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Wanting to try out their new transformative powers, Zack and Bella have invited people to come forth to be changed. Letting Eileen go first, Deloy watches her transform into a horse-hung cat taur with a beautiful white coat and striking black horse bits.

The whole time Zack's working his magic on Eileen, Bella's teasing Deloy and once Deloy finally gets to try out his love's new form, they have the best sex of their lives.

Eileen Comes First
by Zmeydros
(edited by Tiliquain and Secretskunk)

Their hotel room door had the "Please Service Room" sign wedged between it and the frame, holding it open. Through the resulting crack in the door, we could hear moans, thumping, and bits of lively conversation, getting blood to rush right to my cheeks and crotch.

Eileen gestured toward the door. "What are you waiting for? It's not like we're early."

Her blue eyes glittered under a few long curving arcs of her sandy-colored neck-length hair. She was wearing a bright teal top with an almost-too-short black skirt. The tight-fitting garments did little to hide the curves that had made her perfect eye candy for trade show booths.

"Maybe they got bored waiting for us and we should let them finish?" I said.

Eileen clicked her tongue, as if to scold me. "Propping one's door open is akin to spreading one's legs. If they don't want us, they're going about it all wrong."

While Eileen's looks were what got most people interested, her sharp wit and lack of shame was what kept them around. It was why I'd fallen for her, after all.

"Point taken." I grabbed the door knob while Eileen pulled out the "Do Not Disturb" sign.

I hunched a bit in embarrassment as I entered the room. This made me look even more diminutive than normal. I was no taller than Eileen to begin with and there wasn't much to my androgynous lanky form.

On the bed, Bella's voluptuous orca body was bent over Zack, holding his dragon tail against her front as she used her prehensile length to ravage him. His pussy was making wet smacking sounds as they went at it, not even aware of our presence.

I gasped and turned away, not wanting to be a peeping Tom. The noises they were making had hot jolts of arousal shooting through me and I got so hard that my prick strained against my dark blue jeans.

Eileen grabbed my head and turned it back toward them. "They want to be seen."

"Damn right!" Bella said.

"What? They're here?!" Zack asked, craning his green-scaled neck to look at us.

Bella grunted and thrust so hard there was a solid smack against his nice round buttocks. "If this is too much for them, they signed up for the wrong TF service."

"Ngh! Okay, but we're making them wait, aren't we?" Zack asked.

"Good point." Bella  lifted her fluke so we could stare at her puffy, dripping pussy. "One of you, get your tongue in here."

"Deloy." Eileen pushed me toward the bed. "Show her what you can do."

I sputtered and stumbled forward as Eileen dashed past me and dove under Zack. Wrangling Zack's prehensile dragon cock with both hands, she got the end in her mouth, making Zack growl and squeak.

Bella motioned for me to come closer. "The sooner I get off, the sooner we get to work on your partner."

Kneeling behind her, I took in her baked salmon and citrus scent. I blushed bright red as I pulled my long hair out of my face and leaned in. She was so into fucking Zack that I had to match her rhythm to avoid getting smacked in the face. When I finally got my tongue sliding across her slick hot mound, I moaned.

"YES! MORE!" she cried as she grabbed the back of my head and shoved me firmly against her sex.

Licking up her salty deliciousness, I moved my tongue across her swollen clit and then delved deeper. Her moans spurred me on and I started flicking my tongue within her. Seconds later, her hips went wild and her inner muscles pulled on my tongue. I drank down the flood of juices from her snatch as she cried out and jammed herself all the way into Zack.

Gasping and groaning, she filled him with her seed, still holding my head against her muff. After one last gyration of her hips, she finally let go of my head. I fell backwards and worked to catch my breath. My dick ached in my jeans while my head spun. Eileen crawled over to me and gave me an upside-down kiss, sharing the peppery taste of Zack's seed.

I moaned into her mouth, in awe of her naughtiness. She pushed me onto my back and got over me, putting her right leg between mine. Squeezing her breasts, I ground the tent in my pants against her thigh. She moaned and dug her fingertips into my buttocks.

