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Hi all! Hope you've had a pleasant enough week. And if not, perhaps a 20 minute LGR retrospective on the sequel to SimTower is able to lift your spirits somewhat.

Oh yes, this one's been on my agenda for... jeez, a decade now? Yeah it appears that it's been just over ten years since I covered SimTower on LGR. Lovely.

So why am I covering it now? Because I needed a pick-me-up, honestly. And this game remains one of my favorites, being a downright pleasant experience that always manages to give me a mental recharge. Although now that I've spent a couple dozen hours with it over the past week, I'm somewhat bummed all over again that all the awesome add-ons and updates for the original Japanese version, The Tower II, never made it into Yoot Tower! Beyond a few billboards, the plugins and Towerkits are incompatible. I can only hope that bringing attention to this will result in someone more skilled than me being able to combine The Tower II and Yoot Tower together at last, but who knows. That'd be amazing though.

Anyway, it's still plenty fun even without Japanese stores and kaiju attacks, so I hope you enjoy the retrospective and a have a nice upcoming week! Stay safe out there.


Yoot Tower: The Sequel to SimTower

an LGR thing.





very cool! i played the original, was a fan. even bought a physical of 'project highrise' ...had no idea there was a sequel.

Chris Hutt

Great review and history lesson! I gave up waiting for Sim Tower 2 years ago but ended up downloading Yoot tower thinking that it was a fan developed game since almost everything seemed exactly the same. I have played Project Highrise, which does scratch an itch but fails to truly sate that very itchy itch of needing to reduce elevator wait times. Fantastic games though, I love them all.


We could say the Japanese version "towers" over the North American one, eh?


I wonder if it would actually be easier to make a translation patch for The Tower 2 than it would be to port the content over to Yoot Tower?


I loved SimTower as a kid, I never knew it had a sequel of some kind!


Some of the iMac G3 models have a hidden VGA-out port that you could use for screen capture. Don’t know if yours does, but here’s the support doc: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT2682


Woah. I had no idea there was a sequel. I loved the original. It's shame to hear that the Windows port is in such poor shape. Still, I'll have to pick up a copy if I ever happen across one.


Some do! Mine doesn't. Hence my lamentations :) I believe that feature is only on higher-specced G3s.


Crazy huh? Really is too bad it didn't sell better back then, or maybe we would've gotten all the expansion content that was promised.


Possibly! I have no idea how feasible one method or the other actually is, but I sure do hope there's some solution. I'm tired of using Google Translate, heh.


And I didn't know there was a physical version of Project Highrise! Seems I've got a thing to order now, hehe.


Definitely doesn't scratch the same itch, but both sure have their place. I just love tower sims :)


Oh no the Win32 version has bugs which could use a patch and mods. Don't do this to me. Great video though; you've mentioned that video game reviews usually don't do as well as your other videos - but they're some of my favorite.


i audibly gasped when i saw this pop up today!! because of your sim tower review all those years ago i hunted for an olllld laptop so i could play it, then got project high rise because i loved sim tower so much! so excited you’re doing this today(:


Oh how I *wish* that I could report the Win32 version was both easy to run and awesome to play! I mean, it's still pretty awesome but wow does it pale in comparison. And thanks, glad you enjoy these!


Yay, I hope you enjoy this one as well! Hope you get a chance to try Yoot Tower if you haven't yet, especially since it doesn't need an old system to run 👍


3 Million dollars just doesn't go as far as it Yoot to, eh?


You got a love for this, but also I'm mad that I laughed :D

Valora Inverse

Oh, that's neat! Never run into these games before, but they sure make me wish a less mobile-bullshit version of Fallout Shelter existed.


The original Sim Tower was so mesmerizing. I absolutely loved playing that back in the day. Little did I know I was learning about elevator management.


Had no idea there was a sequel. And getting to see such a nice iMac certainly improves the week!


I loved Sim Tower. Never knew there was sequel. I also liked Sim Copter ever do that one?


Digging the new intro and the subliminal mask messaging.


That'd be excellent. I've tried so many mobile tower games and they all slap you with timers and paywalls before long.


I'm working on a new SIM style game myself. I should consult with you for a bit before I get too far along since you are an expert in these type of games!


Would love to see a full video on your imac g3, even a blurb!


Man this was one of my favorite games to load up on my old laptop years ago. Always liked this one over SimTower simply because it had better speed control. Still though, it would be awesome if a modern tower game existed with good speed control (in my opinion Project Highrise lacked that), more stuff to do, and maybe competition with other towers and/or the ability to build multiple towers.


Agreed, lots of little improvements like that with Yoot Tower here! I'd kill for a modern remake that held true to the gameplay but with quality of life/graphics updates. Or even just a modern re-release, argh. Wonder who holds the rights to this now.


Very cool video! I never played the full version of game, but I remember hearing about it from my Mac friends growing up. I think I played a demo years ago. It's funny how the Mac release seems to be a bit more polished than the Windows released. Growing up as a Mac user, the opposite was always expected! Ah yes, the low-end 350MHz Blueberry-only iMac with no FireWire and no VGA output. At least it still had the same 8MB of VRAM like the other 1999 models!


Mac-centric developers sure did put a lot of care into their releases! Yoot Saito and Openbook in particular developed exclusively for the Macintosh until the Dreamcast era, with his first non-Mac game being Seaman for the DC. And what a game that was, haha. I really gotta get another Mac from that era with VGA output so I can capture things. Despite owning a dozen or so Macs, the Blueberry G3 here is actually the newest Mac that I own!


I don't know if they would be video worthy but The Tower SP/The Tower DS are interesting little handheld diversions. I remember SP being fun but that might be nostalgia goggles.


DS never got an English release, as far as I know? Always wanted to try it due to the stylus control method but I've only seen it in Japanese.


Oh man, if I knew you were looking for an iMac, you could have had one of the five I picked up when we were in Chicago. 😂🤷‍♂️