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crispy chicken

Shut Down - Sangha's lift on those poles was sooo smooth (while risky)! - Fye's pushing the guy off the stage was pretty weak imo - They all killed it, although Riina was a bit invisible in comparison - Yeah, nobody knows what that audience have been smoking. For the whole episode actually. The ONLY excuse I can give them is that they maybe were thinking about the Fighting/Nxde performances and had to think whether this was better or not (instead of thinking it was good or not). Like I mentioned before, this voting system is quite like Immortal Songs. The difference however is that over there they only reveal the score if it is higher (iirc), which is so much better. Only One - Kei again with the drinking milk with everything (especially meat). She also did that on Weekly Idol. It probably cuts through the fat and makes it taste more nutty. - Having also watched the full performance I was a bit disappointed by the lighting (no good spotlights), and by the sound quality (at some points the volume of both girls was very low) - Yeah, nobody can predict the votes. I am more interested in your scoring anyway. - Shout out to Kei for being such a great unnie. Making Soeun as comfortable as possible, also great support after the disappointing score. Don't call me - Nice performance. Singing was good too. But even though it had very interesting points (breaking the glass, climbing on top of dancers, using the island), it all came off a little subdued to me. Nothing really had as much impact as it could have. - I thought it wasn't a great move to have Wooyeon on a descending platform while singing. - Miru's dancing still needs some work but in the full version she did have a standout dance moment for me. She might be surprising in the future. Dance the night away - I would've liked if they added some bubble sounds at the start. - I think Yeonhee would've done better at the dance break. Too bad that main vocal + dance break was 1 part. - So we did get the Dahyun-lookalike to perform a Twice song 😄 - I think overall, like in every Queendom, the girls still need to grow a bit in doing their own production/show. It might be a little harder this season though, because they are here individually and teams will be new every time, leaving less time to get that good team synergy. Still, this was a good start though. - the winner will get..... 1 BILLION POINTS!! (puts pinky to mouth) - No, it was Nana PERSONALLY who wanted Jiwoo in her team. It was ALL the votes combined that left Jiwoo voted out. So it wasn't Nana throwing her back. Since Jiwoo was the last to join I can kind of get it. Plus she's probably the one with the least training. Wouldn't be my choice to put at 15 though. - this running to the song you want is a bit dumb tbh. And I agree, Even dangerous actually. - Drink Me 😏 - Bora 🤣 I can't say her dancing was awesome but her performance sure was. Also, major props for her stepping up.


Daniel: "as long as they don't throw each other the roof, I'm cool" Mnet: "we did some market research, and we found some interesting ideas on how we can make our next show even more competitive!"