Bella dismounted from Zack, forcing us to roll toward the foot of the bed to give her space. Zack collapsed onto his front, squishing his breasts against the bed and then rolled onto his back. His prehensile prick was still hard and his lips were softly curved in a blissful expression while Bella's seed dribbled out of his pussy.

Eileen moved up to his snatch, saying, "Looks like you could use some cleanup."

Zack lifted his big balls out of the way, saying, "S-sure."

Eileen flashed me a smile and then went to work licking up Bella's mess.

Bella chuckled at my expression, her prick also fully erect despite having just cum. "You really lucked out with her, didn't you?"

I nodded, wishing my cheeks would get tired of blushing. "She's a lot like you, honestly."

After brief consideration, Bella said, "And you're a lot like Zack."

"Huh, I think you're right," I said.

"That comparison between me and Eileen came out pretty quick. Have you two been keeping tabs on us?" Bella asked.

"Not anything too egregious. Just following the news and hoping for a chance to leave our boring human bodies behind. We never thought, out of all the people that support your artistic endeavors, we'd actually get picked, though," I said.

Slapping the bed with her fluke, Bella said, "Ha! Calling what we do artistic is a bit of a stretch."

"Oh, something's gonna get stretched," Eileen said, wiggling four of her fingers inside Zack's snatch.

Zack threw us head back. "You're gonna make me cum again!"

Eileen pulled her hand out. "Nope, not until you've turned me into a horse-hung herm cat taur."

"Bella, save me from the scary lady," Zack said.

"Aww, is she making you too wet?" Bella asked. Not giving Zack time to do much other than moan in protest, she looked at Eileen and said, "Ride him until he's incoherent."

"Yes ma'am." Eileen pulled off her skirt and panties and then her top and bra.

"Hey! You're not helping!" Zack complained.

"If you didn't like scary ladies, you wouldn't be dating me," Bella said.

Eileen climbed atop Zack, grabbed his prehensile cock, and shoved herself backwards onto it. I got painfully hard watching Zack's tapered length disappear into Eileen's mound, stretching it wider and wider.

Bella scootched over to me and ran a hand carefully down my back. "Wanna play with me while you watch?"

I nodded sheepishly.

Pulling up the hem of my bright blue shirt, Bella said, "Good boy."

Something about the way she praised me made me feel hot all over and the moment she had my shirt off, she was feeling up my chest.

Zack started to glow as pink electric sparks traveled across his yellow belly scales. The moment he put his hands on Eileen's shoulders, white fur spread across them. Her moans became more high pitched and her motions more aggressive. Now she was riding him hard enough she was bouncing us on the bed and thumping the ornate metal headboard against the wall.

Bella pulled on one of my nipples and I squeaked breathlessly. "Ooh, you're very fun to play with," she said, putting my right hand on her left breast.

As I tried to grope her supple flesh, she toyed with my nipples more, enjoying watching me fumble. All the while, Eileen's beautiful white, swirly fur spread down her back and up her neck. Zack's hands moved to her tits, which became even more beautiful when fur spread across them. My eyes darted up to Eileen's face as her jaws started pressing outwards. Her nose was scrunching more and more, simplifying in shape to fit at the end of her forming muzzle.

Gently, so I didn't have to miss anything happening to Eileen, Bella helped me out of my jeans. Then she wrapped her hand around my length through the fabric of my boxers and squeezed.

She licked my neck. "Even hotter than you thought it would be, huh?"

"Ngh! Yes," I admitted as pre from my dick made a wet spot on my boxers.

Eileen's tailbone pressed out from her backside, making a fleshy tail that was quickly covered with fur. Its growth accelerated, getting a few feet long in the span of only three screaming moans from her. She must have been clenching her snatch a lot because Zack was gasping and thrusting erratically, not seeming to know what to do with his hands. Eileen's hands were covered in fur and her fingernails were becoming pointy. ###After the fur spread across her hands, feline paw pads pressed up out of her palms, disrupting the evenly-furred surface.

