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Here are some renders of the new characters. Elena is the big girl in the scene here. Nina is a tiny character that will be appearing quite often from this point forward in the game. Both of them are recurring characters.

MEGA Link 

There are only different shades of blond(ish) hair options available for Elena, as I really wanted her to blond for various reasons. Well, and we haven't had a blond character in a while! There's not a huge difference, but there's I'm sure some some will find one they prefer over the others!

Now I just have to do the professor, and some minor tweaks to Ada for their portraits, and some clothing for Elena, Ada & the professors, and possibly for Nina.  

The glasses are my first "clothing" any of my character has worn! Well, if you don't count the pink headband the first version of Ada had, the one with the green hair.



Kabu Turnip

Fabulous work as always.

John Doe

Ooh, blond and glasses? I see lots of intentional QuickTime event losses in my future...


Nice! Hey do you have a mega folder with all the stuff? Like a root folder? It's kinda hard going back to look at posts for the individual links. Thanks


I recommend using the "featured tags". For the game, you really don't need anything but the latest version. All images should be under the "Images" tag, although there's not that much of them, I might have missed some, I'll take a look. For the folder with all free videos: <a href="https://mega.nz/#F!W1YXXCAZ!dNpCuQnFovmrJb16kTkGNw" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">Mega</a>


I rechecked, and there were a couple posts missing the "Images" tag, there were also more at some point, test renders of older scenes, but I deleted those when I was making the page more friendly for patreon, so I don't host anything unfitting to their guidelines directly on this page. They're not available anywhere, as I didn't have them saved up myself either at that point. But you're not missing out on anything, since the videos of those scenes are out.


Could you add Chinese into the language in next version? I like your work, but I don't know the content.


After the next event is finished, I will make adding custom translations by users possible, at least for the PC version. This way in the future you can either request somebody to translate it, or use machine translations. When the entire game is finished in the far future, I might hire someone to do the translations, but before then, they will be mainly done by fans.


When might we have a time frame for when the next scene/part will be available? Not trying to rush as I know you finished the previous part not too long ago, but curious


It'll take at least as long as the previous part. Likely a bit longer since this part is bigger than the last two. It's hard to give estimates at this point.


So likely during the summer? Just wondering because you produce great work. Keep it up!


I'd like to get it finished before May is over at least, but we'll see how it all goes, and how much I end up trying to jam content in the scene.