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I fixed a problem with the parts being numbered twice. These new files should be a tiny bit prettier.

Making covers and Ebooks is fun. I'm not an expert at either of them yet, but I'm happy with the results so far! Hope you enjoy having this novel in an easier to read format. 

Merry Christmas if you celebrate it, otherwise Merry Random Day of Supreme Economic Importance!

Attached is a .mobi for Kindle devices and a .epub for everything else!



Know any good apps to read this on?


I tried out a bunch of Ebook readers on my phone this morning and PocketBook was the best one I could find for Android. The .epub looks great in it and it's easy to use.

Nealime Kenna

This was an amazing read! I hope you keep making more~


I have an entire novella written in this universe ready for a second editing pass. I wrote it during the first ten days of this month. It's about an EDM producer who gets the Tail Virus at Tomorrowland. I ended up writing it because I'm slowly learning how to make EDM music in my spare time.