By the time Eileen had fully-formed bean-shaped paw pads on her fingers, she had retractable claws and she wasted no time in using them to tease Zack's breasts. The poor dragon had to pause his thrusting to avoid cumming early.

Bella put her mouth on the tent in my boxers, her saliva soaking into the fabric. With her strong tongue, she squeezed my dick against the roof of her mouth, putting me in the exact same position as Zack. I didn't dare thrust, or move a muscle for fear of bursting before I sampled Eileen's new form. It seemed like an impossible task because she wasn't even a taur yet. To disrupt Bella's teasing, I grabbed hold of her marvelous long orca dick and wrestled with it.

She pulled her mouth off of me to yelp at the sudden stimulation. I rubbed at her pussy with my other hand, getting her to buck and sputter, but she was back on my dick soon after, content to moan around it as she continued giving me oral.

Eileen grew whiskers on the sides of her new muzzle as Zack grabbed her and rolled with her so she was now under him. She barely reacted to Zack pulling her further down the bed because she was fascinated by her furry limbs and the paw pads growing in on her feet as they changed.

Bella licked my neck and then nipped at my chin before pushing me onto my side and pulling off my boxers. With my bare cock free, she sat me up, climbed into my lap, and sat on my prick, taking it into her pussy.

"Eileen will thank me later for keeping this warm," Bella said, hugging me tightly as she clenched around my length.

Zack whispered a nonsensical phrase while he pantomimed making a ball with his hands. A miniature pink storm cloud, complete with lightning, formed at the center of his motions.

If Bella hadn't been clenching so hard, I would’ve cum on the spot. It was no secret that I had a thing for her. Eileen and I were long-time supporters of Bella and Zack's sexy TF content on ShareStarX. It's how we got dibs on this transformation experience. Even so, I was in awe that Bella was sitting in my lap like this, that any of this was happening at all. And it felt so good, too. Bella's muscular passage was absolutely incredible.

She had me at her mercy and could have made me cum in an instant. Instead, she just rode me slowly as Zack caressed Eileen's entire torso. The magic rippled across her before disappearing into her. He grabbed her breasts and started thrusting as her torso lengthened. She wrapped her legs around his toned buttocks and made him fuck her harder while she growled with passionate excitement.

Bella's prehensile member made slow waves between us as her breasts bounced against my chest. "Mmm, how does your first orca pussy feel?"

"Gah, it's so strong," I said.

"If you think this is bad, just imagine what Eileen's mare cunt will feel like," she said.

I bit my tongue to avoid cumming and then controlled my breathing. Now I couldn't get Eileen with a big needy horse pussy out of my head and Bella's constant stimulation was keeping me right on the edge. So much pre was dribbling from my cock tip that I was wetting my own balls as it dripped out of her sweltering passage. Bella's voluptuous body was pressed firmly against me, letting her fuck the space between us while pre dribbled from the her cock tip. Her inner walls were pulsing in time with her cock's twitchy motions as she bounced on my length.

Eileen's voice cracked as she came from Zack's relentless thrusting. Two nubs pressed out of her elongated torso as she writhed on the bed. Zack panted and groaned as she used her legs to force him in all the way so she could grind against his crotch.

"Eileen, let up or I'm--I'm gonna--GAH!" Zack bit his lip and shook as he lost his load in her.

The transformation sped up as Zack filled her, his whole body taking on a soft pink glow. Eileen's new forelegs stretched out, the ends dimpling and dividing as toes formed. Her back legs cracked as her knees, ankles, and legs changed their geometry. She repositioned her now digitigrade hind legs to keep hold of Zack's buttocks as she reached up and fondled Zack's weighty breasts with her growing forelegs. As she gained toes and paw pads, she was clumsy at first, but eventually was able to squeeze his nipples between her digits.

Bella rode me harder, saying, "Eileen's nearly done, so you better last."

