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Had a great vacation over the past week, lots of relaxing. Thank you for the encouragement while I was gone! Seriously. I haven't really responded to much because I was avoiding social media/inboxes all I could, but it was still awesome to get uplifting messages each day. They were all seen and appreciated and truly cemented that I have the best job I could hope for. I am now feeling flush with energy to tackle the projects I left behind last week!


After thinking about it a bunch, I am really considering going back to one video a week for LGR. Either that or I have to seriously cut down on the scope of what I do for each video. I'd rather not do the latter.

What I'm trying to avoid is having to put aside a project I'm 100% mentally committed to just because "Monday's video isn't done" or whatever. Which leads to the main project getting sidetracked and Monday's video becoming a less-researched 'throwaway' video, so to speak. It feels increasingly silly to me to produce a video just to fill a time slot when I'm the only one imposing a time slot in the first place.

Thing is, I like a rigid, self-guided schedule. Holding my own feet to my own flames is what's helped me do pretty much everything of note in my life, creatively speaking. And the original intent when I began "Videos Every Monday & Friday™" was to produce one smaller episode for Monday and then Friday would get the deeper content. Sometimes that works as intended! Most of the time it ends up where I have two beefy episodes by the time I'm done. Great for the viewers, not so much for the creator.

Part of this is that things... go wrong. Things always go wrong. It's not inherently a bad thing, it's part of the process of covering retro tech and games. Truthfully, I enjoy the troubleshooting process and finding solutions! That is, if I have time to fix the thing and then start on another thing in the meantime. Otherwise it feels like I'm rushing and that inevitably ends up one of two ways: a lesser video and me in a clear headspace, or a deeper video with me in a bad headspace. Guess which one I go for more often than not.

Inevitably, I then start an "easier" project and something will go wrong with that as well, hence exacerbating the problem. Research is required. Games are not working. Software has software problems. Parts be dyin'. Once these are fixed on my two videos for the week I immediately begin on the next two projects. Like, that very day. Time off? Pscht. Repeat ad infinitum for the past several years, hence me seeking a change.

Now, there's always the possibility of hiring someone to help on larger projects, buuuuut I'm not quite there yet. I thoroughly enjoy each aspect of making LGR videos, plus I'm not comfortable just like, letting someone in my house to work on stuff. And man I hate working remotely, plus I don't have a great internet connection so sharing 100 gigs of files twice a week is out of the question. So if I ever go down the road of hiring I'd want an office space first, something I've been looking into for several months.

Regardless of what I end up doing, I know that I cannot maintain the whole 50-70 hours a week thing forever and also stay sane. Which is interesting. I used to work similar hours doing overtime retail work and at the end of the week I didn't feel nearly as drained as I do now. When I had a day off, I had a day off. But the truth is that when your work manifests itself as publicly-consumed media, stuff that's watched by (currently) 6+ million people per month in 227 countries and territories around the world... and thousands of them provide input on your work every moment of every day... eh, it ends up taking more of a toll than I ever anticipated, or experienced, back when I roamed the waxy floors of big box retail spaces dreaming of doing YouTube full time.

Anyway. All that to say that nothing is changing immediately, ha. But I'm considering changes to the schedule that will likely go into effect soon. There is sadly no exact formula for balancing quality and quantity when it comes to producing this kind of content, but I hypothesize there are healthier options than what I've been doing.

If/when I eventually shuffle things up, the singular goal in doing so will be to keep to keep my head in a positive space in order to make the best stuff that I can. Thanks for the support as always 👍


Technology Connections

Clint, as I responded on Twitter, this realization has hit me as well. I've only been doing this full-time for like a month, but already I can see that the idea of "work" is just so different than I imagined. (oh how I wish the line-break were different here on Patreon!) When I was working full time in my previous job, I tried to make YT videos on my days off and it felt like I could never relax. I thought that once I could quit, I would be able to actually have a weekend to just not think about stuff. But being in the public eyes makes that so hard! I can't imagine how you've managed to do two weekly videos for so long, and I commend you for doing it. Don't take personal needs for granted. I will *definitely* support whatever decision you make. I like your content because of who you are and how you make it, so I don't want to see your personality suffer over fear of quantity.


Hey man, do what you have to to keep your mental faculties. I've seen my fair share of good creators get burned out and eventually either slow their content to a trickle, decrease the quality of said content, and/or leave the platform all together. You're one of the best in the business (not saying that to brown nose, I really mean it), and I'd hate to see a similar fate befall you.


