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Your back in the Secret Salon, but this time it's just for a little brain-- I mean head massage. So soothing and relaxing, until you find yourself deep down into hypnotic submission and signing yourself away to Subject Corp. Subject Corp may have let you go last time, but they didn't forget you their little obedient, helplessly brainwashed Display Toy!

This is a new dabble into mixing ASMR ear massaging sounds into hypnosis, as usual I would LOVE to hear feedback on how it felt. I know for me it set my vertigo off mixing it so please be careful and I have alternate versions available for download if the ear sounds aren't your thing. But for the ASMR lovers out there I know this is sure to give you some great hypnotic tingles... 

SUGGESTIONS: So this starts off pretty tame with some soothing and relaxing suggestions to just unwind with a nice ear and head massage, rubbing lotion on your temples and having you just breathe deeply, however soon the obedience suggestions start creeping in and then you realize I've been using drugged lotion all along, and this one melts away your thoughts, sinking you into a place of deep obedience. Then, we have you sign the Subject Corp contract that was mentioned in the previous installment of Salon Brainwashing, and then the masseuse decides to have her way with you, making you repeat mantras and have you thinking of all the fun you are going to have back on display at Subject Corp headquarters before bringing you up with an amnesia suggestion. The memory of this session locked away as all you know is that you had a nice massage and feel really relaxed!


The Ending of this file fits better if you've watched Secret Salon Files 1-4 first. You can find those here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLg4BQZB2YYxZPWfJkaEBgtw_9o-BHs_AZ



Ok, that was nice actually. I'm a big fan of the spacial sound and think they help build a real sense of 'place' in your files, and the ear massage ASMR was really quite soothing. I periodically get vertigo myself - more so these days due to one brand of meds - but had no problems with this. That said, I don't really remember about half of it. I did, but it very quickly faded quite like dreams can do as you wake. Oh, and it did help my headache 😄


Thats awesome! Yea, I think depending on how you do with asmr ear rubbing sounds will very much impact how you feel about the main version of this file. That being said I did really turn down those sounds as very background esque noises so I think that helps.


The ear massage sounds didn't affect me. But the swaying part really affected me, dropping me even deeper than i already was. That was very interesting and enjoyable. The interesting thing about dropping is that i don't drop deeper. i just drop deep each time. it's kinda like when you're in an elevator and going down and stopping, going down again and stopping. it doesn't feel necessarily deeper, it just feels like dropping over and over. which is why i can understand when you say you don't go deeper. but it also feels like you are deeper because you are dropping "again". that's what it's like for me, at least. and the swaying dropped me easier and faster. at some point i blanked out. then i heard... 789 and there i was. dopey and droopy... but waking up. i enjoyed this one. thank you, TSS.


As an absolute fan of relaxation ASMR, I am really enjoying this file. The combination of your soothing voice and massaging sounds leaves me in such a peaceful state of mind. Thank you.


How can I get more slime content🧠🥺

Inea Faedyn

Oh my God, my brain did the thing. The ASMR thing, I've never had that happen, its kind of incredible.

Barking Alien

Sooo good. This was absolutely amazing.


The file was awesome.


I enjoyed the pleasant feelings and it felt good to be submissive. I did write a longer comment but I am not sure if it was giving too much detail or I accidentally deleted it


As I expressed earlier in thought that got lost. I have watched ASMR salon videos which are literal salon videos. But this was a salon of the mind and body Your words go deep into my mind and controls my body. I felt pleasant sensations all over my body, throbbing sensations that leaves me dripping in esctaay. The mantras are delightful.


Your words are powerful and I love the inflection and how you enouceate certain words and when use that voice. Your words are delightful going deep into my emotions. Making me feel good sending vibrations to the lower extremities. I love the way you make a segment of body throb in delight. Dripping in esctasy from being under your control. It feels good to submit, obey and I am rewarded with deep and immense pleasure.


Yo please keep up with these background mind melting slime noises. Idk why but it makes the whole experience 10x stronger for me. I can barely even describe it🥺


when will You allow me to submit to You totally?


So, I did ask for this, but I was hoping for the NSFW version...


Yep and I have had no time to make any of those yet. I've been super busy with life commitments as well as my usual workload. So NSFW versions will be coming and maybe I can give that to you next time I make a seduced series.

Yuh Its J

This was incredibly relaxing. I had a nice massage :)


This is one of my favorite audios that take my mind, soul and body into immense pleasure. It takes me on a lovely pleasureable experience with ASMR.