliters of Namiki every so often :)

Mike Lee

Goodness, that is a *beautiful* device!