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Wasn't able to post this early due to a review embargo, but that has now been lifted!

Ion Fury is something I've been looking forward to getting my hands on ever since first hearing about it at PAX 2015. It's a new game using the same tech as Duke Nukem 3D, Shadow Warrior, and Blood, and it is downright legit.


Ion Fury Review: A New Build Engine FPS in 2019!

LGR review of Ion Fury by 3D Realms: the first full game to be made using the Build Engine in over 20 years! Classic gameplay reminiscent of late-90s FPS classics, just a real treat for retro PC gamers. This video was made using review code provided by the publisher. No sponsorship or commissions are received, my views are my own. ● LGR links: https://twitter.com/lazygamereviews https://www.facebook.com/LazyGameReviews https://www.patreon.com/LazyGameReviews ● Background music is from the Ion Maiden soundtrack: https://www.youtube.com/3drealmsgames/ #LGR #Retro #Gaming



It is crazy how nostalgia is a huge influential drive in video games lately. This game looks great! I would have named the main character Duchess Nukem


So right off the bat, the legal naming situation is weirdly familiar to me, as in a previous company we wanted to use 'Ion Mobility' in the style of the Iron Maiden logo for some marketing (t-shirts etc) for promo giveaways. Ion mobility being a mode of operation of the devices we sold. We went via Iron Maiden's band representation and got permission (or maybe an absence of disapproval, I cant remember .. but it was affirmatory) and so we progressed, made the shirts and had a blast at trade show.. weird how they interpret one way, then another... hey ho.


Now we just need a 3D Realmsiverse dreamteam crossover game with Duke, Bombshell, and Wang.


This looks really cool.. Everything from the FM-style music to the Build Engine map design. And one thing that I am curious about (that probably nobody else cares about) is that if it is based on Eduke32, then it will probably run on pretty old systems. I have Eduke32 running on old G4 based Macs and other computers from 15 years ago, and it runs well and stable. It's just a pity that there are no pipe bombs (or equivalent). I always felt the pipe bombs added a level of complexity to Duke3D that I haven't seen in other FPS due to your ability to throw the bomb into rooms or other areas, then leave and set off the bomb when you were safely away. I see this one has "bowling bombs" but it doesn't appear to have the type of control that the pipe bomb did.


I think you'll really enjoy this one knowing your affinity for Duke 3D, hope you give it a shot sometime! And yeah, the bowling bombs don't quite work the same but they're the closest thing to classic pipes. You can toss them out into a room and if they don't ignite an enemy, they'll sit there inert until you go pick them back up again or you can shoot them with another weapon to make them explode.


Would it be possible to run this on an old DOS-machine using the original Build-engine?


Nope! As mentioned in the video it uses a tweaked version of the EDuke32 source port, which is not a DOS-compatible executable :)


Unfortunately a pipe dream with all three IPs being owned by different companies now. Would be great though.


proud owner of a bigbox version as i preordered 1 year ago 8)


Awesome 😍 this is what Duke Nukem Forever should have been🤣 Let's launch steam...


The one liners may just be the icing on the cake but still...”nothing another beating can’t fix” 😂


Love that shopping muzak. Somebody should make a "Duke Nukem Thrifts" game.

Kris Asick

Good to hear that the game itself is actually very decent. Since it was first announced I had mentioned to my followers that the hype surrounding it being a Build Engine game wasn't really warranted: A game has to stand on its own merits, regardless of what underlying code is powering it... and it looks like this one does! ;)


I'm still surprised myself! Build is a fun gimmick but it takes real skill to pull it off as well as they did here. Would be curious to hear your take on it someday :)


"2 girls 1 co-op"? Now that's brilliant and I demand some game adopts it!


Oh man, worth the wait of posting. This is pure gold!


*sniff* *sniff* I smell a "What is the slowest computer I own that will run ION FURY?" episode.


So cool! I've been playing Blood Fresh Supply lately so this is definately my next stop


Yay it's out now, been playing an hour or so and it's just excellent!


Looks very interesting, might have to pick it up when a console port comes out.


This looks pretty awesome! Well worth the wait for your review, Clint!


I love the arcade cabinet references to Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold, Major Stryker, Monster Bash, and Bio Menace (which I was playing just the other day! Lol).


Hmm link