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So, I always want to up my game in terms of hypnosis education and training, this is a first file in a new series all about learning to go into deep states of hypnosis effectively! 

This is a pretty basic trance session with a nice induction around the hand magnet (hand drifting to your face technique) followed by relaxing your eyes until they cannot open even if you try. A hand trick where I put all the tension in your body into one arm until it gets so heavy it drops to your side and finally a hand stuck to your head suggestion. Again, this is a pretty basic series of things that hopefully make a great trance experience for a lot of people. I've been keen to make a "how to hypnosis" series that helps people who are having trouble "experiencing trance" and hopefully this is a good start! It's all about giving yourself permission to be able to experience what you want!

SUGGESTIONS: As mentioned above this has a series of steps to get you into a good trance space, then afterwards we install a trance reinduction trigger and use it a little to make sure its nice and stuck there. There is a wakeup at the end. 




This recording is exactly the time of thing that I needed to listen to 20 years ago and then every few weeks after that. I know that the trance state is subjective but the way you explain it just works for me. I love the section on focusing on the eyelids. That warm, drowsy feeling in the eyelids that comes with opening and closing the eyes is one of the signs that I use to know my mind is heading in the right direction towards trance. Also, the audio quality in this one is about as close to perfect as is possible. I look forward to future hypnosis training files!


its good to revisit the basics even for those who have some practice or expertise. i found that the hand magnet worked so well compared to in the past! and the heavy arm worked the same! practice does work, after all. Your explanations are very helpful to pinpoint what is happening during this file, TSS. i find this to be a great introduction file to hypnosis. thank you for doing this one.


It was a good refreshing review even for the most experienced. It is also good to review the basics. It is good to work on fundamentals and learn how to make hypnosis better. There are always things that can be improved to make the experience better.


Thank you, too. But - I need only a few words from your voice to go down, down, down into helplessness. I´m not able to move and touch my head, nothing stucks, but these struggle has a lot of fun, too.


I love these