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Aw yeah, new Thrifts. Hope this one sparks joy!


LGR Thrifts - Episode 42



Hurray for the return of LGR Thrifts!! Let's go thrifting! (if you couldn't guess, it brought me a lot of joy!)


Been missing Thrifting for so long 🙌🙌🙌


Saturday morning and LGR Thrifts?!... Literal best case scenario for starting my weekend.


Omg omg omg 😂 worlds are going to collide!


Awesome way to start my weekend, thanks Clint, been looking forward to a new episode of thrifts...

Ossi K

Is that official Bitcoin-keyboard?


I know you put a lot of effort and time into the thrifting episodes Clint and we DO really appreciate it. I working on another record shopping video and they take time too, especially when you are looking for specific things. Enjoy your weekend.


Hurray for Thrifts. That Presto thing sounded like an email to fax :D Dude, I just can't find 5 1/4 floppy disk holders anywhere :( Oh, that Game Gear finding is glorious. Great stuff!


You struck gold on the GameGear at $12, even though it didn't work. I mean, the games that were inside alone would be well work that. Good thing you passed on the Yamaha keyboard, that model sucks.

Rico da Rooster

Thrift is my most favourite show in YouTube, yes sir! Every single episode is just like a precious little gift, so thank you Clint! Much appreciated.


So pumped for a new LGR Thrifts a.k.a. the whole reason I got into thrifting. :)

Evan B

wow great score on that gamegear! congrats!


I've been thrifting, but haven't found anything too interesting recently. Ok, I found an iMac G4 at a Savers in Boston, but nothing too interesting in my town.


i used to have one of those trouser presses, yes im from the UK haha


My favorite series

Rick Green

Sweet score with that Game Gear! I assume the mod makes it stop chugging batteries like a college student on St Patrick's Day.


Nice to see you got Nep(game)Gear fixed 😀


The Corby trouser press was a common site in hotel rooms over here in the 80s and 90s It was a staple in stand up comedian’s routines - jokes about cooking on it etc. If you put your trousers in one anything less than perfectly aligned you’d get tramlines.


I'd love to see Chyrosran22 review that ZBoard, assuming he hasn't blocked you for giving him the My First Keyboard.


Oh, and nice nod to Chewbacca. (RIP)

Terry Lee

Every one of these episodes is definitely an enjoyable thing! it's so awesome you found that Game Gear! I recently found legend of Zelda a link to the past for the GBA. It's one of my favorite super NES games so getting a portable version feels great! especially considering it matches with my Zelda Game Boy advance SP AGS 101 that I also feel lucky to have!


I love that you found a game gear and modded it with a new screen. As a kid, my cousin had one, and I always felt inferior owning the vanilla gameboy instead. “But it’s a full colour screen mom!!” One of these days I’ll have to find one and get it modded. Thanks for the inspiration and the nostalgia as always


Nice, that's the GameGear bundle I got for Christmas when I was a kid! Still have the system around, and it still works decently after someone helped replace the caps a while back. That screen replacement is tempting though, looks like a huge improvement!


thanks for informing me about retro hacks! now i can get my game gear fixed


Man I thought I checked every goodwill in the Asheville area looking for some box TVs for a project, guess I didn’t go to that one. Also I found a floppy holder with Clint on it in a small local thrift shop, made me wonder lol


Clint, I wouldn't mind a LGR FanThrifts mini-series, to get rid of some of the excess fan content when the local Goodwills dry up.


i missed that lucky rock. XD

Kris Asick

Definitely need to do an Oddware on that keyboard... I'd never heard of those things until now! Also, I really need to get my Game Gear fixed up at some point; just hasn't been a priority, especially with how much it costs to buy the replacement components and get it modded. :P

Kris Asick

...oh, and I mean the keyboard with the interchangeable key layouts. ;)


I so much wanted one of those Z-Boards back then when they cam out :D


Lucky as well that I didn't own a single one of those games either! Looking forward to jumping into more of the Game Gear ecosystem now.


Could very well have used an 'email to fax' service! Just connected to an inkjet printer instead of the typical fax machine.


Wish we had Savers around here, I've found a lot of interesting computers and monitors at those stores out of state.


Ha! Come to think of it, it reminds me a little bit of that upright bacon cooker appliance that you once covered.


I'd quite like to have a similarly modded Game Boy Color! 8-bit Guy's upcoming video on that kind of mod is quite tempting


You bet! And yeah there was no way I could bear to leave that poor thing in such a sorry state internally. Even if it worked well that screen simply had to go!


Indeed, it's massively improved! Comes with all sorts of built-in scaling features too so you can mess with aspect ratios and pixel-perfect display accuracy.


That particular location was the larger one in Hendersonville off Four Seasons, they seem to regularly carry CRTs!


Me too! And then I never really liked it when I got it, ha. The one I had featured a specialized WASD section over on the left. Keys were all mushy and weirdly-shaped, went right back to a normal keyboard afterward.

Evan B

Joy has been sparked


Wow, nice find on the Game Gear. For me I have a Sega Nomad I bought back in the 90s and a few months ago powered it on again for the first time in years to see the screen was rotting away. I went ahead and sent if off to have an LCD replacement put in AND, importantly, put a rechargeable battery inside it as well. The thing is now amazing - great screen and I don't need to find 6 AA batteries and have that huge battery pack installed on it.


Woohoo - my first early LGR Thrifts episode since being a patron.


So happy! LGR thrifts is how I found you! That game gear find, lovely!!! (good job on doing the mod)


Yay! Though I do wish you and others didn't have to wait so long, so thanks for the support along the way :)


Now that would be a lovely system to have. Always dug the idea of the Nomad, didn't realize there was a rechargeable battery for it


So is the mystery question for the ultimate answer "42" simply "how many episodes of LGR thrifts are there?"... :3 I always wanted to say to how much I enjoy the editing and narration in this series, as I do all your videos obviously! Your comedic timing with the footage is pitch-perfect, i.e. in that "Oh, hey Chewbacca" bit. I think one of my favourite thrift moments is one of the earlier episodes (can't remember which exactly, between the 1st and 5th episodes maybe) when you were confronted by someone holding a terrifying big-eyed cherub statuette, causing you to scream "oh my god <b>what is that</b>?! get it away! get it-ARRRGHHH" <i>[/cue screen of white noise]</i> Even after repeated viewings that bit still tickles my chuckle-lobes. Thanks for creating such an oddly watchable series, and just being a cool dude in general... :D


Thank you, I am glad to hear that! Thrifts is definitely a great canvas for creative editing and seeing what I can do with tons of random footage with no planning ahead of time. Always fun :)


Did you get a new set of glasses cameras? The video looks crisper than before!


That wood grain tape holder was cool. It was next to that disk container you got


Maybe you need to consider moving to Houston :P. There's a specific Goodwill location here with a huge selection of electronics. Some pictures I took there just last week: https://imgur.com/a/YhZAaEp