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Greetings folks! How goes things? Cuz for me it's an unusual whirlwind of activity, haha. I've mentioned it a few places already (including erm, the title of this post) that I'll be attending E3 2019 in Los Angeles. Woo!
While this is not my first time attending, it's certainly the first time that I'm attending with the central goal of grabbing LGR video content. It's also the first time I'll be there solely under the LGR banner as a "member of the media." And while I enjoyed attending with Retroware colleagues years back, it's exhilarating to visit on my own terms, making my own content, and setting my own agenda. It's not just me either! I've hired my brother, Luke, who will be running a second camera and helping with all sorts of on-the-go videography type stuff because that's what he does.
There are at least two videos I'll be working on while I'm there. One is an LGR Tech Tales episodes on E3, which is pretty self-explanatory. And the other is...
I don't fully know yet. For that I WANT YOUR INPUT!
A big reason I'm able to do this at all is due to your fantastic support here on Patreon. So it only seems fair that I consider your opinions and keep y'all up to date on what's up. And what's up is, well, rather malleable to say the least! First, a bit of context.
My broad plan is this: I want to produce a different kind video about E3 than anyone has seen before. Not a documentary, not talking about upcoming games, not talking to developers or publisher reps. I'm sure I'll do some of that on my own time, but my goals for this specific video are more nebulous.
For years, I've wanted someone to cover the E3 experience from the perspective of a fly on the wall, so to speak. Like, imagine if a ghost just wandered onto the show floor with a ghost camera and started capturing the experience without any agenda at all. No PR speak, no hype, no cynical commentary. Just blending into the background, taking it all in, capturing the audiovisual experience for posterity. That's the kinda video I'd like to see and it's what I'm trying to make. Especially since 2019 may be the final year that E3 is held at the LA Convention Center, at least in its traditional form.
Since 1995, E3 has been ground zero for countless historical moments in video game and tech history. I always hear about how "electric" the vibe is at the show, and having attended in the past I can attest that vibe is very much real. But watching the annual E3 coverage by games media? I rarely feel that coming across. Instead I've seen the same type of coverage since the late 90s. 'Vertical slice' game previews, snippets of hands-on demos, press conference montages and analysis, sanitized publisher spokesperson interviews, rambling roundtable discussions, and maybe some basic b-roll showing the crowd shuffling around. Nothing is inherently wrong with all this of course, it's valuable in its own right. But personally? It bores me these days. It's very... mid-2000s traditional media. I think online video has evolved past that.
I get it though! Members of the press have deadlines and a vicious news cycle and have to cover whatever the editor says. And even the gaming public that now attend the show are more than likely not attending for the purposes of making experimental videos. Most people I know that attend just wanna try out new games and consoles and stuff.
Not me though. I make LGR things. And those things are always evolving.
And this is where you come in. What facets of E3 would you like to see covered that's not the same old "OMFWTFBBQ HYPE" seen on mainstream media?
If you've attended in the past, think about the quiet little moments between the press events, game demos, and interviews. And if you've never attended before, think about the moments you've always imagined you'd experience as a newbie. And what questions do you have about the show? Examples: the process for getting media badges, what's the private press room like, what kind of food is served, whatever. I've got the access this year, so lemme be your eyes and ears. I am curious to know your thoughts, however incomplete or tangentially related they may be!
Finally, due to all the busy nonsense surrounding this, there's no video for this post and I don't know when the next LGR video will be complete. Another 2-3 weeks at least, if I had to guess? And by that I mean "normal" LGR videos. My final question is whether or not you'd like to see vlog-style update videos throughout the trip? Not on YouTube, just exclusive to Patreon. And I mean like, shaky phone camera, basically unedited stuff. Say I find a hot dog stand and just wanna share the E3 hot dog experience, ha. Sounds kinda fun to me, but I'm also concerned it could take away from my core goal and put me off-track. I dunno man, this show is nuts.

So yeah, your thoughts are welcome. Now off to pack all my camera crap and get ready for some cross-country travel 👍



Jeremy Abel

Nice!! Will you be watching the PC Gamer Showcase? My game (Genesis Noir) has a new trailer that will be features! Sadly I can't be there in person, but let me know if you see it :)

Uncle Yuu

Been waiting for a tech tales on E3 sweet.

Uncle Yuu

And do what feels ood to you. You're the video maker here


Nice and hope you enjoy. Since E3 is a great place to get pickups. Vid idea is you interacting with people and seeing what they grabbed and why. Like an unboxing but with backpacks instead of cardboard. Have fun.


