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New Thrifts?! YEP.

This is a bit of a different one in terms of how it all came together, chronologically. With all that's been going on I haven't been able to go thrifting very much at all, so there's very little footage here that's recent. But I did have a decent amount of footage recorded from before March this year, just not enough for a full episode. So I filled it out with stuff that didn't make the cut in old episodes!

If currents trends are any indication, this will be the final Thrifts video for a while, at least in its usual form. Stores are currently open again, but I'm not entirely comfortable going out like I used to, not yet anyway. Still, I think it came together well all things considered, so I hope you enjoy!


LGR - Thrifts [Ep.45] Unprecedented Times

This is a bit of a different Thrifts in terms of how it came together. With all that's going on I haven't gone out much at all, so there's very little footage here that's recent. I had a decent amount recorded from before March 2020, just not enough for a full episode. So I filled out the video with stuff that didn't make the cut in older episodes! If currents trends are any indication, this will be the final Thrifts video for a while, at least in its usual form. Stores are currently reopening, but I'm not yet comfortable going out traveling all over the region to thrift like I used to. That being said, I think this mishmash of footage came together okay all things considered, so I hope you enjoy! ● LGR links: https://www.patreon.com/LazyGameReviews https://www.twitter.com/LazyGameReviews https://www.facebook.com/LazyGameReviews Music is all royalty-free. Tracks used in order of appearance: "Branches", "Mining By Moonlight", and "Spy Groove" http://www.danosongs.com/#music https://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/full_list.php #LGR #Thrifting #Goodwill



Even if places are opening they probably aren't accepting much in the way of donations.


Stay safe!


I don't care if it's old shove that sweet, sweet thrifting content into my veinnnnnns. (As for the hair I've cut my own twice since January, as long as you're willing to rock a buzz cut it's not that difficult.)


On the contrary, the stores in my area are overloaded with donations. There are long lines to donate anytime I've driven by! Seems people are taking the extra time at home to really clean out the closets.


Yes!!!!! Love the long hair look ;) "Whatever, just roll with it!", LGR Thrift in a nutshell XD


I think you could easily make a Xmas clone episode with your current COVID look and how your intro was. :-D


As all of us, I absolutely love Thrift episodes, but it makes me depressed about how abysmal the thrift stores are around my home...


Awesome! Thrift episodes are my second favorite, right next to the episodes where you clean and repair old computers from the 80s and 90s. Thanks!

Brian Lawson

Yay! A thrift-ing episode!


I'm grateful for this opportunity to live vicariously through your video while I continue to shun the outside world. Stores in my area have been getting a ton of donations but as enticing as that's been it just feels weird doing any sort of non-essential shopping. Sorta interesting to think of how this particular video is going to be a mini-time capsule of the state of the world in 2020.


I used to work on those Tandberg video conferencing units! They're basically just a dedicated computer (I think they're mostly ARM-based, but I can't remember) built into a video conferencing unit. I don't think they can actually be used for anything else though, and now that Tandberg was bought by Cisco, I have no idea if they could even be used for that.


oh wow, i didn't expect a thrifts video at all... a very nice surprise!! btw, i know it sounds stupid... but seriously check out a flowbee on amazon (for haircuts) i thought it was ridiculous until i began watching videos on it. i bought one about ~2 years ago and it's fantastic! be sure to get their small portable vacuum as it's a hassle to hook up to a normal size one imo.


Damn dude, get yourself a set of clippers and try cutting your hair yourself. It's not as hard as it seems, a few practice cuts you can easily give yourself a good cut. And you are stuck inside all day so even if you screw up no one will see and hair grows back :) Also that Goodwill is OUTRAGOUS with pricing. There is no reason for a thrift store to be charging $200+ on that many items. I also haven't been thrifting since March (aside from one random visit while dropping off stuff) and man do I miss it, but hard for me to justify pawing through other peoples old stuff with everything going on. Stay safe man.

Valora Inverse

Ohhh, that Goodwill wordplay was painful in the best way.


Heh. "If you screw up no one will see," commented on a YouTube video where everyone will see ;) If I didn't appear on camera in every few LGR episodes, I absolutely would've experimented with things more by now.


"This is morse code on vynil" lol my immediate reaction was: Omg you're taking this, right? "There's no way I'm not taking this" YES I knew it! Man weird stuff on vynil is too attractive!


Haha, yeah there is no way I'd pass up such an oddity. .-.. . - .----. ... / --. --- / - .... .-. .. ..-. - .. -. --.


Holy hell that opening! I was actively looking for Wilson in the background. Or is this a return to the 2013 lgr look? 🤔 Anyways that empty radio thing looks like a fun raspberry pi project. Would love to see you attempt a thrift furniture restoration project with your own tech twist on day.


Old, new or cut footage, I god damn love this series regardless.


Great vid as always. Side question. Are those Mackey Monitors you use on your editing station? I have a pretty poor setup at the moment, and am looking to upgrade soon.


Fun stuff!! The morse code record is crazy!

Robert Butler

22:51 is the start of my collection. I just need a decent inexpensive player.

Robin Freebeard

I know we're nowhere close to getting back to "normal" life yet; but this was was just the slice of normality I needed to feel a little bit better. Thank you, Clint!


That flashlight...Yes! We had one of those back in the day. Great episode!


