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Hey guys, so I woke up today and my voice is completely gone, my throat is killing me and my fever went back up, my head is spinning and the neighbors are still noisy as hell even on a Friday.

Sadly, this means that I have to skip our Thursday (which were pushed to today) & Saturday reactions and I might even have to push Sunday's Queendom puzzle to Monday in case I don't get better by Sunday.

I'm really sorry, things seemed to get better from last week and then suddenly it got worse, hate to disappoint you guys!


Marcel Wannieck

Down with the sickness, huh? Rest well!

mark love

Mate, Don't stress and push yourself too hard. Just look after yourself first. Where not going anywhere.

crispy chicken

It's okay to not be okay 🙂


Damn, that sounds like it sucks. Hope you get better soon ❤️


It's not a disappointment at all! I hope you recover soon, but take all the time you need to take care of yourself, king. I'll probably be rewatching the first queendom reaction again while I wait xD


Take care of your health. We will be here when you get back


Sounds like my allergies. Have you been checked for those? In any case, just rest up and come back when you're ALL better.

Xia Lias

Please rest, we'll be here when you are rested. Please don't push yourself


Rather have you better and enjoying the reactions then pushing yourself for us! We can wait!


Just look after yourself and get better soon. Your health is more important. I am not going anywhere and sure I don't just speak for myself. 💚