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Henry's day starts with only one thing to worry about: a job integrating magic and tube technology that's going to put him in the history books.

Not heeding his naga assistant's words, he makes a life-threatening mistake that gives him a much more pressing problem when he's brought back to life: a big curvy werewolf has now taken up residence in his mind.

Unable to hold back his femme werewolf transformation, Henry learns a lot about his gender identity, lesbian sex, and why all nagas are female.

The big question is: What will Henry do when his new perspective on the world clashes with his overwhelming self-hate? Find out in this tale of male-to-female transformation and self-discovery.

Safe as a Werewolf
by Zmeydros
(Edited by Tiliquain and Secetskunk)

A soft clack echoed throughout the room as the flipclock showed one minute past midnight. The lab they’d given me was filled with all manner of tube testers, oscilloscopes, frequency generators, power supplies, and multimeters. Most of it decades old, but crafted with care. I would have been far more enamored with it all if they hadn’t tried to jam the equipment into a six-meter-square room.

My arms and crimson shirt were illuminated by warm light from over a dozen vacuum tube heating filaments. To the outsider, the position I was in probably looked bizarre. I was short, weak, and narrow-shouldered and the whole of me fit atop my work stool when I got sick of standing. My stature made me no use when it came to hard labor, so my parents had pointed me toward electronics and other hobbies that used my immense intellect. It was the only thing my rather terrible parents had done right and it was good I'd spent over a decade free of their care.

The reason I was working on this particular job out in the middle of nowhere was that my employers had asked for the most powerful magic-amplified high-frequency AC circuit I’d ever attempted. It was consistently exciting work: I’d melted a screen grid and blown up resistors, tubes, and capacitors. When it was done, anything the arc jumped to would become a plume of smoke.

When I pulled down the huge lever for the power switch in the panel in front of me, a tube the size of my head with stacked rings inside glowed blue and orange. I pulled a smaller lever next to it to let magic traverse the circuits.

Connected to the top pin on the giant tube was a thick copper wire with a pointy graphite tip. From that tip, a flame-like spark branched out over forty centimeters of space toward a discharge grating, sounding like a swarm of carpenter bees. As I stared at the dangerous beauty, I suddenly smelled something burning.

Before I could even flinch, the graphite tip fell to the ground and the sparking wire became a shower of molten metal droplets.

Holding my breath to avoid breathing in the acrid smoke as my ears rang and my eyes stung, I made sure to shut off the magic first. Then I killed the power, flipping a big breaker on the side of my bear-sized doomsday device.

As I opened the windows behind my electronics desk all the way, I saw Yeris's reflection as she slithered into the room.

“Did you decide to go into making munitions or something?” she asked with a smirk.

I turned around to look at Yeris’s sinuous naga body with pearlescent blue-white scales. Her uniform skirt and top were more for utility than show, but her attractiveness couldn’t be easily hidden. If she'd been interested in me and I wasn’t a vagabond engineer, I would’ve put more effort into getting to know her better, but as things were, I never knew what to do with her.

“If you dash in here every time you hear a loud noise, you’re going to get lots of exercise,” I said. "This is the stage where I keep running the prototype to see what breaks."

She moved closer to look at the burns in my work shirt. A large hole from earlier in the day exposed the maroon bra I was wearing underneath. I hoped Yeris just thought it was an undershirt, because I didn't want an awkward conversation where I had to explain the idiocy of the things I needed to do to calm myself.

“It's late. You need to go to bed before you make a mistake that you can’t walk away from.”

"This is nothing, really. I've walked away from far worse."

"With how reckless you are, I don't doubt it," she said.

“Me, reckless? Preposterous," I said. "Every power electronics engineer who isn’t careful is already dead.”

"Yeah, you're one roll of the dice away from catastrophe." She yawned. "Can we please call it a night?"

"Yes, in a few minutes." I shooed her out of the room, saying, “I need to figure what caused that fault before I get too tired to think straight.”

“Maybe we could work together to figure it out faster,” she said, stopping before the door. "I'd rather earn my pay than twiddle my thumbs."

Shaking my head, I said, “I work alone, it’s in my contract.”

“Oh, come on. Worst case, I'll just listen to you talk to yourself out loud.”

“Sorry, I make it a point to never trust the people I work for,” I said, crossing my arms.

“I kinda get it and I'm not exactly working here by choice, but is that much paranoia healthy?” She tilted her head.

I laughed at her. “At the power densities I work with, nearly everything I make could be used as a weapon. The thing about weapons is that you lose your advantage if the other side has weapons as advanced as yours. I’ve survived because I know that I’m a loose end for many of my employers: a loose end they would be delighted to tie off.”

“Sounds like an icky mental space to be in all the time. Glad I decided to put most of my effort into healing. I’m the last person my employers want to kill.”

"Good for you," I said.

Her eyes darted down to my hands. "Shouldn't you be wearing insulating gloves?"

"You think me an idiot? It's not like I go around grabbing bare power lines," I said, wanting this conversation to be over.

"The face panel isn't even on. That means hundreds of amps are within a centimeter of your fingers when you flip any of those switches," she said.

"Bulky protective gloves would only slow me down," I said. "Now, stop worrying about me and let me work."

"I'm not sure your expertise is what's been keeping you alive, it might just be dumb luck. So please be careful." She slithered out of the room.

I ignored her comment as I checked all the circuits for shorts with the multimeter on my desk. Then I followed the magic all the way out from the wall through the same circuits using a magic meter. Magic was like a lubricant for the laws of physics, a beneficial energetic hum that made everything it touched work better while opening up new possibilities.

When I got to one of the filter capacitors, I found some feedback. “Fuck,” I said quietly, not wanting Yeris to come slithering back in.

I'd been through my schematic at least a dozen times and everything was laid out exactly as the laws of nature dictated. There was no possible source for the feedback. On a whim, I traced the circuit all the way back to the dresser-sized transformer.

"What the--?"

A crimson aura of entangled magic ribbons was surrounding it and the mass of magic was pulsing, reverberating all the way back to the wall socket. I could feel it tugging at my chest, buzzing in my head. A long thin tendril of a thousand undulating strands reached out toward me.

Magic would tolerate electronics, but it tended to prefer living things and I was the only living thing in the room.

My head rang like a bell as I jumped back and grabbed a discharge rod from the bench near me. I hooked it up to a socket, making sure the magic terminal had a good connection. Then I put on welding gloves and carefully brought the discharge rod closer. It jumped a whole foot to the rod, leaving dizziness in its wake.

