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Fresh Oddware for ya! This time it's the MobilePlayer from Audible, a digital spoken word player from 1997. Yes, the same Audible known for audiobooks these days. Yet this is from the days of 28.8k dial-up modems and predates the first mass-market MP3 players. And it wasn't even sold in stores, the only way you could get one was by ordering directly from the company!

And it holds a whopping two hours of audiobooks! By compressing everything down to 8-bit 8kHz sound files that are stored on four megabytes of flash memory, ha. But for real, this thing is pretty impressive for how forward-thinking its ideas are. Arguably too much so, seeing as very few units were sold and it wasn't long before the company decided that hardware-agnostic content distribution was the future.

So yeah, I've this one in the works since before E3 and Computer Reset, but obviously other projects have taken precedence. Still quite happy with how this one came together and I'm curious to hear how many people even remember this thing or used Audible in the '90s at all. Hope you enjoy!


LGR Oddware - Audible MobilePlayer from 1997



Nice video as usual Clint! I was expecting the voice coming out of the device to sound like Dr Sbaitso


Awesome, I knew nothing about Audible's early history. Had no idea it was a publicly-traded dot-com startup back in the day. I do remember the reason I finally bought an Apple iPod ~2007 was because Audible only worked on certain MP3 players and not on others and I finally decided the iPod was the only one I could trust to get that right.


Wow, I used Audible in the mid 2000s (before it got bought by Amazon) and never heard of this. Looking forward to watching this!

Peter Metzger

This is all kinds of amazing. I love that Dave Barry was included in the demo files, and also the lovely hold-music quality that your music got in the lo-fi format (the cymbals just cease to exist!)


An Oddware episode featuring a cameo by Click and Clack? Yes!! Sure, Audible didn't sponsor the video, but maybe you can get some of that sweet, sweet Bezos money out of this! 😄

Terry Lee

I can't help but notice Dino Crisis in the background, I would love to see you review that soon :P


I assume audible would probably not be around today had Steve Jobs not seen potential in the product


Despite the specs, this is impressive for the time. I am sure folks looked pretty neat with that that leathery case full of earcandy clipped on their belt next to their cell phone. 😋


After looking at some of their financials, I'd say you're probably right! They were in dire straights before the iTunes deal.


Ah they've offered before but it never went anywhere. It's gotta be a pretty stellar offer for me to go to the trouble of bothering the audience with a sponsorship bit :)


It definitely brings back memories of working at a call center and switching on the hold music, haha.


Me neither, it was in the mid-2000s that I started hearing about them as well. For me it was the HP iPaq that got me into them!


Man, where do you find all these strange devices I never heard of? What I did hear was that RealAudio clip. Now THAT takes me back.


Mostly a combination of going down internet research rabbit holes and late-night eBay searching.


So, I'm a multimedia producer with background in sound production, who is obsessed with audiobooks AND who has worked on quite a few... yeah, this shoe really does fit. Awesome.


I see a big box copy of LEGO Rock Raider in the back ground of the intro. I god damn love that game! I’ve been looking for a CIB one for a long time, not really a common thing. I play through it at least twice a year. In recent years a small modding community has popped up. I don’t remember the name of the mod they came up with but it adds a much need difficulty bump in the gameplay. Anyways, cool audio player haha


It looks like my Yak Bak haha


It really is a hard one to find boxed, took me a good while looking to come across that one! Didn't know about the modding, will try to remember and look into that when I get around to covering the game.


Hehe, excellent! I'm curious, were you aware of Audible doing this kinda thing back in the day? Seems that it flew under the radar in a big way, even among the hardcore audiobook enthusiast crowd.


Haha, wow it actually does look like that. Feels like it in the hands too, I bet. The plasticky build quality makes it feel like a toy!


I've never heard of it, that's why I love your Oddware section. That poor device had to wait over twenty years to have its first "TV" commercial. However, I had to rewatch the last six minutes of your video again because, at some time, I burst into a strange RealPlayer daydream. Can't tell how long I was lost.

Tim J

Man, getting flashbacks to listening to Car Talk on our kitchen radio in the 90s is not the kind of nostalgia I expected going into this video. Great work as always.


Glad it wasn't just me that got unreasonably distracted by RealPlayer! I spent like an hour going through old *.rm and *.ra files after that segment was filmed.


Happy to hear it! And likewise, I was grinning like a maniac hearing Car Talk playing on this thing. Especially an episode specifically from 1997!

Bastien Nocera

If they sold a thousand players, and had, as the “Audible at a glance” page makes it out, 18,500 customers a couple of years later, then it’s a pretty decent penetration rate.


It's worth noting that by that point they were selling audiobooks directly on the website for desktop playback, as well as integration with devices like the Diamond Rio MP3 player. "Customers" likely doesn't mean "units sold" in this case. But yeah, they quickly had better luck as a content provider than a hardware manufacturer, and had tens of thousands of users by the year 2000 :)


Watching this, I couldn't help but think that the charging base had a peculiar similarity to a Palm OS tablets we used to display and sell at RadioShack in the early 2000's. Sure enough, the design company behind this product, IDEO, is the same company that came up with the Palm V design. Man, I love doing research on these things! Also, let's talk about that stereo setup... In a word, "sexy."


Holy shit, it's the SAME AUDIBLE?!


13:02 in the video has to be one of the weirdest service calls I've ever heard. WHAT ON EARTH WAS THE CONTEXT FOR THIS IN 1997?!


Ahh I meant to mention IDEO in the video actually, they designed a ton of interesting 80s and 90s tech stuff. Lots to dig into indeed!

Riley W. Andersen

I thought Audible was a much newer company than that : /


Me too! Had no clue they were that early to the internet media thing, it's pretty impressive they're still around.

Headset Guy

YUCK. That audio quality is awful. Yeah, I can see why cassettes were preferred.


Definitely, cassettes just make way more sense in 1997. I gotta try out the Diamond Rio integration from a couple years later though, hopefully the quality is increased!

Robert Sanges

This type of content is why I'm here. Well done!


That audio quality is perfectly acceptable. For an elevator. From the 90s


Dude! I love Car Talk! It’s so cool to see you showcase a bit of one of their shows. Oh yeah, and the rest of the video was great too. :-)


Huh. Never would have thought they'd have been in the hardware business. Always thought they'd just been involved with the content side of things. But there you go. And I can see why they'd pivot to just supplying content for other providers, as the hardware isn't the most exciting for sure. Even if the quality is okay enough for spoken word material.


RealPlayer! I was really surprised to find out recently that Real still exists. You should do a video on Real Networks at some point. I'm sure they have an interesting history.


Im so glad you made this. Ive had one of these for ages with no battery no cradle or anything. I was soooo curious about it but always have a million other projects going. I should send you some of the cooler stuff