I groaned and shook under her, begging my body to hang on to my seed, to save myself for Eileen. Though I couldn't stop pre from streaming out of my shaft, controlling my breathing, gritting my teeth, and holding onto Bella tight so she couldn't move quite as much did the trick. But it didn't stop her from cumming. Her dick lurched between us, spasming as it got her seed all over our bellies. Her chitters and moans started out loud, but then she bit my neck, muffling them. The rhythmic gripping of her silky snatch was so difficult to deny that I got tears in my eyes from holding back.

I'm not sure how I managed to weather Bella's onslaught, but she eventually stopped her pleasurable torture and relaxed against me, saying, "Damn, I was kinda hoping you'd lose at our little game."

"You're evil," Zack said, coming down from his orgasm.

"I've never claimed otherwise, have I?" Bella said.

Eileen chuckled.

"No, I guess not." Zack sighed.

"Oh don't act put upon, it's why you love me," Bella said in a cute, breathy voice.

"Okay, fine, you got me," Zack said as he watched Eileen fumble around with her forepaws, which were now complete with adorable pink paw pads.

After a few tries, she gently dug her claws into Zack's sides and pulled him toward her. He fell atop her and then she watched her forepaws intently as she kneaded his back with them.

"How does it feel?" I asked while struggling to believe how much she'd changed.

She beamed a smile at me, which amounted to a pleasing upward curve of her lip on the side of her feline muzzle. "Amazing. Fur is really cozy and my taur lower half feels like it belongs there, like it's always belonged there."

"I think it fits you perfectly," I said, smiling.

"Mmm, yeah, this is nice, but I still really want a cock," she said.

I blushed, the idea of her having stallion equipment on top of everything else was almost too much.

"We better get round two going, then." Zack pushed himself up, letting his breasts dangle. Then he pulled out of Eileen and laid on his back, recovering from all the work he'd put in.

Eileen said, "Hey, I'm not done yet."

Zack glanced at Bella. "Our resident orca magician's gonna handle the rest. She's got something fun planned."

Bella lifted herself off me slowly and then put her pussy in my face. "Be a good boy and clean up after yourself while I cast a spell."

I obediently licked up all the pre I'd left in her, enjoying how my flavor mixed with hers.

She started humming some sort of Gregorian chant while gathering scarlet strands of magic.

Licking up the sides of her thighs a bit to get the last of the mess, I took care not to stimulate her too much. I didn't even want to know what would happen if I caused her to screw up her spell.

Still casting the spell, she sat next to me. "Paste and bin, straw and berry, a bit of horse attached to a feline? How sublime." She clapped her hands and they turned red as if someone was shining a laser through them. Then she held them a bit apart and said, "Give me your dominant hand."

I reached my left hand toward her curiously and then she clapped it between hers. Feeling a jolt, I jumped. When she released my hand, it was glowing cherry red, looking like a piece of metal that had been pulled out of a forge.

"Now use your hand on Eileen's girl parts and her bits will get a lot more fun," Bella said with a grin.

"Looks like you've been caught red handed, you perv," Eileen said.

"You're the one that suggested we get horse parts," I said, moving over to her.

She put her tail in my face. "Hmm, I think I'll just accept the title of biggest perv because I think this is a situation where the biggest perv wins."

"You deserve to win tonight. As far as I'm concerned, you should always come first," I said, stroking the luxurious white fur on her tail while pulling it out of my face.

The magic coursing through my left hand was making it feel like it was drifting through the air as I moved it to her cum-soaked snatch. As the palm met her furry pussy lips, an electric buzz passed between us. Her pussy lips immediately got plumper and kept swelling the longer I rubbed there. The fur then gave way to smooth pink horse skin. Her sharp moans and desperate grinding left her speechless and I wasted no time getting fingers into her. As Eileen's snatch greedily pulled at my digits, Bella clapped her hands on my right hand.

Bella said, "Use this one to play with her clit and you'll get a huge surprise."