For a brief moment, I saw impossible colors and shapes that had no place in reality. But that was only the result of being adjacent to a magic charge that extreme.

A minute later, I was completely unscathed and checking the socket the transformer had been attached to. It was horrendous. The plug hat melted to the socket and a foot of the line to the transformer was now a puddle of copper on the floor.

With a sigh, I worked to replace the line and put a new plug on it. Then I made sure every switch was in the off position before plugging it into the socket on the west wall.

Deciding to install a bigger current-limiting resistor in the power supply, I popped the back panel open and went to work. After that, I replaced a couple melted components before preparing another test.

First, I turned on the heating elements for the giant flame-arc tube. Second, I warmed up the magic voltage and current amplification tubes. Basically, they used a bunch of magic as a power source for increasing the overall energy of the device. The tubes used to do it were very similar to amplifier tubes.

Looking at the glowing, segmented filaments of the numitron readouts on the front panel of the device, I waited for the idle current draw to stabilize at fifty amps. Then I flipped on the main power for the device and a blue glow shown in all the tubes. 250 amps were now going through the machine, heating up the room while a meager arc jumped from the graphite rod attached to the output. Pulling down the lever for the magic switch, I let magic flood into the device.

A greenish glow gained intensity in the magic amplification tubes, but the color didn't mean a whole lot. Magic handled by mages often had a specific range of colors for each person. In a circuit, it was random as far as I could tell.

The spark branched and crackled over a meter of space before hitting the discharge grating. Like a moth lusting for flames, I stared in awe for a good thirty seconds just on the other side of the Faraday cage.

Not taking my eyes off the exceptional flame arcs, I shut off the power.

As the switch flipped, I realized my mistake. I'd shut off the power without shutting off the magic for the first time in my life.

A green ball of magic-enhanced plasma blinded me and threw me into the workbench so hard that a tray of resistors, tubes, and a screwdriver all clattered to the floor. My body was frozen, my muscles feeling like they'd been stuck in a vise. Crimson magic billowed around the device as the world started to blur behind an overlay of painful static. The sound of Yeris's frantic voice warbled as if coming over a poor radio signal. Then everything went black.

* * * * *

It smelled like overcooked meat and spent matches and there was smoke everywhere. The world was milky, as if I was staring at it through a thin layer of gelatin. That effect waned over the course of a half minute and I saw Yeris's scaly face staring down at me.

She said, "Can you hear me?"

"Yes," I said before coughing.

"Your luck nearly ran out tonight, Henry."

*My name's not Henry.* The voice was husky and feminine and it sounded far too close, like it was coming from inside my ear or something.

"Is there someone else here?" I asked, looking around.

Yeris raised an eyebrow. "No, why? Are you seeing double or something?"

*Why can't you two see me?* she asked. *Why can't I control my body?*

Yeris clearly couldn't see the owner of the voice and she'd think I'd gone crazy if I attempted to talk to her about it.

*You haven't gone crazy. I'm right here,* the voice said. *Wait, I can hear the things you don't say aloud...does that mean I'm in your head?*

My stomach lurched. That explained why her voice sounded so close.

*Stop that! When you get anxiety, so do I. You need to calm down, take deep breaths.*

I said, *Of course I'm anxious, I have an interloper in my brain.*

*This isn't my fault. I shouldn't even be alive,* she said.

*What?* I asked.

Yeris waved her hand in front of my face. "Henry?"

"Could you give us--me some time to myself?" I asked.

"You were dead for several minutes and I had to hook directly into the magic line to get enough juice to bring you back and you just returned to consciousness after a half hour and you want me to leave you alone?" She crossed her arms. "I don't think so."

*Just tell her what's going on,* she said.

*No,* I said.

*She's a healer, she might be able to figure out what's happened,* she said.

*Keep quiet for a bit.* I said.

*If you can't convince her to leave in a couple minutes, I'm not gonna shut up until you tell her what's going on,* she said.

*Deal, now shush!*

"I think you might have brain damage," Yeris said.

I looked her in the eye. "Sorry, I've been thinking about what caused the accident and want to add an extra safety measure to the device. I need twenty minutes of uninterrupted time so I can implement it."

"Okay, but I'm going to check in on you every five minutes and if I see signs of fatigue or brain damage, I'm going to put you in bed and keep you there for the rest of the night." she said.

"Those are acceptable terms, now go," I said.

"I'll be surprised if you can even get to your feet." She looked down at me.

As I worked to get to a standing position, it felt like my entire body was being attacked by angry ants. But I didn't let it show because otherwise Yeris wouldn't leave me alone.

*Should you even be standing right now?* the voice in my head asked. *This really hurts.*

*If you don't like it in here, maybe you should leave?* I suggested.

*I've had worse,* she said.

"You're not looking particularly steady," Yeris said.

"I'll be careful and you're going to be checking on me, remember?" I said with a reassuring smile.

"Fine, but you're going to bed in twenty minutes at the very latest." Yeris said as she made her way to the door.

"Understood," I said.

Yeris looked me over once more before leaving the room.

*What's your name?* I asked.

*Henrietta,* she said.

*That can't be your actual name.*

*It isn't, but it'll do for now. I don't even know what I am.*

*Okay, Henrietta, you’ve had your fun, now get out of my body,* I said.

*I can't,* she said.

I was keeping my hands busy by setting up an interconnect so the power couldn’t be shut off before the magic again.

*Have you even tried?* I asked.

*Look, last thing I remember was dying. We should probably figure out what’s happening and why before we jump to kicking one of us out of this body,* she said.

*This is my body. You already lived your life, ghost,* I said, my heart picking up its pace.

*I died young with lots of unfinished business and I’d like us to take some time to explore our options before fighting over this body like two crows over something shiny,* she said. *If you give me a chance, I promise you’ll find me to be a nice person that you want to have around.*

*Would you want anyone in your head, even if they were nice?*

*I’m starting to think you’re not nice.*

*You think? Maybe I’m just reacting the way someone does when another person is living rent free in their brain!* I said.

*I don't plan to freeload. I have some very good recipes I'm willing to share,* she said.

*You think I'm going to let you stay because you know some recipes?!*

*Two words: Souffle Pancakes. Here, let me see if I can give you a hint of the taste.* Caramelized sugar and eggs, a hint of vanilla, and the creamiest, most amazing texture came through.

*Stop that! I already ate dinner and this isn't the proper time of day for breakfast food.*

She sounded very smug as she said, *Any time of day is the right time of day for my souffle pancakes.*

*Do you ever stop? Why are we even talking about pancakes?* I asked.

