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This... is by FAR... the strangest thing I've covered to date.


LGR - Adventures of Ninja Nanny - PC Game Review

This is a "mystery story game" from 1993 and, uh... it may just be the best worst game ever made. My life is forever changed.





It forebodes nothing good just by looking at the box. Thanks for locking this game up. You might have saved humanity.


"if you enjoyed this video, then perhaps...", Holy banana Clint, you're lucky I like you. How's your sanity after all this?


Oh god, I shouldn't have watched this. Weird stuff like this is right up my alley and now I want to find it D: (I mean, I have all of the Cho Aniki games.)

Lindsay Michelle

I have no doubt in my mind some sort of mind-altering drug cocktail was taken by every person involved with making this game. ............I really don't know what else to think of this! D:


This was trolling before trolling was a thing. People paid money for a game that might be educational, only to have their kids play a game that is more likely to induce spontaneous combustion and drug use than any form of learning of... things. Good god


...you know something, I thought "Panic!" was weird. I thought "The Manhole" or "Cosmic Osmo" was weird. This is just...there's no goal, there's barely a story, heaven knows if it counts as exploration. "The Mystery Unfolds", right. I think the only thing unfolding is the brains of whoever's played this. This may be the most amazingly insane thing I've seen, next to some of those whacked-out World Builder games...but this is a commercial product and everything.


It is perpetually 4:20 PM throughout this entire video...


Seems like a broken and druged up Encarta.

Kris Asick

...there are no words... o_o;


fresh oats.... fresh oats... fresh oats...


What the hell was I watching there? It reminds me of the old games I played where I would spend hours without any clue what I was doing. Great review.

Evan B

SO. MUCH. DRUGS. ,,,,,, the best part was when you started turning into Christopher Walken

Joseph Coco

And I thought D4 was weird...


I once considered myself a sane man.... now I'm not so sure anymore.


I'm in shock. Also in awe. How could people who were that high on drugs actually ship a product. I wonder if it was meant to serve the same purpose Polybius was alleged to. I mean, looking at that program for any period of time has to have some effect, right?

Justin Dotson

I felt like I just watched a really accurate acid trip.


Heh, I could see this being a Polybius-type thing if I didn't already own a copy and know it was real! Man, missed opportunity to make this a creepypasta


My wife and I have been saying "Fresh oats...fresh oats..." for the last ten minutes. Also, I almost hate to ask, but...Did they ever release that sequel?


I can't find out for sure! Any real info available on this game and the company are crazy elusive.

Alessandro Perlini

I woke up 25 minutes ago, so, this is the first... Thing of my personal, now incredibly trippy day.


Oh....my....god....don't ever do this again....please.....I was about to go to sleep....and now I can't......aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Alyxx the Rat

This is amazing. Kind of reminds me of Monty Python for some reason.


this seems a bit out of sync.... and weird.... mostly weird ^.^"


Oh, this is gonna be good


That horse cartoon. W T F.


I don't feel very good.


I've been inspired to try and find out anything about these devs... very hard indeed. the only possible thing I can think of is perhaps it was an insane mockery game made by the earliest people of Silicon Alley, either the sales thing in CA or the company in NY. The artist and supposed writer Audrey Csendes I think I found, but her LinkedIn doesn't go further than 1994.. probably for good reason. I think more coffee is needed.... ...tech tales?


This looks like the type of garbage I'd expected from Steam Greenlight! What idiot thought it was a good idea to give this the greenlight in the early 90s?!


Holy crap that was a treat to watch. I've seen a lot of weird games but this is one of the weirdest I've ever seen, period. I wanna see more games like this one...lol

Manuel Adrian

This is like a Steam Greenlight game before Greenlight even existed.


It is totally Educational...!!!! It is trying to teach kids what Dada art is by being Dada. Think about it that is why there is no logical story, random images and sounds and a lack of purpose, it is Dada! Also when are you streaming this game? Thanks for the video.