Marcel Wannieck

- I just hope you're feeling okay enough to do this and you're not forcing yourself beyond your limit. - Hwiseo just said it, 300 is the maximum score. - My most listened to song this year is apparently Watch the World Burn 😄 Shut Down - That scene of Riina and Hwiseo sitting outside at night has the aesthetic of being filmed by some kind of stalker 😅 - These kinds of disagreements probably happen all the time in a lot of groups. And as we see it's ultimately not that serious. - Yo wtf girls CALM DOWN. - Absolutely unreal. Sangah's expressions, the dance break, Fye's high note, EVERYTHING! I'm so glad they kept this distribution. - That score is bullshit. Only One - Milk and meat? Interesting. - Saying it right now, this is my favourite performance of the round. It made me cry on my first watch. - Ok, this is where I start voting for Kei. So what if we have two main vocals in that final group. - Soeun and Kei did absolutely nothing wrong, the voters in this room are just being extremely weird. - At least there's pizza. Don't Call Me - Yeeun, speaking Japanese, helps out Miru. We love to see it. - I like that this is a 5 member performance. Sort of a what if SHINee were still five. - So, being honest, this is my least favourite performance in this round and it took me the entire week to figure out why. They did everything right so why does this not really work for me? I think I got it now. Their voices are way too soft and light for this song. I don't hear the anger that permeates the original song. They sound very pretty but it's missing that impact that SHINee had. I guess male vocals just work better for this one. - Side note, her name is Yeoreum, not Yereum. The „eo“ vowel is an „O“ sound, not an „E“ sound. Dance the Night Away - Right away I have to ask, what the hell were Nana and Hwiseo thinking, putting all three Cherry Bullet members in the same group? - And this of course puts Yeonhee in the shitty position of her alone versus three CheBul girls during part distributions. - It was very fun but nothing too spectacular either. One issue I have with this is that this sound and concept is nothing new for these girls, especially Cherry Bullet. They've done this sort of thing countless times. No surprises here. - Being eternally distracted by Taeyeon is a mood. - I understand, they delay the final score so that the live audience members can't leak anything before the episode airs. Very deserved win for Nxde. Here's my personal ranking: 1. Only One 2. Nxde 3. Shut Down 4. Fighting 5. Dance the Night Away 6. Don't Call Me - I really don't like how Mnet seems to be spinning a „Yeonhee vs Bora“ narrative here. - Global voting wasn't possible for this round because all of this was recorded over a month ago. - Bora and Kei on the same team. Vocally they're already unstoppable. - Not Wagyu but Korean beef. Which makes more sense than Japanese beef :D - Respect to Nana for not screwing Dohwa over and choosing someone other than Hwiseo. - EXPELLED. Talk about being dramatic 🙄 - It was Nana's personal decision to recruit Jiwoo. Nana wanted Jiwoo on the team but the others didn't. So she was voted out by everyone else, much to Nana's dismay. - Soojins being kicked out of their groups seems to be a recurring thing. - I could have done without all of this recruiting and team rearranging nonsense. - I'll just choose to see it as Soojin getting a new team and that's it. - This fucking song. Mnet really loves Rush Hour so much, it's inescapable. - And they already almost broke the board on the first song, nice. - Lim Young Woong. The eternal Korean chart juggernaut. Pretty much unknown in the west but he DOMINATES in Korea. It's always really funny to see western Kpop stans lose it over their faves placing lower than Lim Young Woong on the Korean music charts 😂 - And BIG Naughty. I've seen this guy live. He brought a very different energy to what we're seeing here :D - Damn, I was really hoping for someone to choose Set Me Free. Wannabe is good but severely overplayed at this point. - Ugh, NCT U's Raise the Roof is so fucking good. The fact that it didn't get a music video is criminal. - The first song of the dance battle is I Just Wanna Have Fun by Ofri Flint. - Bora came in freaky 👀 So for my vote this week. I have my three favourites that I always vote for with Bora, Nana and Hwiseo and the other four spots are for people that really impressed me in the specific episode. This week it was Fye, Sangah, Yeoreum, and Kei.


Yeah this episode made me realize I'm finally starting to fall for Mnet's evil editing despite everyone warning not to. It's just so hard though bc Mnet really be evil editing TF out of Mnet. There was absolutely no reason to do the whole recruitment only to say now vote 2 out. It was so sleezy. I thought Zoa might throw hands there for a second with the 2 lowest being both Jiwoo and Soojin. It was understandable the low score Jiwoo got in the Up/down bc they just saw her as a rookie but she was one of the main standouts in the last 2 rounds so I actually thought Nana's choice was smart and I was surprised the other's didn't see it that way but I guess if they're still holding on to her inexperience then what can you do but really there were at least 3 to 4 others I would've sent back before her My own ranking for the remix tho was 1. Only one 2. Nxde 3. Fighting 4. Shut down 5. Don't call me 6. Dance the night away Not sure if I've seen you check out Day6's Time of our Life but would love to see it maybe sometime in the future

