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Mariam Rabo

I LOVE THIS DRAMA SO MUCH, hope that you will start "Flower of evil" after this one and the break you were talking. This one and "flower of evil" are my top 2. Flower of evil is "kind of" the same as this one but the plot is WAYYYYY better.

crispy chicken

- yesterday I came to realize that the dentist guy is the same actor who plays the grim reaper in Goblin. - "even if the room was free I wouldn't stay". Exactly. - that was a sudden cut, which is weird because the transitions have been very good so far. - I couldn't see Ryujin before but now that you reminded me I can definitely see it. - So the dentist is even working on teeth in his spare time? You got to admire his love for his job 😬 - Just when you said that the work colleague reminded you of the porn guy, I also thought both the female colleague and the landlady said he was cute 🤔 - Nice transition yes, but I hope I will still be able to enjoy tteokbokki in the future without being reminded of pulled teeth 😵‍💫 - backup, yes. Don't police usually work in duo's anyway? - yeah, I wouldn't taste anything from someone who served me bloody eggs... - How much weird stuff must happen before this guy gets tf out of that hotel? He's reaching a point where I can no longer feel sorry for him. - "I hope you are not watching this at midnight". I look at my clock and it's 3 minutes past midnight 😅


Oh my god, I wasn't expecting you to actually manage to drop the episode today, so I admit, when I saw the notification I might or might not have squealed 😅Best believe I dropped everything I was doing to watch!! Hey, at least your annoying neighbours set the mood for the show, so you can sympathise with Jong Woo 😅 I'm really happy to hear you're enjoying the show by the way! It's definitely a slow mind-fuck, very fitting for a psychological horror. It's confusing at the beginning but things slowly start making sense as we progress! And the actors are amazing for sure, especially Lee Dong Wook who plays the dentist. Before this show, I always saw him as either the badass hero, the charismatic playboy, or a complete goofball, so imagine my surprise when he came on here playing a complete lunatic 🥲 It was weirdly wholesome how happy Jong Woo was when talking to the dentist about writing and kind of sad. He's such a simple man, all he needs is for people to ask about him and his one passion to light up a bit, but even his own 'friend' would instead tell him to give it up because it's not profitable. On the account of the pervert, or how you like to call him 'the tank top guy' - he actually plays a creep in another K-Drama called 'The Guest' and the characters are pretty similar, so yeah, he most likely gets type-casted 💀 Also, I started wondering why he doesn't wear socks... and it's probably because he uses them for something else... That meat scene at the end always makes me sick to my stomach, I don't know why, if it's the disgusting looking meat itself, or the dentist's smile but - 🤢 I don't know what you're talking about, at dead of night is the absolute best time to watch the show🥳... Although, it might not be best to watch when you're going to the dentist regularly, especially since I've been yesterday and had a pretty bad experience, and now I feel even more discouraged from returning 🙃

Marcel Wannieck

- Isn't a desire to kill your neighbors so fitting for this show? - Landlady is definitely sus - I like crime (fiction) as well 🙂 - Relatable, I'll also happily talk to anyone who happens to share my interests. So what if they're a serial killer. - Episode 3 and I'm already really starting to question how much of this is actually real. - I understand that typos in official publications are a no-go but you don't have to be an ass about it. - nopenopenopenopenope - This is why Jong-woo doesn't ask for help. His direct surperior is a dick. - So does he want Jong-woo to be able to do his job or not? - VHS tapes were all over my early childhood. Especially Snow White, The Lion King and The Emperor's New Groove. - OH FUCK. - What other parts? WHAT OTHER PARTS?


Reaction to kdrama “ the devil judge “ Genres: Mystery, Law, Crime , Bromance The series is set in a dystopian version of South Korea, where people harbor hatred towards their leaders and live in chaos. Trials are held through a courtroom live show aired on television, where three judges come together to bring justice and peace Jinyoung from Got7 plays a heroic role in the series