*No, and we're talking about them because mine are especially delicious.*

Yeris came in and watched me strip a couple wires, looking for signs my condition had worsened.

Her orange blouse with a pattern of thin-lined white triangles looked fantastic in the stark light cast by the overhead magic lamp.

*My, she has a nice bust. And those are some serious hips. Has she shown any interest in you?* Henrietta asked. *She smells a bit spicy, like a girl who's got her eye on you.*

I twisted a couple wires together. *No, I think that's just what nagas smell like. Also, it's very faint and there's no way she'd be interested in a pure human like me.*

Yeris left the room, satisfied that I wasn't in danger.

*Hmm, I do prefer other cursed humans since I'm a werewolf, myself. If you've caught my curse due to whatever brought us together, she might find you more enticing.* Henrietta chuckled.

A chill ran down my spine. *I hope you didn't give me your curse. Some of my employers are rather preoccupied with human purity.*

A flash of rage boiled out of whatever corridor of my mind she inhabited. *Then they're not worth working for.*

I dropped the wires as my eyes widened. *Was that a growl I just felt in your voice?*

*Yes, I have unfinished business involving human purists,* she said.

*You better check that attitude or you're going to put our livelihood in jeopardy,* I said.

*Are you a human purist?* The anger was simmering now, just short of a full boil.

*No, not at all, but I know enough to separate my personal feelings from my professional work,* I said.

*What are you building?* she asked.

*The world's fanciest radio transmitter,* I said.

*I don't know much about electronics, but I know that's definitely not a radio,* she said. *Look, things are going to get woefully complicated if we can't trust each other while living in the same body.*

*Interpersonal communication is always woefully complex,* I shot back. *And I already told you that it's a radio transmitter. They tend to be large like this.*

*If that was true, you wouldn't be acting so defensive. Do you want me digging around in here for an answer to my question?* she asked.

*You will not go digging and I will not tell you. We have to have boundaries and I don’t wish to have an ethics discussion about my work,* I said.

A very sharp sense of distrust came from her as she said, *Why do I get the feeling that I'm going to have a big problem with your profession?*

*Why do I get the feeling you're more interested in passing judgement than hearing my side of the story?*

*Would you trust someone who was being as coy as you?* she asked.

*Would you trust someone who had a strong negative opinion about a major aspect of your life before you even started explaining it? I have very good reasons for what I do and I don’t need your commentary.*

*I bet I’ve seen things that would change your mind,* she said.

*Sounds like a good discussion for never,* I said.

*Sounds like a good discussion for right now. This contraption is clearly a weapon of some sort. Who are you building it for?* Her voice was firm and combative. I could feel her urge to punch something.

*I explicitly told you I wasn't willing to discuss this now.* I set my jaw.

*How long do you think you can hide it from me? I see and hear everything you do,* she said. *And if that fails, I can sift through your memories.*

*Don't you dare!* I said, my heart hammering in my chest.

*If we don't come to an understanding, we're just going to throw empty threats at each other,* she said. *And that would be some pretty pathetic banter.*

*No threats then. You're ignoring boundaries I've set, and you've provided no evidence that your motives are pure. I'm going to find out what you're scheming even if I have to dig deep.* I concentrated on finding the place she was hiding in my brain.

*No, don't!*

Her mind was a jumble, organized in a way completely different from mine. I felt like I was a centaur trying to gallop through a kitchen. Either she was just as clueless as I was or she was hiding an ulterior motive from me. That didn't mean I was going to just give up. There had to be repercussions for her bullheadedness.

*You were quite the outcast as a kid,* I said, feeling vague impressions of people talking down to her and a montage of faces all telling her she'd never amount to anything.

Depression, anxiety, and loneliness grabbed hold of me and pulled me into a pit so deep and so dark that I felt sick to my stomach. I pulled away from that part of her mind as similar wounds from my own childhood started opening.

*Neither of us can win at this game,* she said.

*Then stop playing it,* I said.

*Not until you do,* she said. *You've been fantasizing about Yeris for weeks. And wow do you want to be wrapped up in her coils.*

*It's just a stupid recurring dream I've been having, nothing more,* I said, blushing.

*That doesn't explain why you jack off thinking about her.* Something was mixed with her anger at me. Feelings about Yeris?

As I grabbed onto her thoughts again, wondering what she thought of Yeris, I got a flood of arousal that made my blush far worse and my prick start throbbing. *You're a lesbian?*

She scoffed. *My interests aren't anywhere near that narrow.*

*I guess we have that in common, then. Which is good, actually,* I said.

*Ooh, are you considering the possibility of me staying?*

*Don't get ahead of yourself. I'm just considering complications that may arise from us sharing my body. If our sexuality wasn't compatible, things would be unbearably awkward.*

*Agreed,* she said. *But you still want me gone, don't you?*

*One body trying to live two lives is infeasible,* I said.

*At least we agree on some things. We'd both prefer that we stay out of each other's minds and we'd both prefer our own bodies. So, how about we have a truce for now?*

I put my head in my hands. *I hate this.*

*Yeah, it's an awful situation.*

A warm cozy sensation poured over me as I hugged myself. Then I pulled my arms away as I yelled, *What the fuck did you just do?*

*Sorry, all I did was imagine hugging you,* she said.

*Don't do that again,* I said.

*I'll try to resist the urge, I'm big into hugs, though.*

*At least warn me.* My chest was tense. *And absolutely do not think about moving my limbs while I'm working on electronics or you'll kill us both.*

*Understood,* she said. *Why are you wearing a bra?*

I blushed. *I find the pressure calming.*

*You're sure that's the only reason?* she asked.

*Yes, that's the only reason and that's all I'm going to say,* I said.

*Well, I think it feels really nice and am glad you're wearing one,* she said.

*Don't,* I said, making a fist as my blush returned. *Just stop talking about it.*

*Okay, subject dropped. Sorry.*

*Much appreciated,* I said. *Let me finish this and then we can get some sleep.*

*Sure, sleep sounds really nice right now.*

After Yeris checked on me twice more and I was finished setting up the interlock, I said, *Thanks for being quiet while I worked.*

*Wha? Huh?* She said. *I think I fell asleep.*

*That's real funny,* I said, my thoughts thick with sarcasm.

*Look, I'm not joking with you, I really did fall asleep,* she said.

*You're actually being serious right now? You fell asleep while I was moving around?*

*Yeah, it's really late for me.*

I stroked my chin as I thought for a moment. *That's potentially really useful. I wonder if we could do separate mental tasks at the same time.*

*Something we can try later. I'm drifting off again,* she said, my eyes briefly feeling the weight of her drowsiness.