Ever considered working with a sponsor? Maybe only one you feel works with your type of content? Could be that push to get you over the financial line of having a second person.... just food for thought. Keep up the good work- in your own time, on your own terms. We support you!

Deryn L.

If reducing your output to one video a week is what it takes to maintain your consistently high quality videos, then I'm all for it! At the end of the day though, do what you feel best. I'm glad to hear you enjoyed your vacation, and I look forward to where your career is heading in the future!


While a consistent schedule is definitely a good thing, I think one well researched/produced video per week is more than acceptable. No need for the artificial constraint of two videos per week, especially if it comes at the cost of quality. When time permits you can always post unscheduled content, but no need for a hard commitment for two pieces of new content each and every week. IMHO. Looking forward to more!


One video a week is fine.

Justin Dotson

I'm sure most of us are fine with one episode a week. Quality not quantity until you can get a second person to help you out and even then you may stick to one video. Getting burnt out on something you love is a terrible feeling so do what makes your life a pleasant experience.


Clint, you have to do what's right for you. I'd certainly hope that nobody would give you grief for wanting to go back to one video a week. Hell, there are tons of YouTubers that are lucky if they get out one video a month. I love your videos, and if one video a week means you can give a topic your all without going into a bad headspace, then I say do it! I can understand wanting to keep a set schedule, and I also struggle with keeping a good mindset while staying reasonably productive at work. If you still want to have a video on Mondays, maybe have some let's plays of your favorite classic games? Something easy to put together and post on the quick? I dunno, just typing out loud. The point is: please do what you feel is right for you. You'll continue to have my support no matter what you decide.


Clint you do what you feel is right for you!

Stephen Staver

As everyone else has said, one video a week is fine. Although keep in mind, your "throwaway" videos can be quite enjoyable too, so if you want to just spend some time playing "Putt Putt Saves The Zoo", I doubt there'll be many complaints. lol

Stephen Staver

Also, if you're accepting applications for video editors, I'd like to apply..

Rachel Staddon

Came on to suggest the same - perhaps that second video could be a 20-min Let's Play. No research, just whatever game you feel like. Of course, one video a week is fine, whatever keeps you sane! All the best, Clint. (that sounds like I'm claiming to be Clint - I'm saying all the best TO Clint...)

Clemente d'Angelo

Clint, make what YOU want to do, not what THE AUDIENCE what that you want. For me, is better one high quality video at week. Is most important The quality, not The quantity.


Whatever you need to do man, I'm not going anywhere.


Completely understandable, I'm surprised you've somehow managed to continually, churn out two quality videos a week. But that's a lot of workload for a single person; one quality video a week sounds like a great compromise! Wish you the best!


While focusing on you is the main goal, know that we'd rather have you healthy than have more videos. I feel like you're a great person, and your videos always uplift me. Burn outs are really nasty and clingy creatures, so I hope you stay away from them!


Personally I prefer a more in-depth video even if it's more infrequent. Please do what is right for you, and know that we've got your back whatever you decide to do. Your sanity is the most important thing here


Yeah I agree. Take your time, dude. I can wait a few days longer for a killer video. :)


One video a week sounds great :) But whatever you decide I'll keep supporting you - as long as you keep a healthy workload for yourself and don't overdo it. A happy & unstressed Clint, is a healthy Clint. And we all want a healthy Clint :) Thanks a bunch for all your hard work. Here's to the future *raises virtual glass of beer*, cheers!

David S. Grop

Whatever you decide, just do your thing. We're not going anywhere.


It's fine if you want to cut it down to once a week. It's far more important for you to be in a right mental head space than you getting worked up over getting a second video done. You could always bring back something like LGR Plays series to give you enough time to get a proper video done. Hope everything goes well for you in the future :) x


Hey Clint, we're your fans foremost. You putting you first can only be better for us because it means we'll get the best content you can produce, when YOU decide it's ready. Maybe, and this is just spit-balling, on one day you can do a live stream of what you're working on and give us a behind-the-scenes look at goings on instead of a produced scheduled episode. Just a thought, thanks for the great content! We love ya buddy!


It takes whole teams of people to produce 22/30 minute shows for broadcast TV each week. I think one person producing two programs a week is really some feat. I say quality over quantity. Save your sanity!


How about flipping the formula, small videos each friday, more serious videos every other Monday (or every third Monday) or something like that? I know a lot of it is playing into YouTube's algorithm of being consistent because it drives popularity, but from just me-as-a-patron I'm totally cool with less quantity for good quality. Your stuff is mega good, and I mega enjoy it, and I have zero issues consuming less content if it helps you personally and professionally.


