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Finally, the first video from E3 is complete!

And at 43 minutes long, this ended up being a bit more involved than planned. Basically I cobbled together a few of the ideas I had for separate videos and put chunks of them all into this one.

Still not sure what form the other, more experimental LGR E3 video will take or when it will even be finished. But this one ended up feeling closest to an episode of Thrifts than anything else, which seemed appropriate due to the breadth of subject matter I wanted to cover.

Hope you enjoy! Guess I've got a new Sims 4 pack to dive into now, ha.


LGR - The E3 Experience



haaaaaaaaaaa 3:14 I spit my coffee.

Rico da Rooster

You mention thrift, I put a like


Haven't seen the episode yet, but boy did I fanboy-cheered while reading that it feels like a Thrifts episode, as it was my suggestion on your announcement post. I'm looking forward to pour a beer, get some chips and watch your E3 adventures


Can't wait to watch this! Hope to make it to E3 some year ;)


Super awesome Clint! Thank you...man those Bang drinks are all over LA now, they are pretty good too...but yea what a spectacle of a booth for E3...yeah I would like to have gone down there, but I'm so over crowds and people and traffic, E3 is a lot like NAMM which is in Anaheim for music industry...I need to go to Clifton's one of these days and Little Tokyo ( I used to go there in the 80's as a kid for the toys) super cool, woudl have been neat to have met ya down there! oh well another time! Cool that you got to meet the Apogee and see Will Wright up close and personal, that's great. Cheers!


What is this guy at 26:03-05 filming? Insides of the trash can? :D


That's my brother. He is indeed filming inside of a trash can. I now have 4K trash can footage.


Hope you enjoy it! And yeah of all the formats I first attempted for this video, Thrift-like is the one that made the most sense :)


Very cool, this has to be the most comprehensive view of e3 I’ve ever had. I’m headed to LA next month for SIGRAPH so I’m gonna have to check out that Star Wars cantina place


Great video! This is exactly what I was hoping for when you asked a few days ago. PS your brother looks just like you and it’s a little terrifying


Excellent video! I always enjoy seeing "behind the scenes" compared to the mainstream stuff that's always shown. I actually work part-time as a convention staffer so see this type of stuff regularly, but E3 seems to be a entirely different level of chaos.

Terry Lee

What a great trip, thank you for sharing with us! Even with all the delays you made the best of things, had great food, and a great time! And Xbox needs to learn to be more inclusive next year. Not like everyone wait ages in line. I really missed your content, I'm glad you're back home


Looks incredible. We have EGX here in the UK which is effectively micro E3 but I went once and wouldn’t go again due to the show floor fatigue and seeing as it’s miles from anywhere you just couldn’t escape any of it. That’s why I think you’ve got this video bang on, showing how to make the whole thing inside and out an adventure rather than committing to being at nothing but the event all weekend. Great video.


This was amazing. Thank you for this glimpse into an Expo i will never attend. =)


I don't like crowded places, but I love to watch them from afar. Thanks for sharing your impressions.


It was a nice sunny weekend... Let's go E3ing! Thanks for sharing your experience and showing us aspects of the event we rarely see on regular media's.


Great to see you hang out with the Jesus. You two should definitely do some work together... Review a paper airplane or something idonnu, anything with the both of you would be pure gold.

David S. Grop

Well that was delightful.


Wow, I got through that 40 mins in no time. Ha. This was fun to watch. Thanks Clint!


CES also smells like feet and corn chips.


You must of left that camera in your living room running for a long time... :3 (sorry, I had too) I feel like you are spoiling us with this LGR. As well as basically making my dreams of a giant thrift episode nearly come true, for some weird reason this reminded me of that awesome vid brutalmoose made recently about visiting an arcade to play grabber games. Anyway, thanks for making and uploading this. Most of the YouTuber coverage of E3 i've been watching has been understandably critical, so this was an interesting and nuanced change in perspective!


Ah dude! Epic video man. Really loved it. Well done on giving those of us unable to attend a proper look at what it's all about. Thankyou very much.


Congrats on a great video. Very cool to see this more personal view of E3 and awesomely narrated. 40min flew by. I guess that happens when one is entertained.


This was an excellent watch, thanks for taking us along for the ride on your E3 visit! Very informative and interesting look at the entire process! 👍


Gotta love editing pizza.


Is no one else going to mention your brother is a Liverpool fan? Allez Allez Allez!


Very cool, great job editing!


Excellent! Was honestly worried it would get a bit boring. Hard to tell after spending so many hours looking at the same footage repeatedly :)


Over in the YT comments there's plenty of Liverpool love (and hate, naturally :P ) I believe he's part of LFC Raleigh here in North Carolina, there's a big group of them that congregate at a local pub whenever there's a match. Always a fun time when I've joined.

Asaf Sagi

This was great! I really felt like I was given a grand tour of what it feels like to be there minus the annoying stuff. Thanks!


Became a patron again now that I can afford it, and the very first thing I'd like to do is thank you for your attention to detail on this video. The editing is amazing, and the fact that you chose the right stabilizer mode for horizontal panning makes my heart sing. Even I forget to do that ALL THE TIME. Great to be here again, Clint. Hope I can stay longer this time.


I still can't believe $4 for a Coke...


That nice food in the nice place in the ATL airport - was that Cafe Intermezzo by any chance? It looked like it - they have a bookstore inside of the cafe, if that helps jog your memory.