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LGR - Opening Stuff You Sent Me! April 2018

Vintage computer hardware, oddware, PC games, electronics, and lots of ramen. Excellent as usual, thank you so much! Background music is "Uptown Bossa" by Johan Hynynen.


Thomas Fuchs

Borland Turbo C++? Will you be making a game? :) I'd totally play a retro LGR adventure game where you need to puzzle together something from old DOS games.

Nicholas Wilson

Turkish Delight is flavoured gelatine, Clint. 😊


the AMD is a 133MHz ;) P75 is "like a pentium 75" also mistreated early Pentium-rating

Alyxx the Rat

Oh boy, so much good stuff :D


Snood..the reason I barely passed senior year of high school!


The alphasmart, if memory serves, is like a little portable word processor. And then, what you do is connect it to the keyboard port of your computer, open your word processor on your computer, and then upload the document as keystrokes that go right into the word processor. So no special connection software is required.


So, you gonna eat all that ramen?


Nah, I'm not a programmer. I just like collecting classic software and occasionally messing around with some code!


That game was seriously dangerous, as I rediscovered with my retrospective episode recently. So many comments from people saying they had trouble at school/work because of it!


I came for the audio card, I stayed for the non-debatable-y awesome Snood merch.


I hope you cover the Top Gun game soon, as I saw that it includes a free t-shirt and, well... 80s LOLz.


I also love how you sound TRULY enthusiastic and grateful for the stuff that you get. Gives me the fuzzies.


Glad that comes across! I've actually gotten some comments saying how I seem *ungrateful* in these videos, and that's disheartening to say the least.


Enjoy the NFS 2, again sorry if it is not different to the US release (I thought the SE edition was the US only and that one there is the Aus/NZ version). Thanks for putting the unboxing in your video :) - the other stuff is really awesome too


I was a beta tester for Connectix! I was one of the beta testers for Virtual PC for Windows, when they were first working on porting it. Nearly 17ish years later, turns out my job is primarily dealing with Hyper-V - the product Microsoft made as a result of buying Virtual PC off of Connectix. What a weird world!


Holy crap, what is the model of that tiny 486 board? I MUST keep an eye out for it!


You should do a video about spectrum holobyte. They made some good games including Star Trek a final unity.


Ooooh, I'm giddy with anticipation for all the oddware stuff ʘ‿ʘ


Doesn't look like it'll happen anytime soon, but if you ever want an interesting late 90s computer to review I have an original blue & white PowerMac G3 complete in box with all of the original stuff packed with it and the original CRT to match it also in the box with all of the original stuff. I'd be happy to lend it to you for you to do a video with it.


I hope you get to do this forever <3


Too cool! I also spied your Dogz/Catz on the shelf; I approve! I loved those games as a kid. Your video about them was awesome.


Where'd Storybook Weaver Deluxe go? I didn't finish watching it :(


That notebook thingy seems to be a Turkish thing as all infos i find with a quick look are some Turkish flea market sites having it listed. Is there any info on whats inside that thing? Is it one of those x86 ROM-DOS handhelds with CGA or more like the Siemens IC35, a PDA sporting a Z80? EDIT: Well, that machine is not listed on tankraider.com, so it appears from afar as some custom job compatible with nothing but itself.


OMG Violet Crumble ;_; Someone needs to send him Tim Tams and Milo

Carey Brown

Enjoy the motherboard Clint, figured you'd have enough AT era cases and power supplies to give it a new life. I just recently put the last parts together for my 98 era K6-2. Your videos made me miss the days of running QEMM to get 639K of free Conventional RAM, having to pick and choose sys/tsr drivers and making a bootable floppy just for games.


I feel like the Snood guys just sent you their entire remaining inventory


Haha, perhaps! Although they have an online store still, so maybe I just got the old stuff so they could make room for new :P


One of the packet ramens you received seems to be Sapporo Ichiban's shio (salt) variety, which, if you enjoy it, you can find at some stores and online in the US as they do export that flavor here. I highly recommend Sapporo Ichiban as a good basic cheap ramen, especially their shio and shoyu (called "Original") flavors. (And, a step up is something I know you've encountered, Nissin Raoh, which is noteworthy for the noodles not being fried, but rather engineered to produce a more traditional and restaurant-quality noodle upon preparation, by using two different doughs in a concentric noodle arrangement. Some places in the US even use the Raoh noodle cakes as a convincing shortcut. Anyway, personally, I enjoy both the "cheap" fried super-salty ramen flavor at times, in which case I go Sapporo Ichiban, and the fancier more nuanced stuff at other times, in which case I go Nissin Raoh.)


Please do a video of the Japanese snacks and ramen!