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YAY! The patron-powered Persephone and Tritonia series won and I'm excited to see where this goes!

I realized while writing up the first official vote for this series that y'all would benefit from having a post where you can quick reference character bios. This is that post and I'll be updating it as characters are added!

Charlemagne (Cheryl) - The forty-something female leader of the Pan-Oceanic Safety Congress: a tall and strong mixed-race woman from the Netherlands with a heavy Dutch accent. Her real name is classified, everyone started calling her Charlemagne because...

Pepper - A thirty-year-old auburn-haired female marine who is a dive specialist with a big heart. She's a competent engineer and soldier who you'd want by your side when things get rough. Originally, she was in school for her oceanic engineering degree, but that all changed when...  

Gillon (Gill) - A forty-two-year-old butler-like British guy who has worked on Tritonia and other AI computer systems. Cleaning, making food and beverages for the others, and surveying the entire base for signs of damage is how he de-stresses. His parents both died in a mysterious accident where...

Tsubumi (Boom) - a twenty-three-year-old Japanese woman who is a savant when it comes to sound. She plays anything percussion with incredible skill and can make a marimba or other like instrument do amazing things. She has been obsessed with sonar and [redacted] ever since she was a child.

Alphonse (Alpha) - A twenty-seven-year-old second generation immigrant from Trinidad who often dances while he hacks. Navigation, ship systems, and computer security are all right up his alley. After many years arguing with his large family, they've finally started to accept that he is...

Kirkii - An [redacted due to spoilers for Tritonia's Secret] geneticist who devised the process that transformed Persephone. She is brilliant and highly regarded by everyone on the team.

Septimus - A fifty-year-old anthro [redacted] geneticist that is Kirkii's right hand man and the anthro that helped create the process that transformed Persephone. Charlemagne has known him the longest because they met while they were both...

Tritonia - An AI unlike anything that came before her. Her humanity and importance to the rest of the team cannot be understated. There's one aspect of her creation that is a closely guarded secret that only Charlemagne and Gill are privy to.

Persephone - A twenty-eight-year-old thief and security systems expert who has recently transformed into an anthro herm shark hybrid. She can now dive to the depths of the ocean without a suit and Charlemagne is having trouble stopping herself from coming up with uses for Persephone's unique form.


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