*It's not that late, just what sort of schedule do you keep normally?* I asked.

*Up at dawn, bed at nine or ten.*

*I could never keep a schedule like that,* I said, grimacing.

*It's the only schedule I've ever been able to keep. Goodnight,* she said.

*Goodnight,* I said back.

Having a few hours a day where our schedules were shifted was incredibly convenient. It was the first bit of good news since I'd gotten a mental roommate.

"Henry?" Yeris said, looking at me with narrowed eyes.

"Yes?" I asked, not wanting to admit I'd missed her entering the room.

"Are you ready to go back to the dormitory?" she enunciated because I hadn't heard her the first time.

Walking over to her, I said, "Yes, the safety interlock is fully installed and I'll be testing it first thing tomorrow."

"I wish you'd done that before I had to bring you back from the brink." She left the room, holding the door open for me with the trailing end of her long snake body.

The hallway beyond was a stretched-out stairway that gradually led up to the top of the hill that the lab was on. Thick stone walls festooned with heavy wooden doors surrounded us. Each door cost about a month's pay because they were reinforced with metal and had strong latches. Incandescent lights with long spiral filaments stuck naked out of the wall above every third doorway, alternating sides. If the hallway had been any dimmer and I would have been tripping over Yeris's tail as I followed behind her.

I couldn't keep my eyes off of her, but it wasn't attraction: Nagas were still very new to me. The way she had to slither around, her inability to wear pants, and her having a body that was more than two thirds tail, was deeply fascinating. My wish to study her anatomy was just scientific curiosity and Henrietta was wrong about my interest in Yeris as well as Yeris's interest in me.

It was for the best: sexual entanglements led to emotional entanglements that reduced one's options for moving forward. And momentum is what kept me alive.

Yeris pulled her keys out of a pocket in her tight-fitting skirt and opened a door that was only a third as robust as the rest. The sun had been brutal today and the stone walls were radiating enough warmth that the room was a touch hotter than I preferred. It was a simple living quarters, complete with a kitchen, bathroom, shower, and three double beds. The bed by the south wall was in front of a large rack of radio equipment Yeris often tinkered with.

I sat on my bed while Yeris ducked behind a privacy wall and went into the shower. Washing her scales took less than five minutes and she was back out in only a towel before I could even finish making notes about what I needed to accomplish tomorrow to keep the project on track.

Yeris hung her towel over the wooden footboard of her bed and then turned toward me, revealing her full scaly bosom and long slit to me for the dozenth time. "Are you feeling any discomfort?"

"No," I said, averting my eyes.

"Good," she said as she slipped between her sheets and coiled her tail around itself so it would fit on her bed.

Her persistent nonchalant attitude toward nudity made me wonder what naga culture was like. Most of my knowledge about the non-human races consisted mostly of rumors and chance meetings. Perhaps nagas didn't consider nudity sexual because they were all females? I'd long assumed their reproduction was more magical than physical in nature.

Beating up her feather pillow to fluff it, she made her breasts flail a bit. Then she settled in under the covers. "If you have any worrying symptoms or are in pain, wake me up immediately."

"I will," I said, admiring the abundant curves of her serpentine body as she settled into a comfortable position on her side.

"Please turn out the light once you're done," she said.

"Sure." I got off of my bed, brushed my teeth, and showered.

Then, as I walked over to turn off the light, I noticed Yeris had pulled off half her covers while sleeping. Her slit was rather unassuming and closed tight, not allowing moisture to escape. It looked sleek, elegant even. Nagas had such wonderful aesthetics.

I shut off the light and walked over to the far side of the room to get in my bed while my groin tingled annoyingly. My body got excited by the strangest things and it was often best to just ignore its urges and wait for them to pass. I laid atop my covers. Between the room's temperature and my pajamas, I didn't need any further insulation to drift off to sleep.

* * * * *

I woke up to my prick throbbing powerfully as my hands explored my chest underneath my crimson pajama top. *Henrietta?*

*Ngh, your body is so girly.* Henrietta tugged on my nipples. *And your nipples are so sensitive.*

Being aroused had never felt quite like this. Was all this coming from her? My whole body was warm, my prick was tingling, and every inch of me ached to be touched.

Blushing bright red and squirming, I said, *What are you doing?*

*Masturbating, obviously.* She pulled off my light green pajama pants and reached for my shaft. *I've always wondered what it's like to have a cock and I think I'm in heat.*

I squeaked as she grabbed my dick. It was as if someone else's hand was on me.

*Haah! This feels incredible!* she said, stroking hard while thrusting my hips upwards.

*Ngh! We haven't known each other for more than a day and you're already giving me a hand job?* I didn't want her to know how much I was enjoying myself.

*Correction, I'm giving us a hand job,* she said, grabbing my cock almost too hard and moaning through my mouth.

*Not so loud or she'll hear us,* I said.

*Don't care. Feels too good.* She cried out and thrust my hips.

I was a passenger in my own body and it felt amazing. Like I was masturbating, but didn't have to do any of the work.

A tingle, like the memory of being tickled, drew my attention. It spread all the way across my chest and caressed my groin. Something prickly was under my shirt and I wanted to reach up and rub at it, but Henrietta was keeping my hands busy. Underlying that tingle was the hum of gathering magic. I was too caught up in the moment to think about the implications.

The prickling under my shirt spread down to my sack just as we let out a sharp gasping moan. I didn't want Henrietta to stop, but I also didn't want to draw Yeris's attention, so I used all my willpower to keep us quiet. Not even a minute later, the fire in my loins burned too brightly and I moaned with Henrietta instead of holding us back. Letting go of my control made all the sensations more powerful and I now had no hope of quieting us.

*We're going to wake her,* I protested.

*She's gotten plenty of sleep,* Henrietta said.

*That's not the point!* I said.

*No, this is.* She rubbed at the head of my prick.

I shuddered and yelped with her. The pricking sensation became a soothing warmth in my chest and tailbone. This warmth amplified the pleasure already in me so much that I was swept away by it, unable to hang on to even the simplest thoughts. Henrietta was using the feedback on every little thing she did with my dick to get me off as fast as possible.

Yeris's long body slithered into my vision. She hadn't bothered to clothe herself, so her big breasts and long scaly slit were clearly visible. The slit was no longer elegant: her big clit was parting puffy, inviting lips that glistened in the morning light.

