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fabrice maire

yes the title of the episode is mental disorder but the question is who the title is about. from the dentist? , the concierge of the boarding house?, twins? de Jong woo or maybe all of them. i can't wait to read you're comment guy's .


I made a severe, and continuous lapse in my judgement, and I don't expect to be forgiven. I'm simply here to apologise to Daniel Goland and everyone else who has now been traumatised by my heavily inappropriate comment about socks 😞 With that out of the way, I also love really dark shows, though this one might have been too much even for me 😅 I felt like I was losing my sanity while watching... Which might explain why we're all so mildly psychotic now 🙃 Because I binged the show, I don't think I ever noticed how long it took Jong Woo to meet his girlfriend, (or maybe I was too preoccupied being creeped out) and even when they finally meet it's only for a brief second. As you see, when the landlady cut the meat with that huge cleaver and was holding it afterwards, it wasn't blurred out, because she wasn't holding it with violent intentions. I also just noticed how the dentist told landlady not to add MSG 'cause it will ruin the flavour of the meat at the beginning of the episode, so when he pissed her off later, she added a ton of MSG to it 😅 I loved your take at the end of the episode about Jong Woo and how he would lose his grip on reality more if everyone around him will keep telling him he's just sensitive or overreacting. I thought about it when first watching the show, how Jong Woo is being rightfully concerned about many things - the way the CEO talks about his girlfriend, his senior mistreating him, the people in the studio and the way they're acting. But everyone (including his girlfriend) keeps telling him that he's the problem, because he either can't control himself, he complains too much, he's too sensitive, or he should just ignore it. As a result, you will start believing them and feel like maybe you ARE the problem, that maybe you're just imagining things or you're going crazy. We can see that Jong Woo questions himself a lot in this episode, and even lets his guard down to the point where he drinks a random drink he got from his weird landlady. As someone who gets stressed out easily, I think what Jong Woo needs is a way to de-stress each day. I mean, like you said, he comes from one hell (his job) to another (the studio). And we never see him relieve his stress or relax - even in his sleep he's haunted by nightmares. And I know from experience that if you keep letting the stress pile up, you will snap eventually and it might be at something that would usually never upset you. I play video games/watch YouTube after coming home from work, but if I were to just come home and go straight to sleep and then back to work, I think I would also be planning a murder 😅 For Jong Woo, it's pretty self-explanatory though. He has a girlfriend who is pretty much going through the same thing at work as him, so they could just meet up, go on a date and vent to each other about their difficult situations and support each other rather than her being a hypocrite and telling him he needs to be more 'firm' when she can't even stand up for herself 🙃Jung Woo definitely at least needs to complain to someone to let his steam off, but he's being made to feel like it's weak or rude to do so, so instead he lets all the anger bottle up inside him, until it explodes at the wrong person/time. (He probably also needs a therapist for his PTSD, but Korea doesn't take mental health very seriously and he's broke). Oh man, I ranted A LOT! But I'm a bit passionate about this episode/topic, since I can relate to Jong Woo in this case and I've also had enough of people telling me to smile when I'm in a shitty mood 😄 I hope you feel better soon, even if the sickness is gone, you shouldn't strain your voice too much. You clearly work a lot and might also need time to de-stress, let Jong Woo be an example 😄 I recommend a lot of rest, tea with honey, and a chicken broth to help with your voice healing a bit quicker!


Honestly even though i watched this show before it still never fails to creep me out the human flesh too i think it was the thing the surprised me the most at 5:00 is when i thought that this show was really actually messed up . your voice Daniel you really sound so unwell im so sorry please rest well and take care hope you get better soon !!!

crispy chicken

- I wonder why that colleague of the police officer doesn't work at the Crimes department anymore with that sharp intuition of his 🙄 - He can save 250 each month and he's wondering if he can find a place with "only" that? He already found quite a few places for less in the 1st episode... - Why do I get the feeling that the girlfriend will go to that dentist one day 😬 - So, considering the police officer said to the dentist that the ppl in Eden are weird, I assume that she doesn't know that the dentist lives there as well. I mean, if she knew she would prob want to ask him some questions. - The work supervisor in the bathroom saying to Jongwoo that he shouldn't be talking behind ppl's backs, and then goes back to the dinner and starts talking about Jongwoo behind his back 😅

Marcel Wannieck

- Mhm, good meat, huh? What kind? Long pork? - I've also made the wise decision to have dinner while watching this. - That Seyeon kid must know something. - Why the hell did Jong-woo not tell the police officer that the landlady claimed suicide for the foreigner? - At least the couple finally met. - Maybe the girlfriend dies. Maybe she was never even real to begin with. Who knows. Not me, that's for sure. - „Let's be professionals“ Yeah how about you start doing that yourself, you wannabe „CEO“. Bastard. - I'm generally fine with raw meat. In Germany we have this thing called Mett which is raw pork, typically eaten on a bread roll with raw onions and pepper. But it also doesn't look as nasty as what Mrs. Hannibal over here is preparing. - Well then, next episode should be interesting.