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Ah, feels good to be back with a classic game retrospective! Hope you enjoy this one, it's been on my to-do list ever since I covered the original After Dark screensaver modules. Crap was that five years ago? 😮

Thank you to everyone for your feedback regarding the previous post as well. Lots of encouragement, new ideas, and critical feedback is exactly what I was hoping for (and need) as I'm moving forward with the next stages of LGR.

Won't be moving to releasing one video a week immediately, but I've decided I will be making that change in the coming months. Still a chance that I'll continue to do more videos per week if time allows for it, but I think relaxing my self-imposed schedule a tad will be the healthier choice for me and my content. Having Friday as the guaranteed day video and anything in-between as a bonus should work out nicely!


LGR - After Dark Games



The shirt is epic. Think I’ll have some toast while I finish this video.


Oh boy, after dark, how risque... oh, right, not that type of after dark.


My favorite AD game was Lunatic Fringe, although I never managed to beat it.


Must have that shirt 😍


Moosho... the whale! I just flipped right into Futurama on that name. What a boring game! I'm a whale biologist! :D


Such a missed opportunity to say "Once you lose your three lives - you're toast". Still Loved it though!


You like lawnmowing games? Have you tried Jeff Minter's Hover Bovver? Ancient game and you'll need a Commodore 64 emulator. One of Minter's earliest.

Steve Skafte

As a writer, I find your fondness for alliteration absolutely appealing.

Terry Lee

I can't comprehend what's going on in Roger dodger...


I loved After Dark when I was young, me a my brother loved watching the various screensavers, I do remember we played some of the games that was packaged with them, like a trivia game and a space shooter similar to sinistar. Always a bit of nostalgia with After Dark. I think I remember the mowing game, I liked those games, but now I do that kind of mowing in real life at the Golf Course I work at, and I really do enjoy it.

Lindsay Michelle

I really miss the days where having a cool screensaver was THE THING to have. Seriously. No one seems to care about screensavers these days like they used to. :( But as for these games, I totally would have played them as a kid in the 90s. As you said, they're predictable, but still fun to play. :) Enjoy mowing your virtual lawns (and murdering people with your mower)!


Hey Clint, I've been meaning to ask. Do you record all of your footage and b-roll and then go back and voice over later? Seems so, I was just curious.


Wow I never knew these existed. I did have the flying toasters screensaver, and also teh Simpsons After Dark, which was awesome - I seem to remember some slight interactivity with that one? I got it as a freebie on a cover CD, but would love a big boxed copy of that in my collection.


1 Guaranteed video a week and maybe a bonus one, sounds like a great middle ground to me

Stephen Staver

Seems I have a higher level of fondness for After Dark games than you do. I LOVED it. Even Foggy's Boxes and Roger Dodger. I never had the After Dark screensavers, so my only experience with AD is with the games. But I think they're charming and the music is pretty good.


The toaster game looks like an isometric Jet Set Willy.


I wholeheartedly support the move to one video per week. With the preparation and research required for the kind of content you create, it makes sense, where it might make less sense for, say, a gameplay channel. Speaking of, I don't think anyone would mind an occasional new episode of LGR Plays? : )


Wow, I had no idea After Dark was so prolific back then! Who knows what else I missed... Is there any Johnny Castaway animated series I should know about?


Hmm. They have solitaire on computers now. Sweet.


i like the opening pan but it looks like you built a contraption to hand-crank it over to you lol


My favorite characters from After Dark, besides the toasters of course, was the bungee-jumping cows

Because Why-Nerd

Curiosity... wasnt the nightclub “After Dark” in Beverly Hills 90210 anmeld after that software? The logo at the entrance to the club, As i remember, was exactely the same.

Steve Martin

Clint, you just jogged my memory of After Dark Star Trek! I did a quick search and didn't find you had made one on it, as far as it seems. I look forward to one if you haven't done so, already!


The mowing game reminds me of one of the mini-games in the GBA version of The Sims: Bustin' Out


Playing screen saver characters, I guess its a novelty. Clint do you know anything about Sierras screen saver with a guy stuck on an island? Remember that as a kid. Might be a cool review and a pain to cover due to the randomness of the events that can happen in it.