Congrats Clint. My simple comment. I vote making some unedited vblogs of all kinds of experiences from a trip to a hotdog stand to coming across something that you just want to make a quick on the fly video about


Vlog-style stuff would be very interesting to see from your perspective! It sounds more casual and calm, sorta like CGP Grey’s Vegas video. I vote yes.


Man I wish I could go, so close to me but, too pricey, damn, I guess all I can say is I'd just like to see the walkthrough and videos of the booths and your interaction with them, I dont know, a VLOG yes of the trip, and all of the little thigns that go with it, would be cool...


Would love to see some quick vlogs too, how about a LGR Foods E3 special? Enjoy it Clint!


I'll pass on the shaky VLOG type posts. I think that would just distract you from making a better edited video when it was all over. People like your channel for edited, professionally made content.


Be safe at E3. I never really follow the slick videos about E3 so if you take it from a pov of a person who has never fully seen what E3 is and what a day at E3 is about so it would be cool to see that type of 'Sims'-like experience played out.


I just love the idea of a "wish you were here"/newbie experience E3 video. I've never been and I'll never get to go and I've always wondered what it's like from start to finish. I've been to PAX and have no idea in what ways it differs. I love your fly on the wall thing. Oh geez I forgot enter is send, not new paragraph. I also wanted to say, if a moment strikes you that you want to share but that wouldn't fit in the overall thing, please vlog, messy as you like. That stuff is usually awesome.


Just be your usual self, it's one of the best YouTube personalities I know.


To start out, I have never been to E3 and all I know about it is the fact that it is where they do press releases for new upcoming games and systems. That being said, I like the concept of gathering the experience. And I am not saying the experience from a, here is all the new content, but more along the lines of venue points of interest. Do the food stands just have regular food or have they marketed it for the consumer that is there. How does the process happen to determine who is accepted to go to E3. How about the media. What happens after the press release is made in the first room. Does it just sit there or does the staff of the venue tear it down in preparation for the next event in that room? Who does all the prep stuff? Is the food worth the cost? Hopefully this is helpful. And have fun Clint. You deserve it!!


... am I the only one that kind of wants a tongue-in-cheek LGR Foods episode live from E3 rather than traditional content?


It would be quite neat to see some attention to the infrastructure of E3. The nuts and bolts and tech that runs the shows and booths. What sort of monitors do the kiosks use? How do they manage all those wires? Do the controllers get all nasty by the end of the event?


e3 hotdog experience, I don't know to be honest :P But showing us your e3 experience would be great I'm sure because you have a great personality. I would prefer Luke holding the camera filming you walking around over vlog though. I haven't been to e3 or seen that much of it.


If you do little vids that's cool and I will watch them; they're almost part of the little moments you've described for the main vid. The main idea sounds cool; I've not been to E3 and indeed all you see of it is the main presentations rather than what it's actually like as an attendee. The little moments are what make conferences memorable, more than the advertised content, I've found!


I love this idea. I think unedited, on-the-floor cam footage would be unique and awesome from your perspective! I don't think it would be too distracting as long as in the first video you explain "Hey these will be unscripted and I'm at E3, etc.". So people know what these E3 videos are all about. If you're afraid of people mistaking them for your normal videos, maybe change the prefix of the video title to be: "LGR Unleashed! @ E3: ..." or something equally silly so it sets it apart from your traditional videos. Whatever you decide, I'm looking forward to it! Enjoy E3 and try to take it all in and really enjoy yourself. :-)


As someone who always dreamt of going to E3 but never got to, I'd love an uncut walk through video (in addition to other structure content)! I want to see what it's like to walk the floor, go all around, see the lines and the crowds and the crazy! Wouldn't even need narration, just floor audio and a steady shot.


"Gonna give a good-luck rub to the rock outside the expo hall.... Let's go thrifting..."


You driving or flying? Some snarky LGR travel bits could be good.


I'm down for some vlogging, especially if it's of the LGR foods variety


I agree with Tormod Guldvog here, be yourself and show/tell us the things that you find really interesting there: Particular games, gadgets, weird/random stuff, etc. Basically LGR take on E3


Oh man! If you have the capability, one of those 360 degree walkthroughs of the convention floor would be awesome! I've watched LOTS of E3 coverage over the years but none of them seem to really convey the enormity of the event. IDK, maybe it's just me but I think it would be SO cool to be able to actually look around. :)


I always enjoy your perspective and the attitude of your videos, so I am sure I will enjoy whatever you make! I’d say don’t feel pressured to release videos at your same usual pace during your trip, unless you want to. I’ve got enough “back issues” of LGR to work through that I can stand a few weeks of no new videos! Haha. Just my two cents. Keep up the good work.

