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So, how do you feel about these slime sounds? Asking for a friend... 



100% yes


Slime sounds themselves, I'm on board with, however not sure if it's part of the intent, but the sudden loud echoes of an empty room (~0:40 and ~1:50) were either overwhelming loud, or bother me in a way that makes them seem that way. So, hard for me to give a definitive answer.


Oh yea this is def not a final edit. This is a "this was a quick mock up so I can hear what the sound will be like" plus then its good for y'all to know too if this could be triggering or too gross. With the slime girl RP I might do a slime sounds and a non slime sounds versions.


The sounds themselves are A+


Mmm... Slimey.


I agree with the other reviews, they are good sounds.


Terrifyingly squishy, but I'm so ready for it!


some of them are good, others not so much


Love it. Can’t wait to hear final cut... Will be amazing...


I like the slimey sounds but there were some scrapey sounding ones that were a bit loud/ hurt my ears


Ok, so that was... weirdly compelling actually. I honestly didn't expect to like it but there's something - and I have no idea what that may be - quite pleasant in there. I mean, obviously the MASSIVE REVERB turns it into an audio cataclysm where Satan's very own herd of demonic donkeys stalk your waking nightmares. But apart from that, Yeah. There's something in this.


There is some sensual horror vibes going on here. Immersive and could definitely be great used correctly. I'm in to it.


didn't expect to like it, but i do. i'm interested in the finished "product".


I'm down to give it a shot

Barking Alien

Intriguing. Creepy, scary, and moist. It could use a few slorps or blurps (sounds of Slime pouring and making a thick splash). Very interesting in seeing this develop.


Quite interesting sounds for me, of course this is not something new for me, but it evokes positive feelings in me)


Asking for a "Freind" sure 😈and I like them they have a very... Tactile feel😳. I'm trying to identify the sounds and as I eat A LOT of apples it sounds like your using an 🍏 for these sounds... am I right?


I think they're very good, i think reducing the volume a little bit on the reverb would be helpful, it hits harder than the slime


Yes yes yes