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While I was waiting for feedback from my editors on the Eileen story, I wrote another 5,400 word story based on a little sexy idea that I had for Charlemagne. It's a good little stand alone story that also does a bit of setup for the next story in "Persephone and Tritonia."

In other news, I'm fairly settled in in LA, but I'm finding that, though I like the people I live with, five people in one apartment (even a large apartment) is a bit much for me. I've been struggling to focus and also do self care things that keep me relaxed and happy. I'm in a safe environment and not in danger. Just not able to function at 100%.

I'm working on solutions to this, but I'll probably have to take time visiting family to decompress once I'm fully vaccinated. There's options for me and I'll be okay in the long run.

My writing spirit has come back pretty well and that's where the Charlemagne story came from. I'm also going to run a vote before the end of the month asking what project you want me to put time into next month.

The project with Starvinartmajor that y'all already voted on is in the works, but it won't really get rolling until she's done with a huge Easter event that she does every year.

The Dakimakura images are at 95% completion and will be ready the moment the Starvin' gets through the Easter egg thing. Once I have an image to show, I can start poking places that print them.

I hope everyone's doing okay. This pandemic has gone on a very long time and I'm seeing a lot of friends and family start to fall into despair. If you're feeling that, I offer you a great big hug and suggest you do something just for yourself today, something where you can turn off the news and social media and just forget about the chaos going on out there. I've been going on long walks at night when the streets are mostly empty with my phone notifications turned off and it's been helping me a lot.

Take care, thank you for being here, and I'm gonna do my best to get y'all stuff to read so you can take little vacations from our currently distressing reality.



I hope things quiet down around the apartment when folks are able to go outside again ^^'