Jared Mathews

Thank you for pushing through and getting this reaction up today but please take some rest. My personal ranking of this round is: 1. Nude 2. Only One 3. Fighting 4. Don't Call Me 5. Shut Down 6. Dance the Night Away Nude: I loved the remix. As a Plory I love the marionette concept. The ropes increased the difficulty of the choreo and they pulled it off so well without any mistakes so I think that's why I couldn't rate any of the other performances above theirs. All 4 members got to shine in this one. I love G-Idle but Nude is not one of my favorite songs of their's so it left them room to improve upon it and I really liked the arrangement. Also I appreciated Nana's rap was in a different style to Soyeon's instead of trying to just copy what she did. The only explanation of the voting for me is that every other performance asked the question did you think that was better than Nude if so vote yes if not vote no. Fighting! I find it hard to believe that none of the girls had any inputs at all other than Juri, but I'm glad she got her screen time. Yuki and Jiwoo wrote their own raps for Young-ji's part but I guess showing that would make them seem interested in the performance. The actual performance was the most fun out of all of them for me I just thought the vocals and dance wasn't as difficult as some of the others. Big fan of Yuki getting the spotlight in the dance break and rap section. Purple Kiss usually goes for the dark concept but Yuki is a goofball. Watching her having fun with the audience and laughing on stage was a blast. Elly also really stood out in this performance. Her vocals and energy was excellent. Shut Down: In this case I'm glad that they didn't switch parts. The stalker camera of Riina and Hwiseo was uncomfortable to watch. Like don't they have any privacy. Anyways I thought Fye's singing was good and Hwiseo killed all of her parts as always. The dance break was my favorite part of the whole song. The red riding hood concept was weird and didn't really fit the song choice in my opinion. Maybe I just haven't listened to the original enough but I'm not really sure what was different in the remix other than adding a high note and a dance break. It felt just like a really good cover and not a remix to me. Overall I don't think this deserved as low of a score as it did. Only One: I bet the only reason they made a group be a duet was to get Kei's dating hour segment :) I enjoyed all of the chemistry and it brought me back to season 1 with Hwasa. I love the original song and now I need Boa to perform it with Seulgi in the future! I loved the new couple choreo with the floorwork, mirror section, and the walking thing as the original just has the partner work for one section. The mirror thing reminded me of Park Bom's performance in season 1 but I thought this was much more interesting. My only complaint and why I only gave it 2nd place is again Kei wasn't singing for several parts of the song. Don't Call Me: Did anyone know that Yeeun could speak Japanese?! CLC had 0 Japanese members so I was shocked when Yeeun showed up to help Miru and started speaking Japanese! Love Miru's dedication and work ethic. She knows she doesn't have the training to learn the choreo as fast of the others so she decided to work twice as hard as them. I'm happy for Wooyeon getting the main vocal part and she pulled it off well. Yeeun's step on me segment was wild and Yeoreum's dance break was sick. To bad Zoa got zero screen time except for the lip biting. Again not really sure what the concept or remix actually was for this one but I'd put it slightly ahead of Shut Down simply because I'm very biased towards Yeeun and Yeoreum. Dance the Night Away: Watching the behind the scenes made me upset at whoever divided the parts. The person who does the intro is usually the center, the person who does the dance break is usually the main dancer, and the person in charge of the high notes is usually the main vocalist. Who decided to give all 3 highlight segments of the song to the same part? I love Queen Bora but she is not the center or main dancer. I would have given the intro to Jiwon, the dance break to Yeonhee, and the high note to Bora. Instead watching the performance I felt like Bora was the only member who got to stand out and the other 4 members were just there. I like Dance the Night Away but I've seen it covered to death over the years and I also just saw it live the week before this episode dropped so I didn't enjoy this performance. The only other song this round that I feel it should be compared against is Fighting since they are both supposed to be very fun and exciting and I had way more fun and felt the members were also having way more fun in the Fighting performance. So I would rank this last. I wish they chose a different twice song like maybe Cheer Up, Likey, or Yes or Yes instead. Healing Segment/All Rounder Battle They really don't understand what healing means as this was the Drama segment :) I never understand why Mnet always chooses to ruin the suspense of their own show. Why show us that Yeonhee and Kei sat at the center of each table and then show every single contestant sitting down at each table and then rewind and have us watch each member choose a team? I already know which team everyone chose since I know all the members names and faces at this point and was paying attention while watching them enter and sit down at the tables. They could have just aired those segments in chronological order and then nobody would know who was going to pick which team. I felt bad for Yeonhee having to stand there not getting picked in front of the studio audience. Not sure why they forced the audience to leave before revealing the winner but at the same time picked the next round teams in front of them. I guess Soeun had spent too much time with Kei recently and decided to break up with her :) With the recruiting thing it wasn't really fair that 3 of the winning team were on the Puzzle Team but at least the picking order was random. I appreciated that Nana and Suyun didn't take Hwiseo again. That would have felt bad and basically eliminated any say that Dohwa had in the matter. Making Nana read off who was voted off the island was not cool. They had the choreographers there they could have just asked Choi Youngjun to MC. Also asking the members to say out loud who they were voting off the island while stand next to each other was ridiculous. Either have them go one at a time or let them go in groups of 4 but don't say anything out loud. I found it funny that Nana picked Jiwoo and the rest of the team was like why on earth did you do that and sent her back. Hopefully she didn't feel too bad about getting kicked out of the team since she stayed in the team she wanted in the first place. Soojin getting kicked out was not a healing experience for her so I don't know what Mnet thinks healing means I'm glad that Yuki was wanted and I love all the Yuki/Yeeun/Yeoreum crumbs. She's always sitting next to either of them and they're constantly taking care of her it seems. So adorable :) The vocal/rap songs don't seem to have much rap in them so I'm not sure that having our 3 rappers on team puzzle is going to be an advantage. Although Yuki is great at adding a rap verse to any song and making it fit. Several of Purple Kiss's slower songs have great Yuki raps and even her raps in their Christmas song My My fit, and I generally can't stand rap in Christmas music. I hope Yuki getting to perform wannabe and one of the dance songs though I'd love it if she added a rap to the ballad song to stand out from the other team. I wouldn't be surprised if Hwiseo is in 4 or 5 of the queendom team's groups. I guess it'll be up to how much time she has. Maybe only 3 would be safest. There better be a rule that every member has to be a part of at least 1 performance. I don't want anyone getting excluded. I hate how they build up all of this suspense of who are the teams going to pick to perform each song and then in the preview they show all of the teams and who's in them. So please don't tell me if you know what the teams are as I covered my eyes for the previews. Sorry for the essay again but I watched the last episode in the car from my phone so I didn't leave a comment that time. Loved your reaction as always but please try and get some rest!

