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Jared Mathews

My interpretation was that Ko Moon-young(Seo Yeji) recognized Gangtae the first time they met in episode 1 when she was smoking in the hospital courtyard and he asked her to put out her cigarette. When he did that she asked him if he believed in fate. When Gang-tae went to the publishing office to get bribed he said that her eyes reminded him of someone. Then she got the background check to confirm he was the kid from her town. So I believe she knew who he was from the beginning but she though he didn't recognize her so she didn't bring it up. Gang-tae on the other hand I think knew who she was from before the show started. I think he remembered her name and when his brother started reading her fairy tales her name and author photo inside each book constantly reminded him of that time. I think he said that her eyes reminded him of someone from his past knowing full well that it was her to see if she remembered him. I don't think he would have forgotten the name of his first crush who left emotional scars on him. If she never told him her name he could have asked anyone in town who the rich girl who lives in the castle is. There can't be other castles in that small Korean town :) Anyway I'm glad that they finally admitted to remembering each other in episode 5. I feel like other shows would have dragged it out more. Also the show likes to self censor itself like putting the FBI warning logo over teeny weeny for comedic effect.


Ko Moon Young knew about Gang Tae being the boy since episode 2, I believe? When the assistant sent her the background check on him, it showed where he lived as a kid, so she realised it then and that's why she went after him. However, the reason she's shocked at the end is because she thought Gang Tae didn't know about who she was.


Whaaaat?!? Dark Ju-ri? Guilt-Tripping Gang-tae? I've read it as the complete opposite. On the roof of the hospital she aknowledges that Gang-tae isn't interested and just asks him not to run away (move out, leave town) because of her. She doesn't want to be the reason that he feels bad or uncomfortable. She is the sweetest. Yes, Ju-ri doesn't like Moon-young and looses her temper for a moment. Is that really a surprise seeing how she gets treated by Moon-young, with whome she seems to have a troubled past and who now ruins her "chance" with Gang-tae? Her "temper tantrum" after that in the bed was adorable and hilarious. I feel with her. As for who knows since when: Moon-young knows since she got the background check on her phone in episode 2. We don't yet know how or when Gang-tae realized it. The "censorship" is from the show and done for comedic effect, like the "FBI Warnings" or "elephant" with teeny-weeny in episode 3. And yeah... it implies what you think it implies. The whole motel scene and the evening/night with Moon-young in his room where hilarious from beginning to end.

Daniel Goland

In hindsight, I get the point of her being a sweetheart, I guess "guilt-tripping" might've been the wrong words to use but idk, I guess it hit differently for me on a first watch for whatever reason.


I worked for two years in an "assisted workshop", basically a facility where people with mental disabilities can learn and work simple jobs. I can tell you, getting slapped, insulted and spit on by anyone, even people who are weaker and mentally underdeveloped, hurts. Of course you can't get back at them, but some lunch breaks I really needed to scream, cry or break something. Luckily I worked in a metal workshop, plenty of opportunities to get your frustrations out. My absolute admiration for anyone who chose this as a profession for life.

Marcel Wannieck

- Or you know, Rapunzel from the old German fairytale :D - I recently watched 1899, the new show from the creators of my favourite show Dark. I originally wanted to watch the intro during each episode, as there are a lot of clues in there and I wanted to see how much I could figure out as the show went along. But later on I became so invested and just wanted to know wtf was going on and also skipped the intro :D Great show. Not quite on the level of Dark yet but let's see what season 2 brings. Knowing these showrunners, it's gonna be quite the mindfuck. - Yup, reading the Hangul, that Motel is indeed called Bates Motel. Just like in the Hitchcock film. - Reception guy is way too into this - You've figured out the Kdrama format! - She literally said „You look tasty from behind“ 👁️👄👁️ - How to look as suspicious as possible - That's actually adorable. Sang-tae is not even mad about Gang-tae lying, he's just disappointed that Mun-yeong didn't wear HIS clothes. - Man, what a good mum. And yes, Juri needs to move on, she deserves someone better. - https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/033/487/rick.jpg - Well at least this time the Room Manager's daughter wasn't brutally murdered. - I would argue that with someone like Sang-tae, it most definitely IS kidnapping. - Nah, she just didn't realise that he knew who she was. But they've both always known who the other one is.