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First of all, pardon the long silence. We know we've been very quiet lately. Part of that is because Dragoness has been far more challenging than we first anticipated. This is mostly because of the wings, that have introduced a lot of problems we haven't dealt with previously. Not only in designing the them, but also how to execute them from a technical standpoint. New obstacles would appear constantly during the development of her. Making everything fit together [somewhat] seamlessly has been hard.

In addition to that, Dragoness has been very much back and forth in general, with us never feeling 100% satisfied and constantly changing things about her. We both wanted her to be a step-up from what we have done up to this point, a creator-driven and technically advanced character that both of us feel really happy and content with.

But all this said... we feel we're starting to get close to the finish line. We have a game ready mesh asset, and all that remains is basically "just" finalize texturing and blend shape work.

Here's some images for you

Dragoness game ready asset in Unity



Testing translucency shader (transmission map not finalized)


Ass shot with experimental alternative texture


[Somewhat] seamless win


Getting the wings to play perfectly with skinning so there wouldn't be any gaps during deformation has been tricky.

Here's the same asset but without the wings (wings will be optional)


Other stuff

We have also been busy developing other things. The theme for 0.6 will circle around BDSM to some extent, so we thought it would be only fitting to add props for this.



A cool improvement in 0.6.0 is that the parenting behavior has been abstracted and thus can now be utilized by props. So these can be parented to characters.

Fantasy props


New Map

Pegashis has been busy creating a new map that will come with 0.6.0. With a Dragoness and Dragon being our next characters, we thought a medieval fantasy inspired map would be fitting.






We’re not 100% sure when 0.6.0 will be released, but it’s getting very close. We have an internal date to try and finalize everything by the end of the week, but we can’t promise anything yet as there may still be unexpected issues lurking around.





Psy Draggy

Yay, the new dragoness looks awesome and parenting to props is something I've been hoping would happen! That new scene is so amazing looking too. Major kudos to Pegashis. Keep up the awesome work and please work on the hand poser soon, it's so hard to make expressive scenes with immovable hands.


Keep up the great work guise!


Cannot compress happiness. *Explodes*

Ezyk Jaraad

Wow, this is why I pay as much as I do, you guys DELIVER! BTW, with parenting props to characters, can we get some of the small stuff like beer bottles, condoms, and other stuff lying around the beach house made into props?


We take our time saddling our horses, but when we ride, we ride fast and hard :3 Props - sure, eventually. Might not happen for this specific release but definitely in a future one.


Okay, anyone wanna volunteer as a janitor? Brains tend to stick really hard on the walls. Stay awesome Bazzal : )


We're sad that we can only like your comment once : / Thanks to you to for such long and faithful patronage, Turian \o/


Oh, my goodness! This is just absolutely amazing I can not wait for this update, lol, all I gotta say is things are going to get freaky in a good way and a few weird ways and that New stage is HOT!


Wow guys, this is honestly a step further in every direction. The scale texture is amazingly cool, the level design is going to allow for a ton of new ideas, parenting props...hnng!


Everything looks great! Love the scale texture particularly, although perhaps just a bit less reflective/shinyness. The map looks great too, although it looks quite large. Will this have a significant impact on load times for those with weaker systems?


Not 100% certain how loading times will be affected, we'll just have to wait and see. We always try to work our assets so they will be as efficient as possible both to load and render.


Man, the dragoness is looking great, suitably powerful, while still very feminine and motherlike. Not sure what I think of the scale texture, because while it is pretty, it feels a little uneasy on the eyes. Usually not a fan of BDSM, but these new props are looking great. And the new level, it looks huge. Are any of the buildings intended to have interiors to them?


Wow, that alternate texture, holy shit! I love you guys soooo much for the dragoness.


Yeah, scale texture is still WIP. Final result will look better. :) Unfortunately no interiors.




Wow! Very impressive. One thing though. Her breasts, for their size, are too... "perky"? At that size believe they'd hang much lower. That is unless the images are without the physics enabled in which case never mind. Other than that she looks great.


Shoot and I thought that the new force model and spine solver were a big deal. Now, new character, map, props .6 looks like the biggest and best update yet. Well done.


Ah yes, we're using a new modeling technique for this character. Currently there is no gravity on the boobs but they will of course have that in final result.


Are we able to enter some of the buildings in Fantasy map?


Everything is mind-blowing. As a personal note, the experimental texture doesn't look like what I imagine the skin on a medieval fantasy age dragon looks, but as the skin of an alien-like creature, it's fantastic; so you can keep that texture as "space dragon"?


Worth the wait.


OMG so kinky, much fantasy!


she is looking good I can just picture some good poses for the dragoness


the scales look awesome, you guys did a great job


My face when I see all this bdsm stuff coming up <a href="https://i1.sndcdn.com/artworks-000133811390-2schid-t500x500.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://i1.sndcdn.com/artworks-000133811390-2schid-t500x500.jpg</a>


The long radio silence had made me cancel my initial pledge for this month, thankfully seeing that you've actually been making progress has made me reconsider my decision. Just wish you guys posted as much as you used to, there used to seem like there was so much interaction, but June and July seem to have been low points. Nice to see that the project is actually being worked on still. Good job


Thanks for sticking with us! And thanks for voicing this concern too. If you've felt this way then plenty of others have too. We'll try to be more communicative and keep guys in the loop. Sorry about these two past months lack of posts.