Hey Clint, fellow Amiga fan, remember : When you are happy, it shows. The videos were you laugh are the ones I (and other people I'm sure) rewatch and enjoy the most. So, no pressure ! Whatever you decide, we will be here. :)

Graham Eida

Do what you can cope with and keep up the quality, better than quantity any day


As someone who worked in disaster restoration and specializes in electrical/electronics ... I get behind without making videos ... Don't push too hard and focus on making sure you are satisfied above everything else.

Terry Lee

I agree with the previous guys comment, quality over quantity! I had another thought as well, why does there have to be a schedule at all? Don't schedules just stress people out. Don't make it feel like you have obligations and have to put things on the back burner. Creating expectations is no fun. Why not just do what you can when you can and whenever whatever you are working on is finished, proofread it and then upload on your terms! That way every upload we get would be like a surprise piece of candy! I'm by no means a specialist when it comes to the YouTube algorithm but honestly I wouldn't give the algorithm any thought. I would just do my own thing for the fun of it. Live life to the fullest, enjoy what you do, and do what you love! But that's just my opinion


Clint you do whatever you need to do to stay sane man, I watch JonTron and he puts out videos it feels like once a decade, i still enjoy his, I will still enjoy and watch yours once a week, twice a week, once a month, whatever you do man. This is your world, you do you. :) Also if you still want to upload something on Mondays, maybe switch it to a teaser for your Friday video instead?


More LGR Eats!! Maybe do Eats on Monday and give us Lazy Game Reviews on Friday?


You post, I watch. More posts, more watching :-) That being said: sanity and quality are more important than the number of posts. I don’t care If it twice a week or twice a month, as long as you keep making content.


Hey Clint! Keep up the good work! Maybe just make Mondays quick "let's plays" of weird games from the archive, so that you have the bare minimum of scripting and editing. Your big production videos are definitely my favorites, but everybody likes a little filler, too!


I can relate to most of what you are saying here. Funny thing is, my video projects take so long I’ve considered adding in more filler episodes, and here you are talking about stopping that practice. So now I’m not sure.


Quality preferred over quantity.


Jeeez 70 hours a week, Things don't have to be 100% perfect only 99% /S . One vid a week or even two is fine. Take a month off and do LGR The 486 movie or something


Adapt and maintain a sustainable pace. Stay sane, don't burn out.


Take care of yourself first. The thing I like most about your channel is your unabashed enthusiasm for whatever you're talking about. Obviously, if you're burned out, that enthusiasm is dampened. I know from your previous videos that you'd like to keep doing this for a while, so treat it like a marathon, not a sprint. And while I hope you aren't quitting altogether, I'd understand if you did. After all, your right to happiness outweighs our desire for entertainment. Thanks for being candid about this.


Mental health comes before anything else. Whatever is going to make your life hopefully less stressful and your upload schedule easier, go for it! Your content is fantastic and I definitely prefer quality over quantity.

Joon Choi

Welcome back! In terms of output, whatever you need to do man. Q over Q as they say. But I'd second the idea floated by some others here and say perhaps you could reduce the overhead of the Monday video by making it a lower effort affair like a short Let's Play of your vast vintage game catalog, and reserving Fridays for the longer form, more polished videos. Limiting the scope and context of the Monday video might allow you to keep it to 1 day, 4-5 days for the Friday video, and 1-2 days off.


I'm totally on board with this: anything which helps you (or any creator) stay in a good headspace is important. That's what important to me - I'm more than okay with going to one a week if it lets you create great content, and be in a good place whilst you do it!


Hi Clint, yeah, the last thing any of us wants is for you to get burned out. To be honest, I think most creators in your situation don't promise or stick to such a rigid schedule, at least once they hit your level of popularity, though I have to admit I do enjoy the consistency and frequency of your vids. All in all, it's the high-quality, researched vids that I personally find the most entertaining and interesting, and frankly, it's downright amazing that you've been able to put out so many of them so quickly. If you compare your output to other creators, for example The Gaming Historian (who I also love), it's no contest; even if you did one video a week you'd be putting out way more content than other creators in the field. I got burned out on my LaunchBox project for similar reasons a year or two ago, and it really wasn't good for anyone. So I'm glad you're taking a break and re-evaluating what you can realistically do; I think it will be great for everyone in the end. Just don't push yourself to the point where you're not enjoying it anymore; I find that that's the best way to figure it all out. Regardless, we'll all keep enjoying the vids, so long as you're putting them out in any capacity. :)


You do what you gotta do. ❤️🌷 Take care of yourself!

