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LGR - 486 Upgrade! Mighty MIDI Mountain



Good to see the stuff getting a great forever home and being used. <3


This made me (literally) lol


Totally awesome! That's my kind of setup right there! Only difference is what I've ended up doing was just hooking all of my external midi modules to a Mackie Mixer. Also the KORG unit you have there intrigues me.


Yeah, the Korg is really fun to me, especially since we had a Korn N1 growing up that sounded pretty much just like it! Sounds great too, in the right games and MIDI tracks at least.


Man I wish I had this set up as a kid.. Those sounds, Damn your Goood!


Likewise, I would've gone nuts for a setup with even *one* of those devices. Really is all about fulfilling childhood fantasies with this one.


I really enjoy this series, it's the perfect Sunday companion! Stylish and thorough as usual. I honestly didn't know MIDI could get this awesome.


Pure mountain of awesome! Your troubleshooting face at 14:06 tells the tale we've all been through at some point.


LGR, ya mad bastard :D I wish I could play around with this kinda thing myself, but I don't have the money nor the time or dedication to figure out how to get all this stuff to work. Totally loved watching it come together tho :) Hope we can hear some more of it in the future.


Clint I know you have a lot on your plate with all the stuff you do, but showing all of this midi goodness gave me an idea for a new video series for you. Call it Midi Monday, where every Monday you showcase midi music you've found online, or midi music from games being played across all of your midi devices.

Alyxx the Rat

I'm drooling, this is like watching my childhood dreams come true


Holy heck! This is incredibly impractical, but so awesome when it all comes together and works. You're in MIDI heaven now my friend!


Loving the ... sound? of that Sound Canvas!


Oh! You saved my Sunday! It's so beautiful... btw, you remembered me I really need to re-do my cables, hate you now 😜 !

Jason Wellband

Awesome! Almost makes me want to ditch my software MT-32 emulator haha.


Wow, what an amazing video :D Listening to the tunes coming from the MIDI devices just made me happy :) thank you Clint!


Enjoyed this one. Your SEGA video inspired me to grab a Technics SH-8055 off eBay for my audio setup, and it's awesome. (The SH-8044 seems to be more rare?) Glad I did that before this video sends everyone else to buy them all up. The guy selling those Unisys 486s doubled his price when that video came out. LGR moves markets.


That might've been the kind of thing I would've done when I started 8 years ago, but nowadays I really do have too much to keep with as-is. Maybe someone else can do it though :)


Hehe, yeah even just editing the video I had to keep pinching myself. "Whoa, is that really in the other room?" And then I'd take a break from editing to go play with it for another hour or two.


MUNT and other options are better than nothing, but yeah: real hardware is wonderful to experience so I hope you get the chance!


The SH-8055 really looks awesome though, I love the extra options and switches. And yeah, it's an unfortunate side effect that making these videos raises the price for everyone. Thankfully it seems to be a short term demand and it levels out after a month or two :)


Awesome :) I just started playing through some old retro games with an mt-32 emulator and it's a whole new world of sound to explore. This stack is exactly the kind of crazy stuff I would have done as a teenager :)

Evan B

That was awesome! Cool to see someone Livin' the Dream.


A MIDI mountain rises! :D Yamaha's MIDI modules sound great in Descent, been listening to the MIDI files using the Yamaha S-YXG50 software synth. My SC-55 Mk1 sounds nice with them too, but the Yamaha gives an extra something.


Man, this is the dream package of the 90s. Only the Uber rich back then could live with these luxuries. I can only imagine how good it feels to finally reimagine the 90s games with sound the way it was intended back then


One of my favourite videos of yours.


Is it just me, or does the Korg have the clearer sound, followed closely by the SC-55?


Somehow i liked the Korg the most.


I really like how you are not even defining you content, instead calling it just "an LGR thing" :-)


Wow, look at that beast set up!!! :D


Mega cool.


Canyon.mid - Tears of midi joy.


This is completely wonderful.

Benjamin Hester

What a wonderfully absurd thing.

Justin Dotson

Man that Roland Sound Canvas. I didn't like the highs of the korg. But the mids of that Roland Sound Canvas. The Yahama was my second favorite. You totally just hit my sound engineering sweet spot with all of this. I love messing with music/sound equipment. It's totally absurd to have it all set up like this but it's absolutely fantastic and heavenly.


I think the Yamaha and the Korg sounded better than the Rolands. The MT-32 sounded very off, too much low end, and the highs weren't coming through. Could have been a recording issue, not necessarily with the unit itself. I thought the Yamaha sounded the best of the bunch though :)


Not a recording issue, it's completely down to the limitations of the MT-32 and what it specializes in. This is discussed in my MT-32 episode :)


I remember asking you 1 or 2 years ago about a video where you compared the sound of a bunch of midi devices, this finally satisfies that! :D


Holy crap... I never knew Doom could sound like that. It would have changed everything. I'd watch an entire video just comparing the sound of popular classic games.