I’m sure it’s a struggle to put together enough content right now to make a Thrifts Episode! Thanks Clint, appreciate you! Happy 4h!


Damn, Goodwill got EXPENSIVE!


Those Tandbergs were insanely expensive new. I think the model slightly bigger than the one you found was around $26000 (AUD).


That old adding machine was a Monroe with most of the "M" missing!

Honorary Octopus

Well this is an excellent way to purge the melancholy!


The pricing thing really annoys me because, while I understand the CEO's reasoning behind it (even though they gave a non-answery-answer to why they're doing it), it's so poorly implemented that it comes across as both offensive and as predatory. It's offensive in that it cuts off the secondary market for keeping these old relics alive in places where people can care for them. Additionally, at least for the Goodwills near me, they don't price skim; if it doesn't sell at first price, it gets trashed. It's predatory in that it has a psychological-pricing effect in that the view of them as a cheaper second-hand venue combined with the high price could fool someone into thinking that an item is a lot more valuable than it is.


New Thrifts after I’ve had a bad day? Welp looks like I’m not having a bad day anymore!

Mitch Miller

I’m blessed with 5 goodwills within a 10 mile radius of me but they are all closed :(


Love the series, old footage or otherwise! Looking forward to the next episode where every shot is you walking up to one of your computer screens displaying a listing on eBay.


Of course you find a Bluray player (7:02) at Goodwill, and it's only $15. I swear the price on new ones has gone way up over the years, and dropped $60 on a new one :(


Wow, your hair makes you look like a 90s game developer!


Jeez Clint, safety measures still that strict in your region? Things have calmed down so much over here, we can go on vacation to Spain next week. We ARE still working from home 'til september tho. Confusing time. Best wishes to you, and stay safe!


You look like Ed Sheeran! Love it!


Holy crap, that Tandberg video conferencing monitor takes me back. I used to work as a tester for those monitors here in Norway! Depending on how old that thing is, there's a good chance I had my hands on that thing at some point :D. Fun fact, every unit has tetris built in, so whenever we finished our alotted batch of units before we got another batch, we would have tetris tournaments!

Joon Choi

Hey I have a Secret Labs chair too! Do you like it? I bought it for my home office now that I'm mostly WFH, and I love the back and seat cushion except the sides dig into my fat thighs. I probably should have ordered the Titan instead of the Omega...


I just use my Xbox One nowadays. Not worth dropping a ton of money on a separate one tbh.


Thanks for the new Thrifts! Always meant to ask, where's that outro music from?


Thanks for the Thrifts episode, made my day better!


YAY NEW THRIFTS! A shame about the times, though. Thrift stores only just recently opened up here in my little corner of Canada, and the pickin's have been slim indeed. I hope life gets back to normal soon so we can all bask in the second hand glory once again.


I was going to drop in on our local Goodwill today at lunchtime. No way! It's packed to the rafters with people. Most of them with no protective gear at all. I'll skip it for now...

Asaf Sagi

Weird idea: Crowdsource a thrifts episode. Have people (in safe areas or who are taking precautions) shoot POV videos like you do of their thrifting process, then send you footage of LGR-compatible content, and you do the editing and commentary! Sounds like a lot of work now that I think of it, but could be crazy weird and interesting to see thrifting from around the world.


I couldn't believe they were asking $200 for the Radio Shack CoCo 2. It sold for $399 over 35 years ago. Give me a break!

DFawlt Uzr

So when are we getting a pandemic spin-off of LGR late night online shopping? 😜😆

Tim J

Episode 46 is going to be a screen recording of Clint browsing Ebay. 😅 But seriously, 23 minutes of normalcy is greatly appreciated right now.

Steve Skafte

Love to see this! This is some real comfortable watching late at night. Much appreciated. By the way, at 18:40 did you mean to say "Nutri Grade" or "Nutri Guide"?

Seth C

Great episode! I've been missing Thrifts! I think we need more Sandwich episodes.


Oooh, new intro animation. That's pretty sweet!


Yeah I like it! Nice size and shape, I do have the Titan though. The bottom seat cushion is a bit firm but that's about it.


Considering the way things are going in my state and elsewhere in the southeast? Seems inevitable, heh.


Wise choice! I've only been comfortable visiting once or twice really early in the morning when there's almost no one there. I've driven by and seen the mid-day crowds and ugh, no thanks.


Heh, have you seen the news from the US? Infection rates are off the charts. I'm half expecting things to lock back down again with the way it's going.


That's unfortunate! I've heard similar tales of secondhand shops in the UK, something to do with not being able to guarantee their functionality so legally they can't bother.


Oh yeah a new thrifts episode. I enjoyed the video a lot. These episodes are like rare finds in thrift shops considering the current situation and that’s totally fine :). Stay safe and thanks.


inb4 big hair Clint returns cause he couldn't get his hair cut


Covid hair, don’t care! Thanks for putting this together for us. As someone working on the pandemic response, I appreciate you staying away from stores even though they are open :)


Clint saw your picked you the the code course in vinyl, are you a HAM?


Thanks for throwing together a thrifts video. It throws together a nice sense of normalcy even if just for a few minutes.


Speaking of weird vinyl, has anyone come across recordings of old computers? Various boot sequences, hard drives seeking, floppy drives reading, modems connecting, all those lovely beeps and such? I'd love to listen to some old systems doing their thing.