Michael Steenbeek

70 hours of work is really a lot. I think the reason it's more exhausting than retail is that you don't have to think as much in retail (it's discouraged, I'd say) and the fact it's not your own company - when you leave the building, it's done for the day. If you need to switch to one video per week, then just do it. Nobody benefits from you getting overworked or rushing videos - most importantly, you don't. We'll manage, there are many good YouTubers.


Hey, videos once a week are just fine! I didn't read all these comments so I dunno if anyone suggested replacing one video with a live stream of something or other - whatever you feel like. Behind the scenes, let's play, Q&A, whatever. I imagine there would be plenty of people who would love even seeing the problems you run into along the way when making videos, so live streaming you setting stuff up might be enjoyable. And of course live streaming requires no editing or post production. I know not everyone is comfortable with it so it's understandable if it's not your deal, but it may be a less stressful alternative. I'd really love seeing some stuff like goal oriented Sims let's plays or something, your play style and general commentary while playing is really fun and the Sims is pretty reliably popular! But regardless, I think you're great and should not stress yourself out, so whatever you choose for your health is best!


I think one video a week sounds great. 50-70 /hrs is unsustainable. I did near 70 for 9 mo. I still 2 years later dealing with the fallout on my body. Moderate it back as it makes sense. I think almost everyone wants you to have a life outside of LGR.


To be totally honest, having watched your content since 2015, its boggled my mind how you've managed to keep up with two substantial high quality videos a week for so long. All of your videos are just so well put together that I cannot even imagine the workload, especially for just one person. While I do honestly love the two videos a week, I do not think anybody could be upset at you for dropping to one video a week. Your sanity and health are the most important thing! Keep up the great work, my man! I'll keep coming back no matter how many videos we get in an arbitrary time-frame


You gotta do what you gotta do! Quality over quantity and health before business. I think pretty much what my stance is. ;)


Honestly we're only THE AUDIENCE because we already like you and what you do, so we want you to be happy with your job and be able to maintain your health and happiness!


Hey Clint. Although I haven't been here since the start, I guess I was an early subscriber and was hooked from day one. As corny as it may sound your my #1 YouTuber and you inspired me to continue enjoying old computers. I love your attention to detail in your videos and the variety of content you produce. With that said, you're only a man and you run the channel as a one man show. I have seen other YouTube personalities recently making posts like this, where the job of making videos is becoming a bit of a burden instead of an enjoyment. No one wants that to happen. Like everyone else here has said already, you do you - your mental wellbeing and health comes first. It just isn't healthy in any respect to be working the hours you do, and for all we appreciate it as your fans we would all much rather a healthy LGR than a burnt out LGR. Computers can be an arse to deal with man, I work with them for my job and I sometimes find it difficult to find the energy to play with them after work, which is sad. Old computers, like old cars and really old anything need work to keep them going. Parts are hard to source, and some media was never intended to last as long as it has. We as your fans will understand these factors, which is why we enjoy coming on the journeys you document - it is fine for things to not work out, and sometimes it brings a realism that others may not already be aware of. Keep it healthy man, and keep living the dream. We will still be here if you're putting out 1 video a week, a fortnight or a month.


Better one video a week for several years the two a week for only a couple of years and a burnout. Move to 40 hours if need be but watch your health. Perhaps make a "making of" video so people can see and understand how much times goes into these videos and why its best to switch to a lower gear.


You do you, one video per week is great enough as it is with the quality and attention you put in it. Having that said, this is the first thing that popped in my mind: if it's less of an bad head space inducing effort and if you feel it fits the channel I wouldn't mind a monday let's play\try video and a regular video on friday, for example.


Welcome back from vacation! One idea for adding flexibility is to commit to something over a longer time period. Right now, you hold yourself to "2 per week". Let's say you reduce this to "1 per week" to ensure that you keep things sustainable. But instead of thinking of it as "1 per week" you could do "4 per month" or "50 per year". Basically you could build a vacation balance (or schedule) into your system so you are able to take time off as needed without feeling guilty, which is good for everybody!

Steve Skafte

The consistency of even one video a week is really a bit deal in my mind. Knowing that some content is coming out regularly gives you something to look forward to. Random appearances and disappearances in production make it hard for both the creator and audience to stay focused. I'd say stick to whatever feels consistently comfortable for you, no matter how little or much it is.