She tasted the air with her forked tongue and then said, "The only reason I can imagine you'd openly jack off in the same room as me is that you're too shy to ask for some help."

While I was too shocked to respond, Henrietta responded with an exuberant nod.

*What are you doing?* I asked.

*Getting us some naga pussy,* Henrietta said.

I sensed that there was something she wasn't telling me. Something that was on the tip of her tongue. But that was the least of my concern. *Are you sure this is a good idea?*

*Nagas, like the species they're blended with, enjoy being in big naked piles. This is nothing to her.*

Henrietta and Yeris recited the sex protection spell together and with each line, my heart beat faster with expectation.

"As I am now

As I will be

I accept your pleasure

But not your entropy."

Yeris was getting lower to the ground as she spoke, bringing her bosom and face closer to my crotch. The way she had her eyes locked onto my dick was an incendiary for my libido. My chest thrummed with magic as my pajama top felt tighter.

I asked Henrietta, *Do you feel that?*

Henrietta had no chance to answer my question because Yeris was on my dick faster than a jaguar on a wild pig. Her tongue coiled around my length, squeezing it rhythmically as she bobbed her head. I thought it couldn't get any better until she put her tits on either side and squeezed her plush scales against my erection. Henrietta and I were a mess. She was grasping my head with my hands, writhing under Yeris. I was moaning with her, amazed that this was happening. It felt fantastic. The contrast between Yeris's soft wet mouth and her hexagonally-textured scales was pure bliss.

*Having a cock feels so damn good,* Henrietta said.

*I'm quite pleased with this situation you've created.*

*If you assume no one wants you, it leads to the same result as no one wanting you: being pent up and alone,* she said. *You gotta take risks, you gotta have hope.*

*Very inspirational,* I said, working hard to make sure she caught my sarcastic tone. *Why don't you do something useful, like grab her head and get her to pick up the pace?*

Henrietta did exactly as I asked and the pleasure sent us soaring toward orgasm. Yeris was treating my dick like a spirit she was trying to gain the favor of and I couldn't have been happier.

Pressure in my chest increased until the buttons on my pajama top were getting tugged on, making it harder to breathe. My balls were throbbing, pressed up firmly against my groin while my prick felt like it was being squeezed in a way that was incongruous with what Yeris was doing.

When my pajama top got so tight that breathing was uncomfortable, I asked Henrietta, *What's happening to me?*

*Nothing to worry about, HAAAH!, I'll keep it under control.*

*Keep what under control?* I asked.

*My transformation.*

Glaring at her inside my own mind, I said, *If you give me your curse, I'll never forgive you.*

*You think I have a choice? I'm in heat!* she yelled.

Yeris pulled her mouth off and moved away, getting more of her body under her and then gathered her lower half at the end of the bed. Shoving two fingers into her dripping slit, she spread her wetness all across her labia while fidgeting and moaning. Seeing how much we were staring, Yeris pulled her labia apart to reveal more of the nice round clit guarding her passage. The only oddity I noted was that her slit went up a ways past her clit. I'd never seen a naga's sex before, so I had no idea what to make of it.

*You're cute when you're confused,* Henrietta said.

*If you know about Naga anatomy, stop teasing and just tell me,* I said.

*No,* Henrietta said. *I've got better things to do.*

Henrietta leaned toward Yeris's sex as my tailbone twitched at the rhythm of a dog's tail wagging. Then she buried my nose in Yeris's tangy dragonfruit-tasting folds. I felt my nose twinge, the bones in it pinching as they changed shape. My teeth ached as my jaws pushed out against the skin of my face. Meanwhile, Henrietta was lapping more and more feverishly into Yeris's snatch, aided by my lengthening tongue. Yeris had two passages that branched off from her entrance. Why she had a Y-shaped pussy, I had no idea, but it was exquisite.

My hips ached as they gained girth, giving me a more feminine figure. Whiskers sprouted from the sides of my elongating face while my ears felt like they were getting pulled on.

*You can't do this to me! I'm pure human,* I protested, feeling Henrietta's heat more clearly than ever. My body was shivering I was so horny.

*Sorry, hon. Holding it back only makes the urge to transform worse.*

Yeris suddenly pushed my growing muzzle away from her snatch, introducing me to an overwhelming array of scents that I couldn't even begin to parse. It was as if her dragonfruit scent had changed to include mango, kiwi, and dried wood. The bottom of my vision was being taken up by this new olfactory equipment. An itch that accompanied reddish-brown fur sprouting on my muzzle made it all the more vexing.

Lining her snatch up with my prick, Yeris showed impressive control over her serpentine body. The touch of her feminine folds was so welcoming, so warm, that my ire melted away. Henrietta's desire to be inside Yeris resonated with my own while I tried to process the fact that my tapering cock was turning a bright canine pink and my foreskin was pulling back into a sheath. Grey and reddish-brown fur quickly grew in on my sheath and spread out across my legs.

Yeris tilted her head, "You're a werewolf?"

"Yep!" Henrietta said.

"Fucking fantastic!" Yeris said as she impaled herself on my shaft.

Her muscular tunnel twitched and clenched as it descended upon me. A powerful spasm of pleasure hit Yeris at the halfway point, making her hiss and freeze up. Henrietta's extreme delight at feeling her prick enter a woman for the first time punctuated my own amazement at fucking a naga for the first time. Yeris's powerful belly scales were surprisingly soft, a textural contradiction to her vise-like vaginal walls.

"I needed thisss ssso bad!" Yeris said, getting every inch of me inside herself.

As she undulated atop me, humping me right into the bed, she coiled herself around my legs. The muscles on her underside moved in captivating waves of motion while the resulting firm embrace was oddly comforting.

Henrietta reached up and grabbed Yeris's heavy breasts, saying, "You feel so fucking good!"

Yeris grabbed my chest and stopped in her tracks. "You have tits?"

I blushed internally as both Henrietta and I let out a squeal. Then I blushed bright red.

*You've gotta stop transforming us. This has gone too far,* I said.

*Hnnnggg! I can't. Not with her fondling our breasts like that,* Henrietta said.

*I don't have breasts,* I said, trembling because it felt so good when Yeris kneaded Henrietta's breast flesh. It was like getting the world's most perfect massage.

*They're as much yours as they are mine,* Henrietta said.

*But I'm not a girl,* I said, my hips widening to womanly proportions.

*You realize I can feel just how much joy and pleasure you're getting from this, right?*

*This isn't right, I don't get to be a girl.*

*Who says?*

*I-I don't know, everyone?* I said.

