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After sourcing not one but TWO new old stock color ink ribbons, I've put together a lil follow-up video regarding the Star NX-2420 Rainbow! This'll go up next Monday as an extra video in between the normal scheduled Friday things.

And wow, 24-pin color dot matrix images and banners honestly look so much cooler than I even anticipated! The simple joys of retro computing continue to amuse. Had a lot of fun putting this one together, which I think is probably evident from some of the extra stuff I decided to try in this one. Sometimes the more straightforward a video is the more it inspires one to experiment.

K, time for more coffee 👍


Star NX-2420 Color Printing

greetings hot dog tho



Niceeeee! Looking forward to checking this out on my lunch break.


Success 🙌


I wish more computer software nowadays allowed you to print out a greetings hot dog


Perfect for preview https://gfycat.com/AshamedMiserlyBasil :D


Also - you should print a black and white banner that says "IT IS YOUR BIRTHDAY" (wink wink The Office wink wink)


I, for one, loved the "Day in the Life" segment that you stuck in the middle of the video there. Watch out, i think that is going to be a big hit with viewers once this hits the masses over on YouTube, and they will demand "MORE! MORE!"


Hey Clint, where did you get that monitor stand from?


YES! That's the best Greetings hot dogs I've seen in my whole life! And that crab transfer was so cool 😍 I am very impressed by the vibrant colors, definitely have that WOW moment watching this. I unreasonably want a cool crab t-shirt now!

Gabi Mismash

Bonus LGR Foods in the middle there


Heh, I will be curious to see the reaction. Definitely feeling the urge to include more of that kinda thing in the future: a bit of narrative context with some fun editing.


I'm gonna keep experimenting with crab shirts! I really want one myself, but the paper keeps fighting with the print head assembly 🤨


What kind of coffee did you make?


It looks like you were using draft mode? There should be a quality setting in the printer driver. Your print time will increase a lot of course.


I used both draft and proof modes throughout the video. Draft for the first image and banner, proof for the middle two. I'll add my comments about it back into the final edit for clarification :)


Awesome to see a follow up to the two last videos! Great to get to see how the colours really pop when using new cartridges. Also, would you be interested in getting a cheese slicer? Something like this: https://bit.ly/30Br4dr (Picture: https://bit.ly/30LIBQm ) It's called osthyvel i Swedish, and it's truly handy for slicing cheese. I've watched some of your LGR Foods videos, it seemed like it could fit in there. If you don't already have one, of course.


I've got one, yeah! Though many cheeses I use end up working with differing styles of slicer due to softness or shape. That's perfect for slicing a wheel of hard Swiss though :)


If Cool Crab became some sort of channel mascot with recurring cameos, that would not be not cool


Ah, so satisfying and vindicating. I can finally sleep again!

Bastien Nocera

That print transfer looks about as good as my Fido Dido ones 30 years ago! Greetings!


Love the music choices! I wonder if greetings hot dog could be incorporated into next sock design...or even a mug. Hoooot dog when there's coffee in there.


You should make that cool crab image an official lgr T-shirt, with modern printing options of course. I would buy it in a heartbeat


What? I can print my own maps in SimCity? My mind is blown. I sense a t-shirt trend coming. Now I can sleep well and dream in colors 😁


Did Anders do some of the music for this?


So, this must be one of the best LGR episodes ever. Colour dot matrix banner, coffee montage, Staples run, cool crabs. Excellent!


This makes me so happy.


Great video, and I ha e to say great Techmoan mug


The whole time you were printing the t-shirt transfers I was saying... Flip it around, please! I remember printing them myself and forgetting to flip the image and being frustrated.


That morning montage was great. Love the video overall too. Very fun.

Joon Choi

Loved the banner - good memories (our family was strictly draft mode monochrome print only but hey, still good). The sim city map is also classic. Can’t help but wonder if greetings hot dog might be the last banner ever printed on that particular model of printer, given its age and how hard it was for you to source the ribbons. If that was the last hurrah, not a bad way to go.


Dope ass synth music, followed by a dope ass coffee montage. Yep, Patreon money well spent : D


Great video! I'd love to see what a printout of a photo of a face looks like because it seems to take some liberties with the colors :)


Clint the production value on your videos just keeps getting better and there's a noticeable difference on the overall tone of the video when the content hits you on the nostalgia gut. Thanks for keeping us entertained. P.s.: I know most of the comments mention this, but the montage was badass.

Lennart Sorensen

I suspect the transfer paper is failing because it transfers when hot and dot matrix print heads are very hot. So a bit of premature transfer happening perhaps as soon as the head warms up from printing?


Off topic: Clint, this NSFW kindle book is all sorts of WTF and you might get a laugh out of the title: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00UJ01WBW/ On topic: badass! I'll have to catch this later tonight.


ok. i LOVE the coffee montage, and the techmoan mug, and the hotdog banner. great followup video!


Clint!! Sorry, been re-watching that Barbie game video. I had a pretty severe nostalgiagasm over this one. I had a Star 9pin colour printer back in the 90s. It was cool but I had zero software that actually could print colour. To the point where I wrote a letter to Star asking if they knew of any software that printed in colour from DOS. They never replied and I think the disappointment still lingers... somewhere deep inside. (Sending a letter, dot matrix printers and DOS are three things my children will probably never experience. I feel bad for them).

Evangeline Domenech

Was that a bit of an Endgame reference I caught there?




The worst was when you print out a super long banner like this, go to tear off the edges, and rip into the actual paper :(


You don't mess around with your coffee :) I just heat up some water and use some, I don't know what it's called in English, but frozen dry coffee :) I loved this episode. It was very nice to see you make coffee and go to the store actually :) Edit, and then I read that tons of people said this already :P


"Greetings Hotdog" is a wonderful phrase and should become a running inside joke.


What an epic episode!

Elizabeth Sullivan-Burton

I absolutely loved your music selections this episode! Very atmospheric.


Thanks man... I remember my Panasonic printer now... and I also had tractor paper - best thing ever!