One video a week is more than enough, for the amount of production you put into these. Don't kill yourself man.


Im sure it's been said plenty of times now but if you want to drop to just one video a week then do it. I'll still be watching and enjoying. Don't let life pass you by

Jim Leonard

Regarding quality vs. quantity, the general consensus in 2018 (if you believe market research and metrics analysis) is quality. Quality videos have a longer life, generate more passive income, and entice more people to subscribe. So if you wanted an opinion from someone who's been researching this lately, my suggestion is to fall back to one video a week where you can enjoy the work and create a quality product.

Lindsay Michelle

I know how you feel about tech breaking down - that affects my own day job, too! I work in a chemistry lab and one of our most important analysis machines wasn't working right for nearly a month and it really screwed up my productivity with the samples I was supposed to test. I know it's an odd thing to relate to, but I just wanted to say that I do understand that tech can go wrong out of your control at the most inconvienent times. If you're burnt out, you are doing the right thing by backing off on your work hours so your quality doesn't suffer - as many people have said before me, quality over quantity is best! I'm glad to see so many people supporting you during this tough time - I'm sure you can make it through this just fine :)


Let me add a "+1" to the idea of one video per week or "X per year", specially given the insane 70+ hours a week workloads you just mentioned. Off all the stuff I watch on You Tube, yours is always one of the best researched and produced, to the point it feels borderline insane that you are an one man show. I'm also a small patron to GMTK (Mark Brown), and I really don't feel let down by him making one video per month or so, given that his content is awesome. It would be the same with you, so do whatever it takes to preserve your life quality! Greetings from Brazil!


Good to see you refreshed after your holiday, Clint. Totally agree that dropping to one video per week would be better for you (in terms of health and less likely to brainfart) and the channel (you content is always 1st class, even the early VHS era) but maybe make one extra video a month - something quicker and easier to produce such as LGR foods or thrifts, and every 3rd, 4th or 6th month a special feature such as a live gameplay or interview with another Youtube gamer, or a live stream q&a for all.

Jason Wellband

Glad you took some time off for "you" time and glad you're back. You've done really great work over the years. I'm betting that whichever way you go, it's going to be great. Your desire to do good work shows in your videos and it shows a great effort to learn the topic, experience it for yourself, and share the experience with us.


I'd like back the one a week as well. No point burning yourself out.


Honestly I would happily have just the one video a week if it meant that you actually had some time to yourself. As you pointed out here, continously working isn't healthy or sustainable. I also love the fact that your channel comes straight from you, but wouldn't hate it if you felt having an extra member of the team would help. At the end of the day I'd rather you be happy whatever you decide!


Do what you need to do! I'd prefer one longer video to two shorter ones per week :)


Burn out is a very real problem. Just do one a week. As long as you have the passion, it will flow nicely.

Avery G

Don't over stress yourself, Do what you need to do! I really don't think most people would mind having only one video a week(I certainly wouldn't mind). I think the term is "Burn out". Love what you do, Keep it up! Thanks, Avery G.


Take a break Clint from time to time hey if you go down to one video a week I have no issue with that at all take care of you first


I work in A/V production. I have gotten burned out twice. Not worth it. You take care of you. Always supportive!


One or two videos per week is still a lot of value as a Patreon. Do what is sustainable. I thank you for all your efforts.

Wrestling With Gaming

We're very fortunate that you've been able to put out so many videos of such high quality for so long. But you the person comes first. As much as we all love the devices, research, and games that you cover, I think your fans that have watched you over the years have all come to appreciate and care for you as a person just as much as the content. I don't think you're going to see any kind of backlash or resentment if you need post less frequently. Much like the 486 in my closet that I always say I'm going to refurbish, we'll be here waiting.


Hey man, dont sweat it. You're just one guy not an entire production company. Give yourself some spare time. Your job shouldnt be your life. If you need to cut back temporarily or even permanently I think I speak for all of us when I say thats totally fine. Its your life and your channel. Like you said in your work life balance video, if your too toasted the content shows.


Take as much time as you like and go at your own leisure. Seriously, you should only work on a video if you want to do it. Feeling forced to do something is the best way to drain oneself. We'll be here when you're up for it. :)


Stay sane! We support you because you are *you* and that's what we love..


What takes the most time for an average video project? What process(es) would be easiest to outsource? I’m with everyone else: I’d rather have less of your quality content than eventually none due to burn out.

