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Hi Precog Pangolins, let me know if you like this idea for launching the Persephone and Tritonia project. I'm gonna launch the voting tomorrow morning.

Please let me know in the comments if you like the sorts of options I'm giving you. I'm planning to experiment with more than one vote a month. I'm going to be learning how to get this CYOA-style collaboration between y'all and me working and would love feedback.

The next installment of Persephone and Tritonia needs to introduce the characters on Charlemagne's team. I have an exciting way to do that in mind, but I've avoided planning too much out so y'all have room for input. Adding TF to this next chapter would make it overstuffed, but the next chapter? I'm planning for TF options to be on the roster! ^_^

Sexy options:

Persephone and other characters in this story will be somewhat casual about sexual relationships. This doesn't mean that there won't be conflict, it just means that your whims as to who has sex with who will make sense in the larger context of the story. And it will be easy to add variety.

Persephone + Kirkii: During their daily "checkup" (sex routine), they get caught and are forced to include another person in their secret. Who? Your other choices will influence this, but it will still likely be a surprise.

Persephone + Alphonse: Alphonse is very attracted to Persephone and isn't sure what to do about it. When they get into a situation where they're stuck in a close proximity, his feelings for her overwhelm him. Spurred on by their deep feelings for each other, they have some satisfying intimate time.

Persephone + Pepper: Pepper's never done stuff with an anthro, a girl, or a herm for that matter. She can't stop thinking about seeing Persephone naked and is deeply curious. When she has Persephone alone, she can't help but ask some questions that put Persephone's ridiculous libido into overdrive. They both end up needing some rough sex to calm down.

Persephone + Charlemagne: Trapped with Charlemagne for a couple hours, Persephone can't keep her libido in check and ends up fucking herself in front of Charlemagne. Persephone is incredibly embarrassed, but can't stop until she's gotten off. The whole time, Charlemagne works very hard to maintain her professionalism. Does she crack and get involved? If this option wins, you'll get to vote on what Charlemagne does.

Click here if you need to reference character bios.

Story Options:

When persephone gets to an intersection while she's running away from a threat, does she try to follow Septimus (Kirkii's right hand scientist) through a closing door turn right to follow Gillon (Tritonia's lead designer), or sprint straight down the hallway following Tsubumi (the gifted young sonar prodigy)?

Alphonse wants to tell his family he's alive. Does Persephone take steps to help Alphonse do that even though it's incredibly against the rules or does she decide they need to behave, for now?

This option may have an affect who she's trapped with later.

NPO options:

Pick which NPO will have an important role in this chapter.

NPO 8842-462-2 (Time-Stopped Pizza Slice) - This large wedge-shaped slice of a taco pizza does not experience the passage of time. It cannot be destroyed, it does not decay, and no vibrations or other physical processes can pass through it. EM waves that would normally not interact with a piece of pizza pass right through while all others are perfectly reflected making this piece of pizza look like it's made out of metal. It's recently been theorized that this object may experience the flow of time, albeit...

NPO 7847-263-6 (Over-Extending Presentation Pointer) - Appears to be a collapsible presentation pointer until one tries to extend it to its full size. The moment it reaches full size, the pointer continues extending at two hundred meters per second piercing any object in its path, no matter its hardness, until it hits a presentation screen, a wall, or has traveled three hundred and fifty seven feet. To get it to collapse back, one simply pushes it against the wall or otherwise pushes on the far end. The recoil from it collapsing back to its original size...

NPO 1580-675-5 (Squeeky Bang) - A pig-shaped squeaky toy that self resonates upon subsequent squeaks. If it has been squeaked more than two times in succession, it will release a shockwave four seconds after the last squeak.

Number of Squeaks vs destructive power:

- 2 = balloon popping

- 3 = party popper

- 4 = M80 explosion

- 5 = M67 hand grenade

- 6 = Claymore mine

- 7 = Balloon popping

After seven squeaks, the results become random and unpredictable. It is unknown what the true nature of the shockwave is, but it appears to disrupt [redacted] with explosive results. After three squeaks, the shockwave can no longer...

NPO 4783-219-1 (Fiber Chocula Cereal) - A synthesis of Fiber One and Count Chocula: this idea is so awful it is clear that this cereal is from another universe. A chocolaty fibrous concoction that takes all the fun out of a sweet kids cereal. Truly vile stuff not helped by the fact that this box of cereal is essentially bottomless. Probes sent into this box of cereal have gone kilometers without finding the other end. Subjects who have eaten this cereal report...

In later chapters, there will be TF and sex related NPOs. I'm using this chapter to set up a bunch of future fun and have some thrilling action to start this next part of the series off.


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