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Back from my short retreat to Knoxville, Tennessee over the past five days and feeling refreshed! Returning to work with a slightly different kinda video to post next week. Trying a slightly different hardware review format. Unscripted, not so heavy on history or deep technical details. Just more like "Hey look at this neat thing, isn't it neat? I like it and I wanted to share."

I've just got SO MANY funky machines that I want to talk about but have avoided since my 'classic' format is so time consuming. Not to say the older computer review style is gone, but there's a lot of stuff and so little time to do it so I hope this works out better for me and is still fun to watch. We'll see, and lemme know your thoughts! :) 


LGR - My Tiniest Desktop 486 PC! Unisys CWD-4002

This is the smallest retro MS-DOS desktop computer that I own, so let's take a look inside and upgrade it with a Sound Blaster! Pretty amusing to see this kind of space-saving PC design from 1995. ● Consider supporting LGR on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/LazyGameReviews ● Social links: https://twitter.com/lazygamereviews https://www.facebook.com/LazyGameReviews ● Music used in order of appearance: Suits And Neckties 1, Zeppelin http://www.epidemicsound.com https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AxVf-n83oLo



That was awesome, what a compact and capable thing!


Yes, I want to see more like this. You often mention how you have all these odd machines that might not merit a full video, so this is a good way to cover those. Also, more content is always nice.


Add an external Cd-rom drive and it's perfect for DOS gaming. Playing games like Full Throttle, Doom, Warcraft would be amazing on this machine. Of course Duke Nukem, although I think Duke3D would perhaps be more enjoyable on a Pentium class PC. I do remember playing it on my 486DX4-100 though, but only in 320 resolution, not the full SVGA, as my (at that time) sad Tseng ET3000 only had 512k of memory. It became a lot better with my Tseng ET4000 and 6000 cards.


I like how compact it is inside, Pretty cool. And I like this style of video as well! so long as the occasional "old style" still pops up every so often. Should make your schedule alittle easier too!


Holy crap, Clint giving an (indirect) shoutout to another of my favorite YouTubers, High Treason! (guy who made the video shown at 0:39) And man, I always wanted one of these. So small and compact, yet it packs a healthy punch. I definitely wouldn't mind seeing more videos like this. =)


Note - it says before twice during the sound card bit


I love seeing DOS games run on all sorts of machines :) This kind of video is certainly a great format for exotic pieces of technology, and it doesn't feel "lazy" at all, for lack of a better word.


I love these style of videos, mainly because even if there's not much to say about it, just *seeing* stuff like this in action is why I came to the channel in the first place. You've also gotten better at the unscripted thing. I know your style shifted years ago, but this felt as coherent and interesting as any other video, which is great!


Probably going track one down. I'd like to have a proper 486 machine, but space is going to be a big concern with my move coming up.

Michael Vokabre

O hai! <img src="http://vokabre.com/box/IMG_7244.JPG"> P. S. A slightly younger cute little Unisys CWD5001 with the manufacturing date of Sep. 9 1996. P. P. S. I like 4002 face design, never seen that one before, i wonder why they switched to more boxy one for the next machine.


I've been looking for something like that myself.. because I hate the enormous size of most 486 machines. But I want to be able to put at least one 5.25" floppy drive in it so I can read/write to some older formats..


If some of us are looking to pick up a smaller 486, is this what you'd recommend? I would miss the ability to use a 5.25" drive, but I'm not so sure that's worth the huge amount of space a standard AT motherboard takes up.


I mean, it's worth it if you don't mind the limitations! :) I can live without a 5.25" drive quite easily when it comes to a 486-66+. It's with older machines that they're more required for me.


I'm a big fan of your more relaxed, extemporaneous stuff, so if this is what you've gotta do to cover the stuff you want to cover, I'm totally with you. (Not that there's anything wrong with your longer, in-depth stuff. Those reviews are also awesome.)