*Who told you you couldn't be a girl?* Her anger raged under the pleasure. *Let me at them, I'll bust their jaw.*

My eyes got wet. How could she be that protective of me? Someone who'd told her to go away?

Henrietta played with Yeris's nipples, making her squeal as she slammed herself into my lap over and over, having me penetrate one of her passages and then the other.

Ripping my pajama top off, Yeris caressed Henrietta's furry bust. When she grabbed Henrietta's nipples and tugged on them, we squirmed and shook under her, squealing. It felt like something was pressing my balls into my groin. The sensation got my heart racing because my prick was sliding in and out of Yeris more easily. The sensations from it were getting consolidated, sharpened.

Yeris rode me faster and harder. “You're turning into a girl, aren't you?"

"Yes! I think soo-OH!" Henrietta said.

Slowing for a moment, Yeris said, "Wait, you're not sure?"

"First. time. this. has. happened," Henrietta said between heated breaths.

"So hot," Yeris said, working the tip of her tail between my legs so she could prod at my forming snatch.

My balls popped into me and moved up my abdomen, leaving a wet, virgin opening in their wake. Yeris wasted no time in sliding the end of her massive tail into me.

It was confusing, inverted from what I'd ever felt with a cock. My body now had a tender, vulnerable spot that could stretch and conform to whatever was shoved in it. The inner labia had the most sensation and the friction of her tail sliding between them, spreading them apart was divine. A knot of pleasure formed at the base of my prick and quickly extended deeper into me. My extremities were pulsing every time she thrust her tail into me and I was going to...

Henrietta and I came at the exact same time, seeing white while spurting slippery cum into Yeris's powerful hot depths. The sensation of being inside her waned with each spurt until my prick was a clit was a bit smaller than the end of my pinky.

Yeris bounced on my shrinking dick so fast she was a blur. "Gah! I can't hold back. I have to--FUCK!" As she came, the uppermost part of her slit bulged and two pointy orange cock tips slid out, dripping pre on my furry belly.

Trapped by our orgasmic spasms, we just watched inches of Yeris's pricks spill out of her slit. The longer they got, the harder my snatch gripped Yeris's tail. I had a pussy, an actual functioning snatch. Tears welled up in my eyes.

*I didn't know you could be this happy,* Henrietta said.

*Shut up,* I said. Why did I feel so cozy?

*You make a beautiful femme werewolf, Henry,* she said.

*Shut up, shut up, shut up,* I demanded, blushing under my fur. Her fur? No, our fur.

Yeris grabbed my hips as she repositioned herself and tasted the air with her forked tongue. "I thought my pricks might scare you off, but it smells like you're in desperate need of them."

I shuddered.

"Yes, please!" Henrietta said aloud before speaking to me. *You're going to love this.*

*You gave me your curse, you bitch,* I said, wanting to slap her for all the emotions I was feeling.

Yeris rolled me onto my side and slithered up behind me, her eager dicks leaving trails of pre on the backs of my legs.

*Would you undo this right now if you could? Never feel what it's like to have someone inside you?* she asked.

*No, I--uh...damn you!*

*I get crabby too when I need dick this bad,* she said.

*Fuck you,* I said.

*That's Yeris's job, hon.*

*Oh stop it, you're the one that needs dick, not me,* I said.

*Oh yeah?* She paused for a moment as she made muscles twitch across my body, trying to do something. Then she said, *Let's see you back up that claim.*

Suddenly, I had control of my body again.

Yeris pulled my butt cheeks apart and moved her cock tips up to my virgin sex. I trembled, resisting the urge to shove backwards while completely unable to get myself to pull away from Yeris. New instincts and my curiosity created a stalemate within me. Then, as her steel-hard prick tips spread my inner labia apart, I kicked my legs and gasped at the pleasure-filled perfection of it. Then, with an unthinking, instinctual whim, I shoved myself backwards, taking the first third of her tapered shafts inside in one needy motion. The pricks were textured with ridges and were smoldering hot, melting me from the inside, sending waves of ecstasy through me.

*Knew it wasn't just me,* Henrietta said.

*You tricked me you bitch!*

*I didn't do anything, that was all you and you know it,* she said.

Yeris grabbed me and pressed her breasts against my back as she constricted her coils around me and drove her pricks deeper. My breath caught until I was lightheaded. Then I took in air and let out a girly squeak. That squeak didn't end, it kept happening as I tried to breathe and my body was getting tight, making jerkier motions. Every bit of pleasure now had a sharp edge. I was teetering on the edge of something. Something humongous.

*You're about to cum as a girl for the first time, I envy you,* Henrietta said.

*See?! You're the slut, not me.*

*Oh really? I'm not one grinding against her groin like a bitch in heat,* Henrietta said. *You're barely holding it together.*

*Shh--shut up." I hated her for being more coherent than me. It wasn't fair. she'd had a pussy all her life.

Yeris toyed with my now-much-bigger nipples. "You're so tight, so responsive, and so desperate...It's like you've never had dick before."

"Nnn--ah uuh! Not my first," I lied.

The palms of my hands ached as paw pads formed. My tail bone pressed out against her belly as fur filled in on all my bare spots. It was a striking mixture of grey and reddish brown in an elegant pattern.

Constricting around me and turning me onto my front, Yeris pulled me up onto my hands and knees. She'd been working very hard on her side and had managed to get two-thirds of her shafts in, but she was able to add far more oomph in this position. I gripped the sheets and yelled into them, having no idea how to stop making noise. My furry breasts were swinging like pendulums as my tail quickly pressed out from my backside, itching as it was covered in long, floofy fur.

*Damn! I haven't ever been fucked like this. Yeris is a naga sex goddess,* Henrietta cooed.

It was vexing that I was still scrounging for words. I wanted a retort, some sarcasm, anything to hide what this experience was doing to me. But I was more naked before Henrietta than anyone.

Yeris grabbed my hip with one hand and the base of my tail with the other. "You ready to cum for me, bitch?"

I moaned, not wanting to engage with something so embarrassing.

"I guess I'll just take my time, then," Yeris said, slowing down.

Trying to weather my heat-stricken body's impatience, I remained silent. It worked for about a minute, but for that entire minute I couldn't get off and felt increasingly irritated that Yeris was holding back.

"I'm r--uuh--ready," I said, a blush burning on my cheeks.

"You don't sound sure. Do you want me to cum inside you or not?" She slowed herself even more.

I was so close, this was torture. Every instinct I had told me I needed to feel her fill me full right now. "CUM INSIDE ME, DAMN IT!" I froze, my eyes widening as I realized what I'd just said.