Raymond Nichols

Definitely the hot dogs. My wife brought me to In-Cosmetics in Paris (for cosmetic chemists) and the hot dogs there were great! Long dog, maybe a european weiner, with crispy onions and pickles, and packets of dijon mustard and mayonnaise on the side. Never thought of doing hot dogs that way (crispy onions aren’t as much a thing in Canada) but now I can never go back! How do the dogs differ from your neck of the woods?


Hot dogs and conference food is a great idea. I would love to see E3 stuff that isn't related to trying new games or being in the business. Like the hot dogs, the bizarre booths that aren't huge Nintendo-style booths, weird peripherals (at least that's what I noticed when I was there). Either way, vlog style videos would be lovely. Have fun!


I vote to vlog and upload the whole trip. I've never been, and would love to check it out someday, so lets get a good taste of what it's like from a non-traditional outlet.


Love the hot dog idea, love the vlog idea and it all just sounds great. Though I’m sure whatever will be good so don’t sweat it


Yes, I would like to see E3 behind E3. We all know and have access to what's going to happen. Announces, conferences, whatever. I would love to see what normally doesn't show up on camera. Like you mentioned. How it works this and that, food, infrastructure, the "regular" people and what they do. The prep before the show, the "cleaning up" after. What about all the people that work at E3 and are unknown? I would love to get to know a few and the more "obscure" tasks that they have.


I'd like to see something like the history of tech that powered e3. The sorts of concessions made to games and things that make it to e3 are sometimes wholly unique to it being at e3, but sometimes still end up in the final project in some way.


To me, a good reason to go to E3 is the networking aspect. I'm sure there are people of the press who you know of are going to the event and maybe they can give you some notes on how they cover the event. They probably won't go over their entire process but there are very few outlets that talk about how they cover E3 and how thats changed overtime. I really wish I was going again this year but can't due to finances. There are plenty of hardware booths that you might be interested in looking at? Concourse Hall usually houses some accessory makers like HORI and Turtle Beach while West Hall features folks like 8bitdo, Mayflash and other companies from China, Korea and more that are interesting. Hyperkin, Retr-bit with their SEGA USB and wireless controllers. Also people say check out the hot dogs, me and some other friends of mine recommend the chicken tenders at the concessions area. Also in South Hall are a couple places of interest that might be worth checking out, like the Super Soul Bros. who perform there just about every year. The National Video Game Museum is also there again this year showing off more cool old games and hardware. One word of warning, when the public hours start to hit, thats when certain things will be next to impossible to get to and it really hurts going to E3 if you want to do any kind of coverage. It was especially important for me to book my plans as early as possible.


All of this sounds fun. I worked an event there a few years ago....it was a $8 million budget I believe? And seeing the crowd in the beginning from the other side was insane. I think it would be cool to see some interviews about the people constructing these booths / events, what all goes into it, if they've run out of water yet, the sheer amount of data and security, as well as the shaky camera hot dog eating.


Hey!m I think it could be a great opportunity to do a video like this. How about a section of satire "Awards"?. "Most boring stall", "best haircut", "person who most looks like a ninja", Etc Etc. Could be a small section of the overall video. I also think that the blogs would be a fun insight into the experience. Have a great time man!


Wow that’s a lot. Let me try to stay organized here: First off, congrats on attending as LGR, you deserve it. 1. Very eager for the tech tales video 2. Re fly on the wall, awesome and could be very trippy 3. Yes, real time unedited vids re hot (or tofu) dogs or just how hard or easy it is to find the bathrooms at the convention center 4. Interesting contextual LA related facts would be fun as well or your movements (The hell you experience coming and going from LAX). And what do E3 attendees get up to in the evening 5. Lastly always nice to see a summary of what you enjoyed most afterward or what you didn’t with the accompanying snark. EDIT: now I read everyone else’s comments and I am torn. Because your skills of scripting and editing are really what set you apart.


Yes! Of course I'd love to see some vlog stuff - and I love your idea of how NOT to cover e3, to make it more of how it would be to actually go to the event, I can't wait to see what you come with up.