Lovely! And who doesn't love the old late 80s/early 90s beige design?! I'd much rather have those neat boxes from that time, than the gaming stations today. But hey, I'm old and slightly grumpy! :D

Lindsay Michelle

These videos are good for people like me who watch a lot of Youtube videos and have less and less time as of late. I liked that it was to-the-point while still remaining entertaining. But don't stop making your longer stuff! I just relaxed to your Apple II Lego video earlier today, after all. :D And I hope you had a good trip to Tennessee! I just returned from my honeymoon last Saturday, so I guess we were both on vacation around the same time :)

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

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2017-06-28 22:57:37 Loved it! Might pick one up to start some DOS gaming on again. I'm sure it would play nicely with a compact flash upgrade.

Loved it! Might pick one up to start some DOS gaming on again. I'm sure it would play nicely with a compact flash upgrade.


I was sick of the beige design back in the day, but compared to the modern "gamer" design with black and red and aggressively sharp angles, it's pretty awesome.


Loved the vid! Tiny observation but you wrote "Before" for both pc speaker and soundblaster comparison. Anyway, keep up the great work!

Brad Sparks

Liked the vid a lot. And have never seen this model of 486 before! Back in the late 90's I had access to a slightly larger 486 with similar connectors in the back that were outside of the power supply and I remember it going up in smoke because the blades inside the machine got shorted.


Do you can make Tech Tales about Unisys ?


Ahaha wow!! This is tiny!!!


That's one cool and tiny desktop, a nice touch that the monitor is heavier than it too.


It would in theory, but where would I put it is my conundrum. Having one internally that's never removed would be fine, but I'd either have to lose the sound card or the floppy drive to have a CF card that's swappable without opening the case!

Foone Turing

I think this format works out just fine! I can see it being great for machines like this, where there's not a huge amount to cover, just "here's this neat thing, what I'm doing with it, where it came from" basics.


What's on the 'Unscrupulous Nonsense' disk?


Hey, a tiny Unisys 486 PC! Haven't seen one since I worked at a local Hospital in the mid-1990s ^^' I also do like this new review style Clint, it works really well and complements your more conventional hardware videos. Consider me sold (and big thumbs up! ^_^).


I like it, reminds me of the Apple Pizza MAC LC line of computers... Love these videos the only thing I dont like is after I watch them I want to go right to eBay and start building a vintage PC library in my basement to relive my childhood :) Keep em coming, That and the food videos so I have something to eat while I watch the tech videos ;)


Another great video and yeah, the new style works really well. Looking forward to what you have next.


Would still love me a TechTale once in awhile. :) Gravis for the Ultrasound, the Palm handhelds or the company i work for currently, GDATA, inventors of commercial AV. Or even leaving the PC territory for a bit and look at the war betwhen Microchip and AVR, with PIC and ATMega respectively, which Microchip won by buying AVR. So many Tales to tell. :D


Great Video!


wow! i'd love such a small pc with all those connectors ! Even ps/2 and LAN whaaaaaat :D


Your casual format videos have enough process, edits and segments to them they never feel prefunctory. Whatever you feel like doing on a day to day basis is the right choice.


Now this would be great for me and my limited desk space... off to ebay I go! Great video Clint!


our office computers are about 1/2 the size of that. oh how I miss the large bulky boxes

Benjamin Hester

"Unscrupulous Nonsense" I love it.


Welcome back, duke-voice! And yeah, this format seems both informative and entertaining enough, just mix it up with the more thorough ones and everyone stays happy (I think) :) Neat little retro-machine as well, it's actually not too bad.

Markus Jaeger

You're a good rambler :)


The chilled back style works well here. I think for cases where like this particular machine, there's no real legacy to it - it feels like a nice approach. Quite enjoyed this one, and that is certainly a unique enough clone ;)


Rambling review is a great format for me. Also, KNOXVILLE! WOOHOO!

Thomas Fuchs

Love the short format. More please!


Laid back format is fine. Still very enjoyable to hear your thoughts about stuff.