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Wow what a week! Had a fantastic time in Los Angeles for E3, from attending the convention itself, to trying out unreleased games and hardware, to simply hanging out with colleagues, friends, and fans every moment in between everything else. Each day was absolutely packed from early morning to midnight, and while it was exhausting this was easily the best time I've had at this particular show so far.

Thank you on behalf myself and my brother Luke to each of you who made this such a memorable experience. And a big shout-out to those of you who I met that also support LGR on Patreon! Always cool to put faces to usernames.

And, well uh. Now what? Ha. Obviously I didn't get around to posting anything in the past week, beyond a few photos and quick video clips on Twitter. Oh, and this silliness of course. 

But yeah, while I don't know precisely what video project I'll be working on next, as of today I am back at home and jumping into some of the sorting and editing process. From the past week I've got 626 video files to go through ranging from 30 seconds to 30 minutes each, with a healthy mix of 4K 60fps and 1080p 120fps footage, totaling around 1TB of data. Not including all the stuff shot on phones. I honestly thought we'd end up with even more than this considering we were filming from at least 9AM to 6PM every day, but still. It's a lot for me to go through, especially since I only filmed half of it myself and the rest was shot by Luke on the second camera rig.

I'll likely share bits and pieces of footage as I go through stuff this week, but otherwise I'm gonna let it stew for a bit once I get all the proxies made, scrub through it all, trim things down, and start experimenting with color grading. Tough to process a week of events all at once, so yeah, feels like it might work out better to take my time and instead pick up the LGR projects I was working on before I departed last weekend.

Anyway, hope y'all have a good week! For me it's onto the editing grind to see what kind of entertainment I can sharpen all this into 👍




Glad to hear you had a great time, Clint! I'm looking forward to your coverage of the event and whichever video comes next!


I feel your pain! I just got back from vacation and need to decide what the theme for the video will be (it's going to be hard to top my trip to LA and homage to Leslie Nielsen video a couple of years ago) and then start going over all the footage. Of course, I have far less footage and far fewer viewers than you. Ha!


Sounds like you had a good time. Looking forward to the videos; at your leisure of course. Always worth the wait. Mean while I’ll enjoy basking in the orange phosphorus glow of a previous video.


Nice to know you had a good time sir. More than 600 videos? 😲 Holy crap! That's a lot of work. Well, I guess Keen Dreams transformed into Keen nightmares 😁


Can't wait for all of the great content you'll get from this! Good luck!

Tim Coffey

Can't wait to see the vids.


Can't wait to see what you post next, I'm a loner, so I enjoy your company lol cause that's not creepy to say, but it's the truth, and the reason I support this channel 😁😁😁


We love you, Clint! However long it takes to sort through and edit videos, we're more than happy to wait! Stoked to hear you had a great time 😁


I'm sure your "reaction" to the new Commander Keen was shared by the vast majority of gamers... But I'm glad you had a good time at E3!


Just do a 10 hour loop of that reaction to commander keen 😂


"Nope!" x3 I've never played <i>Commander Keen</i> so I have to admit that I know sod all about it. The new one does look pretty cheap n' nasty though, it can't escape that mobile games "aesthetic" despite being a beloved franchise. My condolences. I'd quite like to see you do a Thrifts style-editing job on all your video files from E3, if only to hear your dulcet-tone's opinion on the various booths and things you saw there.


Did you get to see Planet Zoo at all? :) I know we weren't on the show floor, but as someone I respect enormously in the simulation game genre I'd love to hear your feedback if you did!


Thanks for the update!, take your time, that is a lot of content! :)


It was cool hanging out with you and your brother last week! Good times, my friend :)

Because Why-Nerd

Looking forward to see the footwge. And i Think you are right. Its Best ro let things Fall into place and settle in, before editing. Specialfly if Its the first time stendigerne a large venue like this. And also, we Got to see a lot of you in Metal Jesus’ video. :) But hope you had an Awesome time.

Robert Butler

Looking forward to seeing what you got to enjoy!


Yeah, I'd rather a collection of the old titles for new systems, but there's always dosbox...