I shivered, knowing exactly what Bella meant and started rubbing at Eileen's big mare clit with my non-dominant hand. Of course Bella planned it this way. She took no joy in making things easy.

Eileen's clit pressed out against my index and middle fingers as I massaged it. Her urethra moved up and then hitched a ride on her clit as it passed an inch long. The process had her grasping at the sheets and yowling like a cat in heat. Her clit got quite phallic as it gained a few inches and I was soon stroking it like a proper penis. She grabbed at her breasts and fidgeted with her paws, thrusting up into my hand job. The growing girth of her length forced me to open my grip as it jutted out six inches from her loins. I leaned down and put my mouth on her dick, still stroking and fingering her.

Eileen moved under me, curling in on herself so she could grab my shoulders with her forepaws. "I need something to play with, help me get your back end over here."

Chuckling in excitement, I let her guide me with her forepaws and hindpaws until I was facing the opposite direction. As I put my hands on her phallus and muff again, she fumbled with my cock using her left forepaw and gripped my ass with her right forepaw. The touch of her paw pads and claws while sitting her big furry taur belly made me literally feverish with lust.

I took her cock into my mouth again and started stroking while I added some fingers to her snatch.

A new clit budded off from the base of her prick and then moved down to find its home just above her opening. A fleshy sac formed under her member while her pussy and tail hole became fully equine. Her pussy was pliable, muscular, and so voluptuous that I couldn't resist interspersing my fingering with fondling outer lips.

Bella and Zack got into a sixty-nine position beside us with Bella on top. They were more playing around than anything else, giggling and making each other squeal. Seeing them like this, so relaxed next to us, made me smile around Eileen's cock.

Eileen growled out, "Deloy, stop holding back and fist me already!"

Her horse pussy was really stretchy, so I just went for it. I made a beak shape with my hand and then just started pushing the whole thing in. She wiggled her hips and growled as she dug her claw tips into my buttocks. I gasped at the sensation of her flesh stretching over my hand as she loosened the rings of muscle in her velvety passage, letting me in deeper and deeper. The moment my hand popped in, she came around my fist, nearly crushing it with her mare muscles. Meanwhile, her prick got thicker as bumps formed on its surface. Her medial ring coming in gave me even more to tease, so I flicked my tongue across it.

A knot was forming at the base of her ten-inch-long prick and by the end of her vaginal orgasm, she roared in frustration. "Ngh! I need to cum, damn it!"

Bella got off of Zack, saying, "Sounds like it's time for the grand finale."

"I volunteer to be the fireworks." Eileen grinned.

Zack and I chuckled while Bella waggled her eyebrows, making the white orca spots above her eyes move.

"Deloy, get your hand free and bring your dick over here." Bella pantomimed making a flower with her pointer fingers as she drew in red-purple magic that had blue flashes. "Transfer, transgression, transpose this charm, charcoal, onyx, big round zebra balls."

The eight-petaled flower outline became a network of electric triangles that dazzled our vision. Then she grabbed the glowing flower in her right hand and cupped Zack's pussy.

Zack, shuddered, cumming as his sex went fully equine in a matter of seconds. Between yelps and moans, he asked, "Wh-what are you doing?"

"You're gonna be a good girl and offer your pussy to Deloy," Bella said, pulling her hand away.

Zack blushed and bit his lip before getting on all fours and lifting his tail. "Ngh, I feel like I'm in heat."

I stared at Zack's beautiful scaly equine snatch, blushing bright red.

"Stop gawking and mount him, Deloy, your kitty needs her big ol' horse balls ASAP," Eileen said.

"You heard the lady, get in there," Bella said.

I got behind Zack and put my hands on his hips, feeling the tiny divisions between his scales. As I lined myself up, he looked me in the eye, still blushing. Zack's ass was wonderfully round and the scales on Zack's pussy lips had a texture that tickled the sides of my prick, in a good way. As his snatch spread open for my dick, his whole body froze.

Eileen caressed her new dick with her forepaws and kneaded her breasts, enjoying the show.