Henrietta was laughing and I wished I could jab her, but she was a part of me, so I just kinda grumbled while shyly biting my lip.

"Good girl!" Yeris rocked back, nearly pulling out.

Then she shoved her dicks in to the hilt. I was so wet that her belly scales clapped against my cunt and my clit slipped between her labia. As I arched my back, my clit came into contact with hers and the jolt of pleasure was so raw and unexpected, like licking one's finger and sticking it into a live socket. Spasms from my pussy gripped the gradual ridges on her cocks as I got dizzy from crossing the threshold into pure bliss.

Yeris made quick hard thrusts that bumped her clit into mine over and over again while stretching my opening to its limit. An electric flash of sharp ecstasy ran up my spine as she jabbed home one last time, her cocks twitching. Hissing as her jizz spilled out into me, I gripped the sheets so hard that my hands hurt.

I yelped as my whole body lost coordination, my vision blurred, and the tips of my pointy ears burned. My entire face, groin, and chest were searing hot with pleasure. It was almost painful and it stayed with me much longer than any orgasm from my penis had.

Henrietta's orgasm added incredible fidelity to the experience. Our orgasms were like constructive wave forms, propagating throughout my body, making the release go far beyond anything I'd ever experienced.

When I was able to perceive something other than ecstasy, we were on our sides again and Yeris had me pulled tightly against her. "If I'd known you could turn into such a hot werewolf, I would've been making passes at you from day one."

I blushed and hid my face by pressing it into the bed.

Yeris chuckled. "I don't get why you're so shy. I'd be flaunting hips like yours."

My blush got worse.

*Want me to take the reins? I could make this a regular thing until you're done with this job,* Henrietta asked.

*Yes, please,* I said, glad I didn't have to do any more talking.

"And I don't get why you cover up those beautiful curvy scales with clothes," Henrietta said.

Yeris made a little thrust, getting us to gasp. "If I had a girl like you around, I might not get around to putting any clothes on."

"Now that's an idea. How about we go for round two?" Henrietta asked.

*Round two?!?* I balked.

*You're a girl right now, you can cum a few more times.*

I felt like I was floating. How could something so exceptionally wonderful be true?

"Give me a few minutes and you're on," Yeris said.

The next half hour, I lost count of my orgasms. Yeris was ridiculously pent up and her cum was dripping down the insides of my legs by the time we were finished.

In her arms, with her dicks lingering inside me, I felt calm and sated. The restlessness that usually permeated my being was nowhere to be found.

* * * * *

I awoke to Yeris shaking me. "Hey, gorgeous, it's time to get cleaned up."

As I sat up, the cum-soaked sheets came with me. I unstuck them from my skin, wondering if everything we'd just done had been a dream despite all the evidence to the contrary.

There was nothing gorgeous about me. Henrietta's fur, curvy hips, full breasts, and other womanly traits were gone. I couldn't think of a single aspect of my human body I genuinely liked. A frown pulled at my features just as I clamped down on the sadness welling up in me. I wasn't really a girl. It all had been Henrietta's doing. My stomach lurched as I felt sick. The magic had poisoned my mind. I had to just kill this fantasy and move on.

*But it's not fantasy, hon, I was there too,* Henrietta said.

*That's not what I meant,* I said, ignoring twitching on my tailbone. There's no way I still had a tail.

*What did you mean?*

*Explaining every little thing to you is so exhausting,* I said.

*Could you at least try?*

*No,* I said, my right ear twitching due to the air current. My mind had better be playing tricks on me. Keeping Henrietta's ears and tail and looking like a cursed human would be wholly unacceptable.

"You still a bit loopy from cumming that hard?" Yeris asked.

"My apologies, that was very unprofessional of me," I said.

"You think I care about that? I haven't been this satisfied in ages." Yeris stretched.

I blushed and fidgeted, at a complete loss for words. My feelings were so conflicted, so useless.

Yeris kissed my cheek and stroked the fur on my pointy canine ears. "I'm glad you kept the ears and tail this time. Didn't even know cursed humans could hide them in the first place."

"They can't hide them," I said, wanting to crush something fragile with my hands.

"Wait, you got the curse just now?" Yeris tilted her head.

"No, yes, it's complicated," I said before turning my attention to Henrietta. *You have ruined me.*

*The sex was that good, huh?* she asked, poorly hiding her worry from me. I wasn't hiding my ire from her at all.

*No, you've made it so some employers are going to pay me less and treat me more harshly,* I said. *Some may not even hire me for jobs to begin with.*

*If they're that bigoted, they don't deserve your business,* she said.

Clenching my fist, I said, *My work keeps us fed. It's in our best interest not to complicate it.*

*You won't even tell me what it is you do,* she said. *Maybe you need a new profession.*

"Are you okay?" Yeris asked, waving her hand in front of my eyes.

"No, when you healed me, someone who's long since passed hitched a ride on the spell," I said.

“I don’t... you--?” She blinked and stammered, her face caught between sympathy and confusion.

"Your incompetence is why I have the curse."

Yeris narrowed her eyes at me. "I can't keep up with you. One minute you're cumming so hard I think I'm gonna go deaf and the next you're hurling insults at me."

"I have a hitchhiker in my body. Take responsibility for your mistake and help me get her out of me," I said.

*Please don't do this. You were so happy being a girl,* Henrietta said.

*Borrowing your form doesn't make me a girl. I can never be a girl,* I said, my fist so tight the tendons that led to my fingers were aching.

*Who says?*


"I'm sorry, but I can't fix that, no one can. There's always a risk healing someone who's that close to death," Yeris said.

"If you're going to spout metaphysical sophistry about how our ancestors return to the universe, you can save your wind," I said. "The mind that's sharing my skull has provided no proof that she was ever alive. She could be a trickster spirit for all we know."

*A trickster spirit? Really?* she said.

*Prove me wrong by leaving,* I said.

"Has this person done anything to hurt you?" Yeris asked.

"Well, for starters, she gave me her fucking curse," I said.

"Do you not like being a beautiful werewolf?" Yeris asked.

"That's beside the point," I said, glaring at her.

"At this point all I can offer is someone to talk to. What's done is done because manipulating minds with magic is only for those with a death wish." She crossed her arms.

"Maybe I should find a more competent healer," I said. "You can't know the whole of what's possible."

