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Greetings! Welcome to one of those personally unfulfilling weeks of making LGR where all content production bottlenecks behind the scenes. This happens frequently but I decided to do a little write-up about it this time.

Lemme just say that I'm not asking for advice, or sympathy, or even complaining exactly. I know what has to be done after a decade of doing it! But yeah, I'm always asked about the YouTube video creation process so I'm gonna spout some words about the current goings-on here since I've got nothing else to post, haha.

Most of the time, I make videos on a week to week basis. Two active projects per week, two videos created per week, one video posted per week. Keeps me slightly ahead and helps me dedicate my productivity to really nailing each project. However, every couple of months this bottleneck seems to happen: a combination of circumstances that means I can't finish any of my videos so I'm sittin' here with some rather uncomfortable content creation blue balls. Multiple Premiere project files that are so close but still so far. Making it even worse: the videos I can finish, I can't actually post!

This week the reason is that I've got a review of the upcoming 3D Realms game Ion Fury. A game I've been excited to cover for going on four years now! It'll be finished this weekend, no problem. Yet due to the review embargo I cannot post it at all until next Wednesday. Mmkay, fine, legal stuff. Though it does slightly annoy me that Wednesday is a day I don't normally post anything so it throws off my mental schedule in (an admittedly minor) way.

What really tosses a wrench into the works is that outta nowhere, next week also happens to be the launch of The Sims 4 SomethingWhoCares Stuff. Folks are already bombaring my inbox with requests to cover it cuz yeah, Sims videos are still super popular on LGR and they're the only videos some subscribers watch. Hooray, my content is wanted! The irritating part of this is that I do not receive early access to these packs so I have to wait for its public launch next week. A week that is already unusual due to Ion Fury launching at the same time by sheer coincidence. So I've gotta delay the pack review even further, and that means another week of "WHERE IS THE VIDEO, LGR?!" And finally, I simply do not like releasing only a Sims 4 stuff pack review as my one video for the week. It's not an audience problem, people like them! But I'm personally never as satisfied by the creation process with those so I sometimes compel myself to post two videos that week. Blarg.

On top of these minor annoyances snowballing into a sphere of angst, I always have a towering pile of retro tech and game-related videos that I've been meaning to do. I've got an upgrade video on my Missile Command Cabinet, a Windows 95 virtual amusement park application to explore, a nifty retro camera video involving homebrew, a rather large donation unboxing, an episode about a car company that may be a Tech Tales, a silly 5.25" drive bay device that amuses me, and a retrospective on some high-end IBM hardware. Not to mention a thousand fascinating items in storage, but that place is scary so I'm actively avoiding it this week. Anyway, despite the pressure to cover these things stemming entirely from my own self-imposed urge to cover personally enjoyable things, they're all still taking up space in mah brain and it bothers me during weeks like this one. I think a vacation is due in September. "I want to get off Mr. Bones Wild Ride.”

All that to say, ah. I've got nothin' other than a fleeting desire to let y'all know that things are constantly happening between videos and I have absolutely nothing of substance to show for it yet. Heh. It'll sort itself out eventually, it always does. And then I'll look back at this post and laugh. Until it randomly happens all over again in about 60 days, WOO!



Thank you for sharing, Clint. I'm in a similar situation with my own content creation. I'm happy to wait for your content to be ready. Vacations sound nice. Brazil looks good this time of year. Cheap, too. Take care!


You're the man Clint, you do what needs to be done regardless of "appeasing the masses." I'm not a content creator so I'll never know truly how you're feeling, being a teacher with all these cool lessons that I want to give but under the pressure of mandated testing, administrative directives, standards linkage etc means that sometimes I can't do exactly what I want to do in the time or manner I want. Whenever I get this way I just tell myself that it'll get done some way some how and eventually it does. I'm sure that wasn't helpful at all but at any rate, I'm pulling for you, keep your stick on the ice.


Yep it’s been one of those weeks! Love that you’re scared of the storage this week XD They’ll seem less scary in daylight, I hope! Keep on goin’ 👍


Thanks for the update, we appreciate all we get from you regardless when or how often it comes. Cannot wait for 3D Realms awesomeness!


You're fine, relax Be take your time. Your content always delivers!


Don’t sweat it Clint. Know that you don’t owe us anything but the clear communication is much appreciated. At a minimum it demonstrates how seriously you take your craft and creating content for your fans. Stuff happens, enjoy your weekend!


Thanks for the update, it was an interesting read. I hope you don’t feel too obligated to give us morsels to keep the horde at bay, as it were. I hope you find some time to do something different and enjoyable this weekend or soon! Whether it’s a game for fun only, resurrecting an old hobby, or doing your business in an unfamiliar restroom... never know what might flip your world around for better or worse. Sorry, weird examples. But hey we’ll be here! Waiting.. patiently.. eagerly.. hungry and scared. We appreciate you!


If you're itchin' to produce and upload, how about a quick video just sitting by some fireplace screensaver and positing, no script, about the tech world? Tens of thousands of people, myself included, watched a hot dog banner print for 40 minutes, I'm sure an "Old Man Clint" video would do no worse than average and be easy to produce.


Thank you for sharing, sorry to hear that man. Wishing you peace. Remember, you don’t owe anyone anything. Hope you have a nice vacation wherever and whenever you take one. You owe it to yourself.