Zack and I moaned together as the magic went off, causing my cock to stretch him wider and wider. He started bucking back against me as I felt a thrum deep in my dick that ended in sparkling pleasure at the tip. I once again willed myself to hold onto my orgasm for Eileen. As my prick pressed deeper into Zack, gaining length, girth, and a medial ring, I kept hold of Zack's hips to stop him from going too fast or hard. My dick wasn't the only thing changing. Zack's balls were smacking heavily against mine, falling further and further down my thighs as my balls did the same.

Bella reached over and grabbed Zack's prick, stroking it as I fucked him. A few moments later, she looked at me and said, "Okay, you're ready for Eileen. Props on not blowing your load yet."

I pulled out of Zack and dove for Eileen, getting between her hind legs and hurriedly shoving my thick black horse shaft into her. The warmth of her passage was unbearable and the well-muscled satin that surrounded me felt better than anything I'd ever pressed myself into. The moment I slowed down due to how tight she was, she wrapped her hind legs around me and pulled me toward her, forcing me to bury all twelve inches in her. Zack's cum streamed out of her as I entered, spilling onto my hefty equine balls.

Shooing her forepaws away from her cock, I grabbed it with both hands and started stroking. Her pussy walls gripped me hard and tugged on my length, making us both cry out. My hips started moving on their own, my whole body was desperate to get off.

Eileen grinned before using her hind legs to make sure I kept going at a fast pace. "Gah! I can feel something really good happening."

There was movement at the furthest depths of her mare passage, which was darkening from pink to black near her entrance. I had to stop thrusting not to cum from simply seeing my shaft change her. As more of her snatch took on an equine glossy black, her sac got bigger even though it was still empty. The front wall of her pussy got tighter as her new testes continued down toward her sac.

My balls were huge and it felt a little too good to have them dragging against her furry haunches and the underside of her tail. I kept having to stop and start my thrusts due to being overwhelming sparks of pleasure that radiated from my crotch to my extremities.

Zack and Bella offered their pricks to Eileen's forepaws and she clumsily worked at jacking them off. They were looking on with amused grins, like best friends that had just played the perfect prank on someone. Both of them had big meaty horsecocks and balls now. This finale, would indeed, be grand.

Now that Eileen's entire pussy was glossy black and her sac was darkening, her prick was undergoing another growth spurt. Soon it would be more than fit for breeding other taurs.

Knowing I wasn't going to last long, I put my all into my thrusts. She arched her back and whinnied as she nearly came from her horse parts getting properly rutted.

Bella and Zack were dripping pre all over Eileen's taur belly, their swollen stallion equipment rocketing toward release while they groped each other's tits and nipples.

My prick betrayed me by flaring when the black pigment started traveling up Eileen's length. I gasped, feeling the front wall of Eileen's pussy press against my medial ring.

She yelled, "CUM IN ME! CUM NOW!"

"I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!" I cried as I made two thrusts, the last one much harder than the first, and exploded inside her. My seed shot out of me with so much force, my prick ached.

As my flare expanded inside her, she pushed her cock up against my chest with one forepaw while the other grabbed me by the hair and pulled me toward the end of her prick. Two big thuds in her groin were followed by her whole shaft lurching, her cock head flaring, and her knot expanding. Right then, it underwent a growth spurt, gaining six inches and becoming truly taur-sized. I moaned as her brand new balls swelled to the size of my fists and her dick became a proverbial spooge fountain.

She tried to yell my name, but it was more like a bestial roar of pleasure that had vague elements of my name.

I couldn't drink all her cum, I could barely even catch my breath. Her cream splattered out the sides of my mouth, showering the bed, my neck and chest, and her belly with jizz. It tasted like green curry, spicy, salty, and citrusy and I drank it down greedily.

