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One final video for the holidays. And for 2020! This one will go up sometime on Christmas morning, how special.

It's a pretty straightforward episode, where we're simply taking a look at one of the many themed software packages from the mid-90s filled with random junk that the publisher had lying around. This one's even got a cassette tape, ooh.

Have a nice Christmas and a happy new year! See y'all next year :)


WizardWorks Holiday Collection

an LGR thing.



This is the dumbest thing I've ever seen. I love it!


Forgive my immatureness but.. :'D The label says "Sonnta" which is almost like "sonta", and in finnish it means "manure" lol Edit: Anyway the video had me in tears, Rib Bitt!! :'D Merry Christmas and happy new year!!


Wasn't sure about this at first... I was mostly just shaking my head in disbelief. But I completely lost it when I saw that t-shirt "layout" start printing. I was LOL'ing so hard that my eyes were tearing up. What a complete pile this software is. Glad you covered it, it ended up being very entertaining! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


Merry Christmas! Hope you and your family enjoy this time together.

Counter Surprise

Oh dear what fantastic junk & how appropriate for 2020! Thanks and have a nice Sonntag!


LGR Brings Back the Christmas Spirit.


This was glorious! I really do miss the days of bargain bin perusal.


Now it's already Mittwoch, but it was a half hour of fun. Modifying and selling Windows screensavers seems totally legit. Was buying t shirts "online" in 1995 a little bit ahead of time?


Can someone render these tshirt wonders on red bubble? I want the entire set!


Now you had me intrigued with that label maker software from Germany and i had to dig trough its binaries to find out more, here, have my quick findings just from using a hex viewer, vbindiff and the Linux command strings. ^^' WizardWorks seem to have bought some cheap German shareware software, translated it somewhat, the form "Feldbaustein" got missed as shown in your video for example, and got it out. They seemed to have some parts binary patched or edited with a resource editor as the last backup is still in the directory, see cl.exe versus cl.~ex. There even is a C header file still with the software, even if the content looks a bit like gibberish, its full of #DEFINEs whose names makes no sense whatsoever. The software itself seems to be written in Borland C++. Lifestyle Software itself initially where from Cologne and seem to be now from Puhlheim and their website "lifestyle-software.de", just says "Hallo". The one on archive.org still got the software listed you tested here: https://web.archive.org/web/19981205115102/http://lifestyle-software.de/cards.htm You can even still download the German shareware release from there. :D For the record, Zweckform and Boeder are German printer/paper suppliers.

Kris Asick

Wait... so... just to dump even MORE oddities onto this... "expertly" crafted package, why the heck is all of the clipart in BMP format instead of WMF? And for that matter, why are all the BMPs ACTUALLY WMF clipart that's been converted into low-res BMPs when they could've included the WMFs and then they could be resized to any desired size without aliasing or "jaggies" or whatnot? And those T-Shirt designs... my word, I have SO MANY questions... o_o;

Magnus Köhler

I usually get originally English software badly translated into German, not the other way around. That's funny.

Stephen Staver

I LOVE the transition at 5:30 from the videocamera to the screen capture. Little things like that are super fun to make in the edit too, so I'm sure you're probably proud of that subtle detail.

DFawlt Uzr

omg that t-shirt maker I want prints of all those so bad hahahahaha

Evan B

Rib Bitt!


Please post Rib Bitt.bmp


Geez!! Who else remembers Rose's department stores? Keep in mind, "innovative" doesn't always mean "good".... hehehehe The t-shirts are AWESOME!!! I hope that you have a GREAT CHRISTMAS!!


This is why I always bought both versions of the Kraftwerk albums! :)


I laughed so hard the tee-shirt printout. We need a Rib Bitt / Cool Crab mashup for sure.


Is "Rib Bitt" some kind of German pun we English speakers aren't getting?


Man, somehow the expression "cash grab" doesn't feel like enough. Sure, this ended up being unintentionally hilarious, but if I had paid for this software I would have felt ripped off.


The T-shirt graphics straight up SENT me.


That shirt... priceless!


The T-Shirt Graphics just prove that WizardWorks is behind the SurrealMemesBot account.


Except the "misery" one was totally done by an NC State fan.


I died laughing watching that tshirt being made! This video was tremendous lol


those graphics were amazing, i want them all on a shirt lol


That Santa "screen saver" reminded me way too much of the spastic Santa that kept jumping off boxes in whatever-that-game was a few years ago that made me laugh uncontrollably. (This one produced nearly the same reaction.)

Michael Kerpan

Some of the MIDI tracks sound like they were supposed to be backing/harmony tracks that you were supposedly to sing along to. I wonder if they raised some karaoke package for the songs.


Like others here, when it was clear it was actually printing the picture of the t-shirt I just completely lost it. Haven't laughed that hard in a good while


Your genuine laughs are contagious, really great video.


Just saying, I would buy a backwards-spelled, frog-smeared, t-shirt on a t-shirt, Rib Bitt shirt.


Another software package I might have wasted my money on back in the day if it was on a clearance rack for a couple of bucks. LOL

Bryan McIntosh

The tagline for any WizardWorks software should be, "WizardWorks: Could be good, could be bad, most of the time it's bad. But it's cheap!"


Man, this episode made me laugh so hard, thanks so much. And that's a real feat, considering im going through kind of a rough time personally right now. Thanks again...


I distinctly remember that back in the Windows3.1 days there was a tool going around that would hack the Flying Windows screensaver to display any Wingding you wanted. (I'm sure it just changed a single byte in the binary.)