🤗 Sorry about the stress. Take care of yourself.

Robert Butler

It happens in software development as well. I am sitting on a thing I can't do anything with because of software configuration blue-balls, so I completely understand where you're coming from! It sucks and is frustrating as hell!


Thanks for the update Clint. Quality over quantity is always preferred in my books. When it’s done it’s done!


It’s clear from your content just how much work and research goes into each video, what’s fascinating is getting behind the scenes info like this. It’s much more complex than it appears to the naive like myself and proves again how great a channel this is. Look forward to every update Clint, whenever they are!! Thanks


How dare you allow external dependencies to hinder your ability to deliver universally appreciated content with perfect regularity? See? Pretty ridiculous when you look at it like that. "Reductio ad absurdum", if I'm not mistaken.

Alyxx the Rat

Appreciate the update, dude. I look forward to your Ion Fury review as it is a game I've been super hyped to play myself and I honestly can't wait to play it next week. I've never realised that content creators can get constipated so to speak but eh... it'll come out eventually like you said. In either case, I'm now just even more excited to see what else you have coming. ❤


Sims 4 bladeeblahwtfisthis pack 😂


Thanks for sharing an update. The production process seems more complicated and fraught with danger than a classic platformer. Oh no, lava pits and falling blocks! If we look at the forest rather than the trees, LGR is a lush and thriving expanse of awesome content. You’re bound to hit a couple rocks planting those trees. Take that vacation and enjoy the heck out of it!


Thanks for the update. :) I can't exactly relate to all of this, I don't have so many awesome things to make videos about at once, but I hope I will get there :P


Thank you for the update but please don't feel pressured. Your content is brilliant and takes time to make (can't rush quality) take your time and stay healthy :)


Nice little behind the scenes update! Don't worry about the lack of videos, your stuff is always worth waiting for. Make a sandwich and kick back my dude.


Reading the previous comments, they've pretty much said what I'm thinking too. So, for the sake of variety, here's a comment in my native French : Merci pour tout ce que tu fais pour moi et tes légions de fans adorés. Tes vidéos sont toujours faits avec un niveau de qualité inégalé et c'est toujours un plaisir de les regarder. Merci encore Clint!


Receiving "behind the scenes" updates, early content where the creator actually tries to respond to comments, and an even more "dedicated" audience is exactly what I was hoping for when I signed up for Patreon. Thanks, Clint! Even the non-content content is leaving me, ummm... content? 🤣


I feel your pain on this!


Do what you gotta do dude. Quality takes time and LGR is quality.


As a fellow content creator I totally understand exactly where you are I have anywhere to about 12 or 13 projects going on at any given time with usually 4 to 5 being scripted 5 to 6 being videos and 1 to 2 being edited all at the same time and still only managed to put out 1 sometimes 2 videos a week and some I do because it's what the viewers want and gets a lot of use and some I do because I want to do them for me personal satisfaction so I totally understand and feel you on this Clint but I want you to know you are appreciated man and we love your content so keep it coming as the bottlenecks allow.

Steve Skafte

You're one of the few folks I support equally no matter how sparse or crowded your output.


I love your content man. Take whatever time you need to get that boost.


I don't mind waiting for more content. If you need a break, take a break. Health > everything, as always.

Eric Simmons

Clint, maybe it’s time to take a quick break and get that ham license you’ve wanted to get. Go to ham-cram.com. Their study sessions focus on just the “correct” answer in the exam. The Technician Exam tests on 35 questions from the 198 question pool. I’d also recommend getting a good study guide that goes into more detail. There are tons on Amazon. I would recommend the one directly from the ARRL. It’s uo-to-date and also has the full question pool. You can find it at http://www.arrl.org/shop/ARRL-Ham-Radio-License-Manual-4th-Edition-Softcover/?page=1. Perhaps, all this will interest you. Or, take a vacation and go to the Bahamas and drink fruity drinks on the beach. Your call, of course. As the English say, “Stiff upper lip, old Chap.” You’ll get through this.


Ohhhhh!!! Car stuff!!!!!


What a grind. Thanks for the work you do.


Clint, we are all happy to hear your process is progressing, and personally realize that this production process can be difficult at times. Really happy to hear things are happening, and honestly, I'll continue watching reruns until new content arrives. I'm a Patreon because I appreciate what you have done up to this point, not just the new content. Cheers.

Eric Simmons

Here’s a thought. Take a couple of days and go to the San Jose ComicCon. Your boy, Wil Wright, will be a guest over the weekend. San Jose also has some of the best Mexican food in the country. It’s in the heart of Silicon Valley.


I’m just happy to know that there’s cool stuff coming! Also please feel free to take that vacation in September. Thanks for always pouring yourself into the channel!


Exactly this. I have never seen a bad LGR video. I even love the Sandwich channel. Hell, you could make a video about doing your taxes and I'd watch it. Wait... retro tax software review?! (I'm just kidding. But seriously Clint, your videos kick ass!)


Idea: Use the outtakes and random stock footage you have and make them tiktoks.


Or a video just full of outtakes and bloopers from episodes. I'm sure that'll be interesting to watch, and it gets a video out too!


Just wanted to say I enjoyed reading your update in your narration voice. It is quite effective, especially the "blarg".

Evan B

Anyone else read that and hear Clint's voice doing narration? No? ... just me? ..