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Something different from my usual fare, kinda like what LGR Plays used to be but without the live commentary. Just happened to be capturing while playing this match in the game and decided to record some commentary over it afterward!


LGR - Thoughts On PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds

First impressions regarding PUBG and my experience so far in the June 2017 early access PC version. Also, winning my first match through a series of clumsy choices and ill-advised strategy! ● Consider supporting LGR on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/LazyGameReviews ● Social links: https://twitter.com/lazygamereviews https://www.facebook.com/LazyGameReviews ● My PC Specs: https://lazygamereviews.wordpress.com/2011/02/10/pc-specs/ ● Background music used: "Downtown Alley 1" http://www.epidemicsound.com



Everyone I know is playing this... except for me. LOL Perhaps someday! And nice ending! :)


Nice! I got a good CS feeling watching this.. good memories back to the university where we played that waaay too much! :D This gameplay though, is making me so stressed.. I need a straight linear gameplay. I'm too old! :D


Nice throwback to old videos, with quite an unique game mode. More of this would be very welcome. 😃


As a person with an ultra-wide display, I really do appreciate the stretch :D


Big thumbs up for 21:9 Looks great on my Ultrawide. I think it is indeed the future standard for PC monitors.


I want to get this, but I'm going to wait a bit until it appears on a Steam sale, or it goes gold.


Also, I'm totally into content like this. It's like a very classy commentary of a game that doesn't have lots of airhorns or screaming or tons of excitement. It's nice to sit back and watch, eat some chips and drink a soda and just enjoy.


Really enjoyable video! Thanks for making it!

Terry Lee

The frying pan in this game is not just a weapon, you should always pick it up because it's a shield for your back.


What happens with the energy shield thing, if there are people still alive when it shrinks really small? Are they just assuming everyone will kill each other before that happens?


Hehe I actually dont know as I've never seen it shrink all the way down before everyone kills each other off!


Great, I'm glad to hear it! This is my first in 21:9 so had little idea what to really expect


Ooh ultrawide. Finally I can watch a youtube video without black bars.


I've been addicted to this for well over a month, I'm not even very good at it, I've only won a single solo round in over 100 hours of play, and have tolerated waves of bugs, but I can't stop playing it. I have an IBM PS2 in my hallway that I haven't even tested yet, because when I finish work I want to play PUBG :( It's a sickness.


I hear ya. The random elements, quick matches, constantly shrinking map, and skill/luck involved are a really intoxicating mix. Every round feels fresh.


ALWAYS pick up a frying pan dude. It's basically like impenetrable armor for your butt (yes it actually deflects bullets from your posterior).

Alyxx the Rat

Looks intriguing but gonna wait until it's finished.


Thumbs up for quasi-LGR Plays.


I really don't care for these kind of games, yet somehow you made this video interesting enough for me to watch all the way through,


PlayerUnknown, is the interent name of the creator of this game, he made a Battle Royale mod for DayZ and was a consultant on a Battle Royale mod for H1Z1 so he has experience in creating last person standing games. I like this game alot, it can get tense.

Evan B

heh when your dude got shot it made me jump just watching it.. hah


I hope this game continues to get more love, support, and especially more POLISH because it oozes with potential!


This looks incredible, Cant wait for the full release.


I swear I've seen you recent lgr thrifts video before on youtube. And I was so excited for new lgr content to watch today ! Wensdays and Fridays right?


Noticed this before too mate but the other way round'. Very occasionally the videos seem to hit youtube first. Plus patreon seems to have issues occasionally. I couldn't get on to patreon to check out the last thrifts vid, But the email linked worked correctly although I couldn't comment.


Video looks fine on my Predator X34... :)