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This is just a little post to tell you what to expect from the next scene! I won't go into too much detail, but there's some minor spoilers included, so if you'd prefer to be surprised, I suggest you stop reading here!

Compared to the previous scenes, which were more akin to "filler" content, the next scene will be something that moves the story a bit more forward. It'll include unbirth(or at least insertion), anal vore and oral vore with a single pred.

This scene will include 2 other tinies in addition to yourself (4 if you count them all, but 2 won't be present in the CG parts) , so this is the first time you'll see something happen to other people as well! I'm still undecided how I'll handle that, I'm thinking that I might break POV here on occasion for the shots that are not about the player character, as I'd like to show some internals with them as well. However, I'll probably keep them optional, so if a player wants to stay 100% POV, they can disable 3rd person shots.

I'll probably hold a poll about the 100% POV option, to see how important the option is to people, as it does add extra work/rendering time to have alternate viewing angles.

Slightly bigger story/character related spoilers from here on:

This scene introduces two people at the shelter: The professor, Walter/Dr. Krüger, the guy in charge there, and his star pupil/colleague Ada/Dr. Holmberg. It also introduces the main companion character for the game, Nina. She's the CT officer who saved you a year ago, and brought you to the shelter, and has been missing for some time. Her hair color will be voted on.

The pred will be the professor's other star pupil Elena/Dr. Berggren, who didn't end up shrinking. She's been overindulging on tinies, and is severely addicted at this point. She'll be blond, although I'll include some color variations on that to be voted on, as well as whether she uses glasses or not.  

The other tiny people are not as important, although the two not present in the CGs will have some minor roles to play later on. I'll probably give them some names, if it becomes necessary in the dialogue.

There'll be a poll to decide whether the extra tiny in the scene is a male or female, and what his/her fate will be (Anal/Oral).

The scene might be released in multiple parts, as it's a bit bigger than the previous ones. From my current plans, I expect about as much content as the prologue had, although not necessarily in a linear manner, but there's different options here that need work. Of course things might change as I work on it! We'll see how this all turns out. 

In addition to being a larger scene than the last two, I'll need to do the 3 new characters, Nina, The professor and Elena. Ada is already done, but I might do some touch ups on her as well. I'll need to do some clothes as well. Ada and the professor aren't in the CG however, but I will need portraits for them.

So, there's plenty of prep work required for this one! i'll try to get this portion done during this month. 

Expect some renders of a character, or characters around Monday/Tuesdays! I'm prioritizing Nina & Elena as they are required for the CG event.

Have a nice weekend!



Best of luck on this one! Excited to see what you'll come up with.

Kabu Turnip

Looking forward to it.


Awesome! Happy to see the story moving forward a little. Keep up the fantastic work!


Sounds awesome! Can't wait. :D


Sounds really cool, I'm excited to see what'll happen :3 I know it isn't really your forte, but I hope we get some kind of foot scene sometime in this game.


Would the other tinies have different sizes? Maybe one is bigger then me and the other one smaller?^^


Something like that, yes. Although not exactly, and depens on choices a bit. Well that's the current plan anyway. But stuff might change as I write the script properly for the scene.


where can see vr videos?sorry,my English is bad.


There's only a few, but you can find them here: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/Eskoz/posts?tag=VR">https://www.patreon.com/Eskoz/posts?tag=VR</a>


I just imagine that I can dominate the smaller tinies, so I decide in which body opening I insert the tinies with me.^^ Or something like: <a href="https://de.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph598c1d886e5dd" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://de.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph598c1d886e5dd</a>


No domination on this one at least. Well, and the whole thing revolves more around being on the receiving end than dishing it out anyway. There might be some stuff where you're forced to do something to survive at some point, like feeding another tiny to the pred, but there' no plans for it right now at least.

Louis Blazeit

It'd be nice to see a pred who is less tentative about what she's doing, or uninformed. One that fully appreciates what she wants to do to our hero, some harder teasing bordering on bullying might be fun to see.


i think it would be a good idea to have some of the struggle parts where you need to press arrow keys not be for yourself but to save the second smaller character. maybe if you failed and she gets pulled in it would have an impact on the story later on. just an idea


Gosh, I can't wait, I'm hoping for tons more booty action in the future, I loved that first scene.


Wow, super excited for this. Having other tinies involved in CG events is an awesome idea (especially if different sizes will be involved)! I definitely vote for having an option of keeping 100% POV: immersion is very important! It also adds gravity to the events once you see other tinies disappear for good.

Zay Zoo

how does one download the game?