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LGR - Claw Review


Peter Metzger

I had never previously heard of this game but I want it now. Thanks :D


Holy shit.. I was trying to remember what this game was called a couple months ago, and after hours of searching.. I gave up.. I played this when I was in kindergarten.. Man this one really takes me back. Your the GodDamnMan LGR.


I vaguely remember a small amount of this game but not that intro, I must have had a demo and forgot about it afterwards. Gotta check it out.. 20 years later!


You made me want an oldy PC, so I bought a used PIII ThinkPad. Also bought some of my old, favourite games in a big box version (AoE2, Civ3), since as a child I chucked the boxes really fast, so I only had the disks after a while. Now finally something that I kept (version 1.0 too)! Albeit I only have a budget release in a DVD case, but I absolutely loved this. Mmmm fond memories.


OMG! I got that Creative Bundle as a birthday gift in 1998 and got totally hooked on Claw... And is only now that I realize that it was made by the same team behind Blood. Thank you so much, Clint, for bringing back this memories.


Great! So I'm not the only 30-something that still plays computer games in his PJs while eating directly from the cereal box! Thank you for taking care of my low self-esteem Clint!


Great review, as always. Tho I'm sad you didnt mention his cameo in SHOGO. :p


The puns.... I approve


That was nonviolent?!


This game is fantastic!


Awesome video! Definitely worth becoming a patreon subscriber!


I know right? That was a pretty violent nonviolent game.


Hairballs of steel... This is why I love your videos.


I remember playing this game back when I was a kid. I also remember that I barely could pass level 1 and 2 xd


I rememeber seeing an article for this game in a PC magazine. They had speculation on when DVDs would be the primary media for game releases. Never saw a copy around however.


Huh. Such a surprising background. I remember adverts for it back in the day and more or less dismissed it. Looks like a rad one, and doubly so being from Monolith. Talk about mega surprising!


This review is Purrrfect !


Interesting game xD