Well, I think the key is as soon as you point a camera at someone, they switch into "media mode". So the trick is to record footage where they think you're not recording footage. For that, HD video glasses come to mind. (Then ask them for permission after if needed.) Hope this helps, and maybe I'll bump into you there! Especially if you've got the wrong prescription in the lenses 🤓


Awesome! :) I for one would love to see the "dark corners" of E3 - the places where nobody, or almost nobody goes. You know, the small stalls with an almost empty table and a chair and nothing else. Who are they? What's their story? Why are they there? What are they presenting? Also understanding what is life like for the people manning the stalls (whether it's EA or Sony or whatever's huge stall, or the small one with just the desk and the chair). Also the technical side of E3 itself - not the participating companies, but the infrastructure side of E3 itself. Networking, power, etc. How does that work? What do they use? And lastly, what's the difference between attending E3 as a private person vs as a media member (even if independent). Does it open many doors? Do you have access to more stuff? Are people more willing to talk to you? And above all, be sure to enjoy yourself! :D


Have fun man! I would like if you shared your experiences vlog style.


What if you had a vr camera and were able to take some footage through that for those of us with vr so we can kind of experience it in virtual reality? Or a 360 video. Something like that would be really cool.


I get that posting actual YT videos throughout your trip would be tough, but for thing like, such as the example you provided of the "E3 hotdog experience", maybe just using something like Instagram stories (which can be highlighted and saved permanently on your account) could be neat.


Yes to 'vlog' style videos!~ Also, what about making the entire week some sort of parody LGR Thrifts? You know, like every booth, hype-station, game presentation, stall, queue and PR event was a different thrift shop or item at one, with the usual cadency and rithm of your regular 'LGR Thrifts'; which might also work due to the fact that everything is frantic and packed and noisy but your style while thrifting is relaxed and contemplative. Side-note: cheers on the accreditation and the opportunity of going. From picking up the pieces of your personal background that you give us, I can imagine that attending E3 on more than one ocasion and with a press badge must be some kind of dream come true. Keep on living the dream and sharing it with us, please


I honestly want to see any cool restaurants, bars or coffee shops you stumble upon, kind of like the morning coffee you brewed in your recent video.


I would love to see some vlog stuff. It would be interesting to see your experience in that way. I want to see what the show actually looks like. As to what your main video(s) should be, what ever you come up with be awesome I am sure.


Have fun! I'll be watching and enjoying everything you make! The vlog sounds interesting. Would love to see you wander around with the glasses like a thrifting episode.


As someone who has never visited E3, seeing the more low key or odd ball stuff would be neat. Say things that you'd notice as a visitor but wouldn't really be front an center.


Vlog - Yes, shaky camera and all. :) And have fun there for all of us that can't go. Rest of it - Well, I think you nailed it on this quote: "And if you've never attended before, think about the moments you've always imagined you'd experience as a newbie. And what questions do you have about the show? Examples: the process for getting media badges, what's the private press room like, what kind of food is served, whatever." I just came back from my first time in a megaevent (the 103rd Indy 500). It was awesome, but I found most of the "backstage" videos and articles I've seen about it a bit on the BS side, in the sense that most of what is called "exclusive" or "backstage" is not really that. The event is completely noob friendly, the level of access to cars and drivers is unbelievable even if you don't have a press badge, and it makes attending one even better than I expected. So, "E3 by LGR" seems like a great opportunity to get a no-BS take on the event, and I'm looking forward to it!


Vlog stuff would be great!


Vlogging soud s quite fun, I just re-watched the video you made with Luke years ago where you both went goddwill scrounging, definitely love that relaxed vibe to show the less "mainstream" side of the conference. Seriously looking forward to this!

Robert Butler

Yes, please! I want to see it all! I would love to get to explore E3 through your eyes! Having never been, I wonder what it's like looking at all the booths and things without talking to the devs. I want all of that sweet, sweet, delicious B-roll footage, please!


Sounds like fun. I'd like to buy you guys a bowl of noodles at a place I know.


Wow those hot dogs sound amazing! Crispy onions mmm. I'm in Canada too and I've never had a hot dog with crispy onions on it! On my bucket list now lol


I love that you're doing E3! I've always dreamed of going to E3, never made it. I want the shaky cam E3 hotdog experience I can never have.


LGR E3 VLOG? Yes, please.

Bryan McIntosh

Create a convention video similar to Regular Car Reviews' videos about the New York/Philly Auto Shows, only temper it with a bit of LGR charm so it's not QUITE as much in the gutter? "Which E3 merch is best E3 merch?"


I know this is late but I love the fly on the wall idea, especially as someone who has never and probably will never get a chance to see an E3 in person. I want to see what there is to it that isnt on the mainstream videos!