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Weird rendering issues with the first upload last night but it's all good now!


LGR - Storybook Weaver Deluxe Retrospective

1994 edutainment program retrospective



Makes my tweet moot, haha. Really looking forward to this one. Loading now!


This was my favorite PIN-EYE-A-TA


Wow. How right you are Clint with that TTS. It's atrocious. But hey that's early 90s edutainment!


So by worst text-to-speech you mean the best text-to-speech ;) Also, have you tried making it say soisoisoisoisoi?


I think that same terrible text-to-speech was used in an episode of Stargate SG-1. Or at least it reminded me of that episode to the point that I couldn't stop picturing Amanda Tapping reading about Effing Space Spiders.


I love this so much, thank you. I need a copy to play now, for old time's sake :)


Another edutainment game you might enjoy: Spelling Blizzard. I played it on win 3.1


Haha. For going out of their way to include Spanish story-reading ability, they sure didn't do much to make it accurate

Terry Lee

I was confusing the title with the webpage designing software called Dreamweaver

Justin Dotson

Need more spider stories.


That was hysterical. Thanks for making me laugh this morning.


That's another piece of software where I've always enjoyed the name. I guess I just like the word weaver.


The Hollywood Hounds only ever had a TV Christmas special (precisely in the mid 90's). It's weird that they made an expansion featuring them. Perhaps they though they were going to be bigger or it was merely an attempt at cross promotion that clearly didn't pan out, because they didn't amount to anything else. Meanwhile, the other expansion, regarding the "Dinkytown Day Care Kids" had not only a book but a line of dolls as well (which, apparently, each came with its own individual book as well).


Oh man, that TTS engine is a real hoot! And hearing it pronounce Spanish words is even more hilarious!! (starts laughing uncontrollably .......XD XD XD XD XD XD....... Ay, Dios mio!). Still, I'll give this "educational" title some kudos for at least trying '^_^'. Thanks for a very funny review Clint :)


Thank you for the info! I found practically nothing about it relating to this software though, no idea where the expansion came from haha

Kris Asick

Never underestimate the power of space spiders! :D

Foone Turing

oh neat! I can't watch this yet but I can't wait. I've actually been planning to do a video on Storybook Weaver versions, cause it turns out there's TONS of variations and they're basically not at all documented. I've got like 3 in box and another couple in disk/disc and ISOs for more and you found a completely different box to the ones I have!


Yeah there were a crapload of them over the years, although Deluxe v1.1 is the only one I have and cover here! Would like to try the earlier ones sometime


I've got to say, the new mic sounds really good (or you've done something to your audio processing since last video. Either way, sounds nice).


Mew uh hay ha


Much better

Steve Skafte

I lost it at the the effing space spiders! Or gained it? That's right, pure joy. Thanks for the joy, Clint. It's totally welcome at 2am.

Alyxx the Rat

I am laughing my ass off from that text-to-speech voice! That made my morning!


Dr Sbaitso has more class than that TTS engine. :P


A new LGR video Oh what a day! What a lovely day!


Wow that's weird. I'd used this back in Elementary School and had 100% forgotten about the actual program, but I remembered the part where I'd recreated The Blues Brothers with it for ages and couldn't remember what I'd used. <3


I probably got more mileage out of this than Opening Night, though I loved both. Theatrix's Hollywood was my go-to movie making tool (much superior TTS), but I spent a lot of time writing stories with my cousins about us going on adventures and such. In that regard, the movie makers didn't have as many settings and assets to offer.

Evan B


Matt Standish

I was interested in how someone registered the product and received an upgrade. Time not wasted! Did you try the opening music on the midi tower?


That's what the registration card in game boxes were for then :) And nah, the tower is a bit too cumbersome to bring out for each game


Haven't tried Hollywood yet, but I certainly got some recommendations when I covered The Movies a while back


You know, I know you were being alliterative when you mentioned the crispy compact disk, but.. To be honest, when you have a brand new CD in a brand new, tight-fitting jewel-case, 'Crispy' is exactly how I would describe taking it out for the first time. Mmm.. Satisfying.

Carey Brown

EFFING SPACE SPIDERS!!!!! I have the best mental image of you shaking your fist angrily at the sky now. I cant thank you enough for that. 😁


Is it odd that I will always prefer the not-deluxe version? Only one I got to play as a kid. b/w and probably 1/4th the features, but I loved it


Space spiders, the literary masterpiece of our generation


I would have absolutely loved this as an 8-year old kid in 1994. Alas, it must have passed me by at the time, as I have absolutely no recollection of the title Storybook Weaver or the software itself, and I would have remembered a cool name like that!


Sounds like a very early primitive version of the automated system used on buses to call out bus stops.....


Myouehayha... LOL I had more fun with text to speech programs (and their opposites) back in the day than anyone should have. Those things never got old. You could have a bit of fun making a story in this and just posting it as a video.