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Here's the result of the recent Patreon Q&A session! Fifty-something inquiries submitted by patrons on the $5+ tier 👍


LGR Q&A - Answering Your Qs with As, Questionably

Happy Monday! Got a straightforward video here that's the result of the most recent Patreon Q&A session. 50-something inquiries submitted by patrons on all sorts of topics, and read using the NuXT Clone PC and Norton Commander 👍 ● LGR links: https://www.patreon.com/LazyGameReviews https://wwwtwitter.com/lazygamereviews https://www.facebook.com/LazyGameReviews ● Playlist of recent earworms mentioned: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbBZM9aUMsjGhde6H484lqD9t-pDJ7tFE ● Background music courtesy of: http://www.epidemicsound.com #LGR #Patreon #QandA


Elizabeth Sullivan-Burton

I love that you went to the trouble of turning the Q&As into a text file you could read on an old-school computer. That's the quality we've come to love in your videos.

Alyxx the Rat

Thanks for answering my question <3


Thx for answering my question! It's awesome to hear that you would like to thrift-travel at some point. You are always welcome in Denmark, though our second-hand market is kinda crap.


I love your last answer about looking through modern computing through the lens of computing history. I used to write software for aircraft that have been in service since the 60's or 70's, and a lot of people look at them now and think only about what they do now, but the history of them is so important because we ultimately live in a retrofitted world. Where we are now is the result of an impressive and beautiful set of incremental retrofits on things older than almost all of us.


I'm a little surprised that, for the "pick one machine and two games" question, you didn't pick some version of SimCity to go along with Duke 3D. That seems like a good compliment, a game you could sink countless hours into, and when I think of "LGR games", I think Duke 3D and SimCity.

Jason Wellband

Definitely can tell the videos are a labor of love for you. It can be frustrating at times running into younger geeks that aren't really too interested in older games. Glad you're keeping the tradition of tweaking config.sys & autoexec.bat alive ;)


That's weird - I'm most nostalgic for computer things that weren't available when I was young (or were considered junk). Hardware and software from 70's and 80's like old microcomputers but also big mainframe computers. I think I was born too late :D


Thanks for answering my stupid and thematically inappropriate question :p Whenever I've asked this question before the majority of people say zombies are scarier than ghosts. For me it's the complete opposite. Maybe it's because I work in retail, but I can't imagine avoiding the threat posed by zombies would be all that different from avoiding co-workers and customers - just a lot less drama involved. Ghosts do scare the jibblies out of me though. Possibly because I'm fairly agnostic as to the exact nature of ghosts, even though I'm not convinced they are the spirits of the dearly departed, and the sceptic in me doubts the objective reality of ghosts entirely. But the reason I find of the notion of a haunting so, well, <i>haunting</i> is that wether the phenomena is measurably real or taking place entirely in the subjects head - it's still bloody terrifying. It's a kind of speculative realist horror that creeps me out far more than some shambling hordes of ex-persons ever could. I'm not exactly a practical person or a survivalist, but part of me suspects I'm just pathologically suited to a possible zombie apocalypse. I guess I'm just curious if anyone else shares my sentiments or leans towards Clint's position. Feel free to reply if you have a viewpoint! :3


"I've got plans, so stick around for them if you like"... We'll hear that from a video game villain, for sure.

Seth C

Great video! Sorry I didn’t submit a question! Thanks for the work that you do!


Thanks for this. I used to live in west Asheville with dirty hippies lol. I've heard the housing has become cost prohibitive for locals. I remember the "southerners" I didn't enjoy as much. Having lived in several states as an adult - I know how every place has it's pro/cons.


Thanks for the Q&amp;A, lot of good questions and good responses there. I am a little jealous of that NuXT. I wonder if there is some way we could convince the guy making those to do more than just 100 boards?


At this point he's trying to track down enough parts to do another run of them! In particular the FE2010A XT chipset is proving difficult to find enough of.


Crap, I didn't see an option to submit a question for Q&amp;A with my $15 pledge... Oh well, always good to get a peek behind the curtain, still!


Let's crowdfund International LGR Thrifts! I'll give a few bucks to that for sure.


That playlist is straight fire! Childish Gambino is oneof my faves.


TNG is awesome! :D I allow myself some excitement for star trek picard, but I'm also skeptical. There is a lot of stuff going on with edutainment in Norway at least. In kindergarten they use ipads and lots of software. Some also learn "coding" as they call it. They have a robot that needs to get to a specific place, and they have to tell the robots in advance the steps they need to take. Like 5 forward, 2 right, and so on.


Likewise! Saw him live on the first night of his This Is America tour, dude's a fantastic performer.


About the LGRCon question that would certainly be too much for one person, but you should totally apply to come to the next LTX and make a retro computing booth with some old stuff to play wth there!


Thumbs for using Norton Commander! &lt;3 As i haven't had my question yet, where do you collect them or better asked where can one ask them?


Thanks for taking the time to answer my question, and nice shout out for the Universal Hint System, that's my favorite as well :) It's still running strong: http://www.uhs-hints.com/

Kris Asick

Thanks for the answer, Clint! I grew up surrounded by woodgrain stuff too, but the look of translucent, coloured plastics really set my imagination going, so I ultimately ended up liking galss+metal aesthetics myself, or anything coloured and translucent. :3


Enjoyed listening to them all, that's for sure! I always find the nostalgia aspect to it interesting - and of course, PC nostalgia is gonna be weird and tough when you factor in clones (as you've shown many times over the years!)


thanks for answering man! have a good one :D

Terry Lee

Clint, have you heard of Assassins Creed Origins observation mode? some schools actually use it in education because it gives you a historical tour of Egypt and information about the points of interest you visit. There is no attacking, you just freely wander around and learn things. I think that's the current state of edutainment in 2019. I hear they are about to include a observation mode in Assassins Creed Odyssey this fall as well.


Thanks for answering my question Clint. If you're ever in DC and looking for a more personalized tour of the Library of Congress, hit me up!


Surprise a few friends when my name came up, very enlightening video, if you ever get a chance to travel the world be sure to do some meet ups on New Zealand