fabrice maire

MY top is 1 Nude 2 don't call me 3 Fighting 4 Only one 5 Shut down 6 Dance the night away - Naked. First of all, it's my favorite team. I've had great hopes since the beginning to see Nana and Jihan finish in the final line up. they reinterpreted the title well and took big risks for the choreography and it paid off. - don't call me. My second favorite team Yeeun, Miru and Yoreum was perfect for this song and I really liked the fact that Yeeun came to support Miru who was struggling to learn the choreography -Fighting. yuri carried this team from start to finish if they have this ranking it is largely thanks to her who knew how to put the right atmosphere and the right state of mind in the group. -Only one I like this minimalist performance of Soeun and Kei I think Kei shines in this kind of performance I like it. - Shut down good like many blackpink fans I love this song and clearly it is very difficult to go behind blackpink this kind of song can be a double edged sword. the performance was very classic I think they didn't know how to bring the originality or appropriate the song. I didn't really understand why HWISEO absolutely wanted to sing high notes in a song that doesn't have any. I think they should have all put on the swag they have the dance break was nice but there was something missing in this performance I put it on the lack of experience of the members of this group. - Dance the night away I don't like this song basically it reminds me of the kind of song we have in the kermes in kindergarden. or in high school queen parades. the performance was boring.

fabrice maire

the current top 7 is perfect for me it's close from what i expect .

fabrice maire


fabrice maire

I agree the Shut down team did not deserve 152 for me they are 5th I think that 180 or 185 would have been fairer.

fabrice maire

no DG only NANA vote to have Jiwoo not the all team so it's her personal taste and when they have to vote to expel a members most of the nana team vote for Jiwoo but not Nana


i feel like it would have been better if there were judges as well and not just based on the live audiences 🙃 wooyeon i'm so proud of you! nana's vote has skyrocketed since she and jihan have been getting benefit points back to back 🥺 also, poor soojin, softest leader of weeekly deserves so much better


Don't trust public voters/judges. Soyeon did half a TED talk on that subject... But, crucify me if you must, that Shut Down performance wasn't that good. In my opinion the song itself is not that great and lives more off of the general attitude and charisma of the BP girls. I took the time to watch the first round of performances on YT, and I was shocked. I don't know if MNET did something in post, or the general atmosphere was helping, but several performances seemed way worse in their separate videos. Weak live vocals, stilted choreography, mistakes I didn't see when watching the full episode.


I don't understand why you don't understand how the votes works. Isn't it obvious? Imagine putting yourself in the audiences shoes. Unlike the other survival program, let's say PRODUCE48 for example, these are the post-debuted girl groups member who is participating, and the audience is the fandom of those girls. I have been to the live recording of Queendom Puzzle myself, but the chance of being selected to be the audience is like 1 in 20. So if you were selected as the lucky audience, you would do everything you could to make sure your bias would win. At least for the audience It doesn't matter how every group performed compared to each other. That's why Nana gets all the vote(she is the upcoming new girl who is the MC of the national music show at the time and was very popular with huge fan base), and that's also why the "Shut Down", which consist 3 of the relatively small group a.k.a. H1-KEY, and LIGHTSUM, and the girl who came from Thailand with almost non existing Korean fanbase. Is it fair? No. Do I think this system of "popular vote" have any meanings? No. But it is what it is.