Zack and Bella's horsecocks flared as Eileen grabbed their dicks and pointed them at her face. She ground against me as they painted her upper half white. Her mouth caught some of it, but all of us were as productive as stallions and it was going everywhere. As my cum flooded back out of Eileen's cavernous clenching sex, I was getting pleasure through every inch of me. I felt like I was going down a mountainside on a small glider, soaring through the air far faster than I should be permitted to. My massive shaft was so sensitive, I could feel individual rings of muscle undulating around me, milking me for everything I had.

Eileen's nipples turned the same beautiful dark black as her bits and she got black markings on the ends of her legs that looked like socks just before her muzzle got black fur, completing the design we'd shared with Zack and Bella. I was proud I'd been the method of delivering these changes.

The next thing I remembered was being pressed up against Eileen's taur belly, her half hard cock still drooling cum as it slowly receded into her sheath. Before I could say anything, she reached for me with her forepaws and hands and pulled me up her front, letting my horse prick flop out of her sex. Then she sat me on her upper half and held me against her with her arms and forelegs while making out with me.

Kissing back, I chuckled at her exuberance. I'd never seen her this happy and her cat whiskers were tickling my cheeks.

When she gave me a brief moment where I could speak, I asked, "So how do you like your new form?"

"It's unbelievable and I can't wait till they use their magic on you so we can be kitty mare stallion twins," she beamed.

"We'll get right on that…" Bella lazily rubbed Eileen's flank and sighed. "In the morning. Making taurs is something else."

"Oh, sorry, was it too much?" I asked.

"The only thing that might've been too much was the amount of cum." Zack laughed lazily.

"Oh shush, you like it just as much as I do," Bella said. "Otherwise you wouldn't be so adamant about trying to drink it all."

Zack squirmed, blushing in embarrassment.

My prick tingled and I wanted to take a look at it, so I gently rolled off of Eileen, landing on the bed right in front of Zack. The black on my prick was giving way to pink and its shape was going back to its human taper.

Bella said, "You'll get horse parts permanently when we taurify you."

"Should we get cleaned up and head back to our hotel room so you two can wind down?" I asked.

"Let me check something," Bella said before leaning on her elbow so she could look over Eileen's belly at Zack. "Hey hon, can they stay the night?"

"Sure! I'd love that," he said.

"How about you pick your stuff up and bring it back here?" Bella asked.

"What do you think hon?" Eileen asked.

"Let's do it, we're only a couple blocks down. It would be a nice walk," I said. "But maybe you should stay here, you don't have anything to cover your lower half yet."

"I'm not planning to cover my lower half," she said. "Public indecency laws haven't caught up to the existence of taurs yet and I don't want to waste a minute of the time before something's enforced."

"Great minds think alike." Bella fist-bumped Eileen's left forepaw.

After we were washed up and ready to go, Eileen stepped out the door. Learning to walk on all fours was making her clumsy in the hallway, but she was too full joy about her magnificent new taur form for it to bother her. By the time we were in the lobby, she had a mischievous glint in her eye as she fed off of the attention her giant balls and horse pussy were getting. Eileen wasn't the only one showing off, Bella was wearing the shortest skirt I'd ever seen and I didn't remember her putting on panties.

In between our admiring glances at Eileen and Bella, Zack and I kept looking at each other,  a bit intimidated by the free spirits we'd fallen in love with.


I’d like to acknowledge my $20+ supporters, Arkona Kothe, Navajo Demar, Skrime, UBA, Warialinth, Xaziana Tenebris for helping make all this possible. Thank you! Thanks to all my other supporters as well. Every one of you rocks!



I enjoyed this sexy story very much 💜 The raw horny energy hits the spot just right 👌 I like Zack especially.


Woo! I hadn't done anything with Zack or Bella for a decade. I'm glad I found the magic again.

Arkona Kothe

What a great addition to the Shifting Consequences universe! That was the series that made me fall in love with your writing, and I'm so happy to see this years later.


That was an awesome story! I really like that universe you got going on! Will you write Deloy tf as well?


I do want to write the Deloy follow up. Thanks for asking about it because I have a reminder down to give a possible sequel a look.