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Time for another upgrade to the Woodgrain 486. Just a detour into the world of Windows 3.0 before moving onto version 3.1/3.11.


LGR 486 Update! Unboxing & Installing Windows 3.0



Holy Time Warp. I grew up with Windows 3.1 as well, so this is really cool to see. The differences are pretty small between the two versions, but it still gave me that warm and fuzzy nostalgia feeling. It brings me back to running Doom through the file manager and playing through the game at 6 frames per second. Ahhh, the things we put up with when we had no other choice!

Peter Metzger

oh man, MIDI right on the cover of the box! <3


It's so early 90s. Love it!

Peter Metzger

oh noooo the heartbreaking truth revealed at the end of the video :'( bring on 3.1!


Those backgrounds are rad!


I remember buying my father windows 95 to upgrade from 3.1, right when it came out and he flogged me for getting it because "You never buy a Microsoft product right when it comes out. You have to wait for it not to suck". This brings back that wonderful memory because we were forced to run 3.x a little while longer until My dad finally pulled the trigger on 95.

Alyxx the Rat

Mmmmm, the early 90's. Exciting times!


I've been getting my own 486 build going these last few weeks, it's been fun. Although I've been stuck with a PNP SBAWE64 or a PNP SB16 and a PCI video card so it's not quite as era-accurate as it could be. Great blasts from the past though


Are you able to find all the ISA peripherals ? (COM, LPT1, IDE, etc)


Every time I see Windows 3 running on original hardware, I miss my old PC more and more. Chip's Challenge was one of my favorite games back in the day, but there's just something about the era that feels like home.


The only correct color scheme is "Hot Dog Stand"!

Matt Standish

I remember seeing Emerson sold at Walmart. The display unit was physically falling apart. I had a Wang 386/sx computer with Windows 3.0 which was used to exit to dos.


I just love these old hardware videos. especially since it's near impossible to get hold of anything good these days (at least where I am)


I didn't even know there were incremental upgrades to 3.0 before 3.1 - amazing!


My first pc was an Compaq 486 sx2 66mhz, 4MB ram and 500 MB Hdd. It hot upgraded to 20MB ram at some point. Dos6.something and win3.1. That was good times. Never seen 3.0 on other than pictures.

George Schizas

Asymetrix ToolBook was a competitor to Macromedia Flash and Macromedia Director. It was a program that created multimedia applications, but in a very GUI-like way, with minimal code. I've used it back in the late '90s, it was very cool and intuitive. It _has_ been described as HyperCard for Windows, yes :)

Clemente d'Angelo

Waiting for the 3.1 update, because that was my first Windows.


Windows 3.0 was also my first Windows and I believe I ran it on a 286. Upgrading later to Windows 3.1 and a 386 was a big deal because it was the first time you could have more than one DOS window open at the same time in Windows thanks to the 386 CPU.


Hearing you say dang it reminds me of King of the Hill. Paint reminds me of my first visit to my secondary school and seeing the hi tech suite. Blew my mind.


Brings back memories. I remember loading DOS countless times before installing Windows 3.0. Then when Windows 95 came, DOS went out... the window. (Yeah, nobody laughed back then at my joke either.)


Now you should get a new old stock US Robotics Sportster Winmodem and do the impossible, try to get it working on Windows 3.1 without spending hours troubleshooting. Nothing is more fun than dealing with trumpet, winsock, IRQ conflicts, etc... Should show the kids how you had to troubleshoot in the mid-90s when you didn't have access to anything online since the point of the modem was to get online, so you sat there, perhaps reading the Windows manual to find out what the hell trumpet even was. But the box says "plug n play" and "easy to install" so I'm sure I'm just misremembering my hate of winmodems.


Another project that might be interesting here would be install OS/2 for Windows.

Evan B

oh wow! I completely forgot about the pif editor.. I used to mess with that all the time


Windows 3.0 came with the Packard Bell Legend 486 my relative bought in 1991 and looked about the same as your fresh install Clint, yet I recall icons for Tetris, SkiFree and Word 5.5; they were probably part of the PB Software Bundle (there may have been more, but can't remember now). I also recall a program group with icons for the business applications he got from the accounting firm he used to work for (I'm sure he installed those himself); that's where he spent most of his time. I seldom booted into Windows, it felt dull and boring (SkiFree was good for a few minutes though); I booted to MS-DOS 5.0 instead to play Crystal Caves, Commander Keen or Duke Nukem (much more entertaining and fun for 27 year old me back then ^_^). In 1993 my relative upgraded to Windows 3.1 to make the most of the Media Vision Multimedia Kit he bought that same year; that's when Windows (and personal computers) became a lot more interesting and appealing to me.


Reminds me why I still hate Microsoft.


What kind of printer are you going to go for? Hopefully also wood grain... maybe a dot matrix?


Did you ever find out what was on setup disk 7? Kind of curious now.


Probably either the printer drivers, or manual, one of the things he unchecked for installation.


I never realised Windows 3 to 3.11 lasted so many years. Launching in 1990? Wow. 5 years is a long time before a truly major update for an OS.

Bastien Nocera

Goupil was a French computer brand. If you like fancy hardware (I know you do ;) look for the “Goupil Golf” with the LCD screen, it’s a thing of beauty.


Me at about the minute point "Oh hey, he's got a woodgrain desk...oh wait, that's actual wood..."


Aw man, this took me right back to late 1989 where a buddy of mine had gotten an early release of Windows 3.0 and we installed it on my dad’s Zenith 286 10MHz, 1MB RAM, 20 MB HDD, greyscale VGA monitor. It was the bomb after running Windows 2.11 (which you must do a segment on if not already done). The 13 year old me were amazed by that Chess background. You must dig deeper into Win 3.1 when time comes and hook up the Roland MIDI interface I sent you earlier, play some Canyon.mid and do recording with the Sound Blaster Pro. I recorded my own system sounds with it back then.


This was awesome to watch, My first PC was Windows 3.1 and always wondered what Windows 3.0 looked like.. Really enjoyed this one!


Windows 2 is certainly one I'd love to dive a bit deeper, still looking for a boxed copy! And 3.1 and MIDI are a wonderful pairing to behold, I'm excited for that


Totally did and raised my channel contribution :) Please make us some more LGR eats videos hahaha cant find any "Dukes Mayo" in NJ sounds so good :)