Carey Brown

I'm mirroring what others have said. I'd rather you enjoy what you're doing than have more videos. I'm a quality over quantity person. I've thoroughly enjoyed what you've been doing, no jumping ship here. :)


Glad you had a good vacation! No worries if you change your schedule; I enjoy and admire the work you do and want you to feel your best while doing it. Burning out doing something you love is actually the worst. One video a week is more than enough, and anything else is just a bonus! :)


Quality over quantity, unlimited life of LGR instead of gone because of burn out. You do you. Why not go with the 3D Realms approach - "when it's done" - just concentrate on what you want to make, and do the best job you can. If something goes wrong, it can go on the back-burner while you start the next project. It is you, I'm sure we'd see a video at least once a week or two, and that is definitely enough to keep 99% of all subscribers/patrons happy, if not all. I'm sorry I live in New Zealand and not closer. I'd happily volunteer my time for you. IT is my profession and my hobby, just like you.


Once a day, once a week, once a month, I don't care as long as the videos keep coming :) I have a hard time seeing anyone get angry and ragequitting over only seeing one video a week instead of two (well I guess I can, there are some real weirdos out there, but they're not worth worrying about). Honestly I didn't even realize you had a release schedule! I just watch stuff as it comes into my subscriptions. The channels I unsub from are not ones that post too infrequently, it's ones that churn out a bunch of filler videos I don't care about. I would imagine rather than worrying about what your adoring fans think, is the worry about the the YouTube algorithm and ad revenue. There are so many rumors and pet theories going around out there about what pace/video length you need to show up in people's feeds. I hope the Patreon can keep you from worrying too much about that end!


Quality over quantity! Always! Besides, once a week is an ideal frequency IMO. Stay sane <3


Clint, quality over quantity always. If you did one video a month I’d be a happy man to be honest. No need to second guess the fans I think!


I think it's a good idea. You've got to prioritise your health and sanity, and I'm pretty sure the majority of your patrons are still going to support you regardless of whether you post videos once a week or once a month.


Would that mean one mediocre video after a 15 year wait? :-)


You do whatever you need to do to enjoy your work more and keep your mental health... healthy. If a self guided schedule is what you need, I'll support it.


Two videos a week is really hard. Unless you're getting a team to help and then you risk losing your personal touch. How about one video a week and if it happens to go smoothly and you have free time do something quick and fun. Either way you have a ton of support.


One video a week is more than enough. Use more of your time to play your games for fun! You have some games laying around you know..


Do what's best for you.


Quality over quantity!


If You are ok, i will happy with that, I really like what you do!, thank you! :) I have a some old PCs and PC parts in my house and I know what you mean with the troubleshotting, sometimes it take me week or mounths to get a solution or find a part to replace, anyway i enjoy it!


Do what you feel is right, one video a week is still so very fantastic and I applaud you. Your mental well being and overall health is important. Don’t feel pressured to stick to something that may not be working. Things change. If you really, really wanna do two videos, maybe have 1 be a Patreon exclusive chat / unscripted play of a random game, or something less intensive. Whatever you decide, we’ll all enjoy it. 👍


You are not the only one right now. It seems that a lot of the youtubers that I care to watch every video come out are taking time off to clear their headspace or just reducing the amount of content so they don't go insane. Few of mention is jacksepticeye and markiplier. Everyone deserves time off. just don't push yourself so far that you resent your work as that will just make everything worse for you and if you ever feel like making two videos again a week then I will be there to watch them.


you rock. keep on rocking, and take your time. We're here, and always happy when something new comes down the pipe. "ooh, clint's got a new video!" I always love to warm up in front of the backlit wonder of whatever you come up with.

Cropply Crab

You do you man, have you considered a weekly video and a semi-weekly stream though? Might be a good way of putting in fewer hours while still maintaining a nice level of content, and connecting with fans. I've enjoyed recent streams from a few other retro focused youtubers I follow.


Personally I would be happy with even just 2 videos every month. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy your videos when they come out but I think fewer higher quality (and perhaps even longer) videos are better than getting rushed videos. Editing for clarity - I didn't mean to come across as being critical in any way whatsoever. Just saying that I really like your videos and would be just as happy with fewer videos.


For the quality of videos you produce, I'm amazed you can keep up two per week like you do! Seeing them pop up ever Monday and Friday is nice, but I'll always enjoy and support your content even if it's a couple of times per month. Keep up the great work, but don't burn yourself out! :)