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Quite the different thing this week! This project has been many months in the making, largely due to waiting on parts from around the world to arrive. Plus, having to source new components along the way since all sorts of stuff I initially planned to use didn't work out. In fact I'm still waiting on stuff to arrive that was ordered back in late March, early April. Among the many things that Covid has ruined, global shipping certainly is one of them.

Anyway, yeah! Amiga 1200 stuff on LGR! It's about danged time, as this is easily one of my favorite retro systems to play around with. Thanks to several generous donations over the years, I've ended up with some excellent hardware to install into the Checkmate case here. Speaking of which, the star of the show really is the A1500 Plus from Stephen Jones of iMica Limited. Nothing's sponsored and there's no revenue sharing going on, but he was kind enough to send over a bunch of their products to use in this build. It's quite the lovely-looking thing, I think! Very Amiga 3000-esque.

I'll be continuing to work on this machine over the coming months, so you can probably expect a follow-up video or some kind in the future. Not sure if it'll be on Blerbs or what, it just depends on I end up doing in terms of upgrades and tweaks. Lemme know what you'd like to see done to this system once you've finished watching the video!

Finally, there's a new 3D LGR intro I'm trying out here, made and emailed to me by a viewer of the show named Lenich. They've been learning 3D modeling and used the LGR logo as practice! Thoughts on that are welcomed as well, of course :)


Building the Checkmate Amiga 1200 Plus!

I've wanted to restore my Commodore Amiga 1200 for years now and this Checkmate A1500 Plus case is a great excuse to do that! The case is designed to house all sorts of computer systems, but in this video I'm building an A1200, complete with several upgrades for games using WHDLoad. Thanks to Stephen Jones of iMica Ltd for supplying the Checkmate case for review! ● Informative linkage: https://www.checkmate1500plus.com https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xMxWvEmvti4 ● LGR links: https://www.twitter.com/LazyGameReviews https://www.facebook.com/LazyGameReviews https://www.patreon.com/LazyGameReviews ● Music courtesy of: http://www.epidemicsound.com #LGR #Amiga #Build



nice ...

Joon Choi

Can't wait to watch this after "coming home from work" this evening. :)


love the new intro


More mention of Neil and RMC! My two favourite big YouTube channels together in perfect harmony. I hope you visit the cave some day Clint!


Clint, where do you look to find QUALITY CRT displays, and more importantly, how do you get them shipped so they dont end up looking like it got attacked by a rabid gorilla?


A 21" Philips Brilliance Quad XGA arrived yesterday for me. Smashed to pieces. I think the only 3 ways to do it are to be lucky, to have it shipped in the original box with polys, or do go and pick it up yourself. In the UK it's best to check ebay, gumtree and facebook marketplace. Just keep checking.


I watched the intro screen several times. How did you make it?


We all thought they were gone... They were only lying in wait.... In 2020, the beige computers will back...


This has come at the best possible time, right when I’m about to start my black Checkmate build. I’ll be watching this later; that preview image alone has me well hyped Clint! 👍


Very cool!


Hopefully I get the chance to visit someday! Although travel of any kind, probably for the next year or two, seems like absolute fantasy these days.


I really like the 3D intro!


Sweet! I'm just happy to show it off since Lenich obviously put some real effort into creating it :)


I didn't expect to see Amiga stuff on your channel. Also, you may have inadvertently started a new phrase for describing the color of yellowed computers - the color of stale urine!


Finally Amiga! Man, i love your shows, more than you probably know..(but still appropriate 😆). The geek in me get a little Christmas-day everytime you post a new video, and in times of sadness/distress calmes me makes me laugh again. So, dude - thanks for doing this. Will continue to support you! Kind regards /Swedish Jim


Actually grew up using an C128 and later on an Amiga 500. Amiga 1200 were the DREAM...but then came the pc..


Lucky you. As a long time Cave Dweller, I'll keep living vicariously through you.


OH BOY OH BOY OH BOY ! I'm so hyped-up for this I forgot my password and had to swear at my mail box to recover it ! Sweet Jesus, YES !


Ah, crashes and the Blizzard being hot as balls was my experience too, sadly. I'm glad it all worked out in the end, however.


"Contextual Foreplay" was the name of my high school garage band.


Mmmm... that intro graphic. All the approvals!


Indeed, that one board in particular remains rather unstable. The Blizzard worked well when it was running on the recapped board, but it's so hot that it seems like a bad idea to leave it installed here. Not enough room in this case to try heatsinks or cooling either, so it'll go back in the other A1200 you sent :) Thanks again for hooking me up with this stuff! I'm glad to finally showcase some of it on LGR.


Yeah I imagine the bet amongst our viewers would be that your channel would be the more likely place to see Amiga coverage at any given time. Still looking forward to that part of the docu-series!


Thank you for this! I owned an Amiga 1000 and it was my "daily driver" from 1986-1995. Games. Ran C-Net BBS. It *is* really cool to see all of the homebrew hardware -- there are people out there who love their Amigas too!


Dang that's a sexy looking case. Awesome video Clint.


I love it!! I was considering a Mini-ITX build from some part I have gathering dust on a shelf. The PC model might be just what I am after. Very cool video, Sir! Well done.


What a co-incidence!!! I've spent a few recent evenings creating some custom hardware to enhance my Commodore experience, but for my C64 rather than my A1200! I hand-built a "Wifi232" style device, and a RasPi-based 1541 drive emulator. Good times.

Troy Wilkins

As an Amiga fan since I got my first Amiga back in 1993 - which was an Amiga 1200HD, this makes me all kinds of happy. And the new intro logo animation gets two thumbs up from me, and using this video as the first one seems fitting, given how popular 3D rendering and animation were and are on the Amiga platform. I spent far too much time staring at the flickering interface for Imagine 2.0 and leaving my 1200 on overnight so it could render a few frames of animation...

Alyxx the Rat

I love that new logo. It's really cool.


Dude I've canceled my Netflix subscription since I started watching your videos. I'm considering building a DOS/Win 98 computer but vintage parts here in Brazil is sometimes crazy expensive. Thank god beer it's not


I'll admit, it looks like a darn neat setup, but as much as the I hate the footprint of the A500 (the A1200 fares much better on that front) - I feel like the setup really gets messy with something like an ACA500+. Bummer the Blizzard card was a no go - it's a darn beast and a great accelerator (and giving the A1200 an 030 with a chunk of Fast RAM really helps performance). Really enjoyed the build - especially with the fun differences between an A1200 and what an A500 owner would go through.


I loved it. A build video with a difference. Also "contextual foreplay" has to be the phrase of the week!


Another great video, what with this and Neils A4000 coverage I've been spoilt with Amiga goodness. I did not consider putting my A1200 into the checkmate case. But it does make a great deal of sense, although I'm considering getting a Mister for such a project. I'm a massive amiga fan so this was an extra special episode for me. And yes I have also been desperately awaiting the return of the Indivision Mrk2. (Politely shakes fist at Jens) He also mentioned at the beginning of the year a Mrk3 so fingers crossed. Thank you for covering this.


She's a beauty 😍 Also, loving the new logo!


Wow, how did I miss the NuXT episode? I know it is ironic given this is an Amiga episode, but that is awesome that they sell a 10mhz 8088 on an ATX board. Thanks


Somewhat late to the party here but this was a great video! As someone who had an Amiga here in the UK, this was nice to see! The new intro looks really nice! Keep up the great work Clint!