"You know what I'm good at? Reading people. And the way you avoided my question tells me there's baggage surrounding the truth. I noticed you wear bras under your clothes and you seemed overjoyed while you were on my dicks. I've always seen you as rather feminine. But that doesn't necessarily mean you'd enjoy being a girl." She leaned forward. "The thing is, if I don't know how you actually feel, things are going to get very complicated and I don't like complicated. So I'm going to try asking again. If you give me an honest answer, I'll keep fucking you, but if you try to pull one over on me, we're done. Did you like being a female werewolf?"

"I didn't not like it," I said.

She laughed. "And now I'm sure you're more confused than I am."

*You liked it, I could feel how overjoyed you were. Why is it so hard to admit?*

"I'm not a girl! I can never be a girl!" I yelled aloud by accident.

*Every time you say that, I get the feeling that you're thinking about your parents or someone in your family. Did something happen to you when you were a child?*

Yeris put her hands on my shoulders. "What's going on? You're scaring me."

"Why won't you two leave me alone?" I asked, biting back tears.

"Probably because we're both very concerned about you," she said.

"You shouldn't be. I'll be fine. I've lived this long without anyone caring about me and I don't need your help." I pulled myself out of Yeris's grasp.

"Do you really want to carry all that anguish around your whole life?" Yeris asked.

"You think I have a choice?" I asked, my chest feeling like it had been twisted into knots. "This is me, this has always been me, and I need to get back to work."

*Please tell me what's going on. I suddenly feel really anxious, depressed, and angry.*

Yeris gently coaxed me back to bed. "Your work is dangerous and I think this mood would mix poorly with it. Let's give you some time to calm down at the very least."

“I should just work. It'll provide distraction," I said.

"Distraction from what?" Yeris asked.

"From these thoughts," I said, not meeting her eyes while the dark hole in me ached in my chest.

"What thoughts?" Yeris asked.

"Do you really want to know or are you just pretending you do?" I asked.

*Please tell us what happened. These feelings hurt so much.*

"Yes, I really want to know," Yeris said.

"As a young kid, I was an imbecile who used to get up in the middle of the night to put on my sister's clothes. One night I was caught by my dad and got spanked until I couldn't even feel my buttocks. My parents watched me like hawks after that and I never made the mistake of pretending to be a girl again," I said. “Because that’s all it will ever be, pretend.”

Yeris hugged me. "That's terrible."

*I don't think you were pretending, I think you are a girl.*


*Are you sure about that? My breasts, pussy, hips, fur, and muzzle are all yours too now. I think you deserve them just as much as me.*

*You just met me, how can you believe I deserve anything?* I asked.

*Your happiness after we transformed was amazing. I want to feel that again,* Henrietta said.

Tears flooded out of my eyes as I cried without any sense of why. Yeris held my cum-drenched body close, running her fingers through my hair. I was such an idiot with out-of-control emotions. These two women were wasting time on me, but I had no way of convincing them of that.

When I finally managed to stop, I pulled away from Yeris, saying, "Thanks."

Putting a hand on my shoulder, she said, "Feeling better?"

"Yeah, a little," I sighed and shook my head. "I'm being so unprofessional."

"Who cares? Everyone has emotions," Yeris said.

"So, people who work with you regularly cry in your arms?"

"Sometimes. I'm a very good listener," Yeris said. "Especially after I've had a good fuck."

I looked at her, my features twisted by a deep confusion.

"I'm gonna go get cleaned up and give you some space." she said. "Then I'd like to know more about the person you're sharing a brain with. One isn't doing proper risk management if one overlooks something like that."

"Sure," I said.

Slithering toward the shower, she said, "Don't worry about work today. I'm gonna tell them you were sick."

"I think I'll be fine working in a half hour or so," I said.

She grabbed the tiled privacy wall that was in front of the shower entrance. "You just got cursed so your body switches genders, you have another person living in your head, and you just cried so hard your voice is hoarse."


Her glare was predatory. "Do. Not. Worry. About. Work. Today."

"Okay, I'll take the day off, sheesh," I said.

She smiled sweetly. "Good."

"Sometime today, I want to talk more about why you think it's impossible for the entity in me to be put in its own body or given to someone who actually wants to be a werewolf."

"I'm having trouble imagining you wanting to be rid of the ability to shift into a form you so clearly enjoy. But I am happy to discuss whatever you like once we're all cleaned up." Yeris went into the shower.

*Do you really want me out of you?* Henrietta asked.

I put my head in my hands. My normal sense of certainty was nowhere to be found. *If we have options, I want to know what they are. I haven't known you long enough to actually trust you or have an answer to your question.*

*That's fair, and I don't know how much I can trust you yet, either," Henrietta said.

*I'm relieved we're in agreement,* I said. *But are you sure you even want to stay? I have nothing but dirty laundry in here.*

*I don't really have a choice, but I don't regret being here. Everyone is a bit broken and I was a lot more worried until you managed to cry.*


She said, *People who can't cry stuff their emotions so tight that eventually all they feel is anger. And that can get really scary.*

*I take it you knew someone like that?* I asked.

*My father.*

*Mine too, now that I think of it,* I said.

*Maybe he wanted to be a girl and his father did the same thing he did to you.*

*That's an interesting thought,* I said.

*I find abuse is inherited more readily than material wealth,* she said.

*You're probably right,* I said. *I'm sorry I have to say this, but I'm probably going to scare you a lot more in the future.*

*As long as you're willing to talk to me and let me express my need for cock from time to time, I think I'll be okay,* she said.

I blushed. *The second demand is going to be way easier than the first.*

*Someone liked having a pussy,* she said cutely.

*Shut up,* I said.

*You wanna transform again? Try doing your work with breasts that actually fill out your bra?*

*I don't feel brave enough to do that yet. Maybe later.*

*Says the person who works with electronics that can, and practically did, kill him.*

*Stop that,* I said.

*Stop what?*

*Confusing me by making points that flip everything on its head.*

*No,* she said. *It's good for you.*

*Next time I have to bargain about the pricing of a job, I'm gonna let you do it,* I said.

*Oooh, I love bartering,* she replied.


I’d like to acknowledge my $20+ patrons, Arkona Kothe, Navajo Demar, Skrime, UBA, Warialinth, Xaziana Tenebris for helping make all this possible. Thank you! Thanks to all my other patrons as well. Every one of you rocks!


talk show ghost

Damn this was hot as hell, poor guy though. I’d love to read more in this series!


Henry's one of the main characters for an upcoming novel that takes place in Elara's world. He's going to have a lot more to his story if my plans go well.


Great origin story for a great new character! 👍


The transformation sequence was super hot. And the banter between Henry and Henrietta was great XD. I'm looking forward to seeing these two pop up again in the future 👌