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Picked this up in the last episode of Thrifts and just had to try it out with the X-10 system I covered on LGR Oddware a while back. A bit of a simpler video in scope since I really needed a break after that monstrous Unreal retrospective, but I hope it's enjoyable anyway!


LGR Oddware Follow-up: X10 "The Timer" Clock Controller

X10 Home Automation: The Timer



I used to be fascinated by this stuff back in the 80s and 90s. I had something that looked exactly like that white powerhouse controller, only I bought it at Radio Shack and it had their branding on it. I also had the "HomeMinder" which was a stand-alone computer that connected to your TV for controlling stuff.

Nicholas Wilson

Doesn’t the “sleep” option temporarily disable the whole system until you want it on again?


Nope, not exactly! Turns out it's to set units to turn off after a set time, like the "sleep" function that used to be so common on TVs. I'll be adding this info in the next draft.


From what I know of ancient networking protocols like Token Ring, there might be a standoff timer built into the devices so that if something transmits over the media, any other devices wait a while before they try and send anything to avoid interference.


Could very well be! Hopeful that someone with more experience than me will come along and provide concrete info :)

Kris Asick

The only way I could think of these interfering with each other is if two different master devices tried to send out a signal simultaneously, since the actual units you plug devices into which you want controlled simply respond to one-time signals, not a constant stream of data.

Clemente d'Angelo

But Clint, The most important question is... You go back to pickup The Laserdisc player + The films? :D


Nah, I already have a ton of LD stuff that I'm quite happy with, so I'd rather let someone else pick it up and enjoy!

Jason Wellband

Reminds me of the Leviton system that my grandma had in their old house. It was installed when the house was built and after they bought it from the first owners, they never used it other than a clock on the kitchen wall haha


Man I love this kind of stuff. I really want to pick up the X10 kit for my C64. I can then trash my Amazon Echo. 80s Smart Home FTW! :-D


Been wanting to try out the C64 version myself, along with the TRS-80 one. The older the home automation, the better, haha


Only 12h clock? Man I hate this clock already! All bow down to the much more superior 24h clock! Which should be the only clock used, worldwide for digital displays if you ask me, also I am to stupid to read 12h clocks.


Just curious, what happened to your finger that has a band-aid around it?


As cool and amazing as this is, I wonder if anyone actually had a practical use for it. (Apart from maybe turning on the lights when the house was vacant to give the appearance of people being home.)


This is kinda awesome and really odd . . .

Alyxx the Rat

X-10 stuff is just... beyond cool. :D


Aside from in filming and to play old games, do you use old tech everyday when there is a 21st century/obviously easier way to do things? I can totally picture you forgoing your light switch to instead using the X10 stuff. And editing your movies on a late 90s PC. And cutting your finger instead of leaving it in mint condition.


Yeah I can only think of: fans, room AC (amperage might be an issue), lights. I already have timers on my clock (alarm) and coffee machine. Sprinkler systems are often similarly basic old timer set ups, I wonder if there is an X-10 sprinkler out there?


Almost disappointed it isn't some PeeWee Herman-esque X10 set up here ;-)


Always love that X-10 stuff, it's well designed, easy and does all the basic stuff you'd expect, conveniently integrated because no need for a communication medium other than the power line, pretty cheap too... always wondered why that never caught on in all those decades it's been available. Maybe it's just that people simply don't care about home automation in the first place regardless of how easy it is.


Yeah I'm always surprised I don't hear of more people having used it back in the day, most that see my videos seem surprised such a thing existed!


Very cool as always. I would love to have a setup like that in my house today.

Lindsay Michelle

I like your box lamp that you used for this video. It's pretty and makes me think of Japan. :) I enjoyed your surprised reaction when the light did come on via the delayed computer controls after you already started saying it wasn't going to work, haha


Yeah it's probably the best $5 lamp ever, ha. And that really caught me off-guard, it was like a 30 second delay


It's really tempting to leave this set up all the time and get the wi-fi addon so I can control all these things with my phone...


Curious where and how you store and keep up with all the machines you have? I have a LOT, but you seem to have even more. I can't possibly keep them all set up and displayed and I worry about them "rotting" on the shelf from neglect. How do you keep up with battery checks, capacitor leaks, etc?


I keep several storage units, I did a video on the topic a while back. Batteries aren't kept in them when not in use, if I can help it. Cap leaks are rare, but addressed when they pop up.