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Just wondering if people still have issues with connecting to the cloud?

When we first launched the app about a year ago, several users were unable to connect. This usually had to do with a firewall blocking or a due to an issue with Unity and proxies. But we haven't heard anything about this for a while.

The reason we ask is because we were thinking of switching to a custom networking library that doesn't rely on Unity, but if people aren't having issues anymore then that time would be wasted.

Also, we are aware the cloud is painfully slow sometimes, and we will try to mitigate that in 0.6.1.



I tried loading a few scenes just now and flipping a few pages and didn't have any issues. Maybe the performance issues happen during peak times (are there peak times? that would be kind of a funny metric to follow like "hey everyone has their dicks out the most around 6PM EST!" or something)


Yeah performance is partly due to load, but also because of poor implementation on our part due to using NDB which is ill suited for this. In 0.6.1 we will migrate to another solution and hopefully speed up query times by some order of magnitude. But the question above was mostly concerning actually being able to load the cloud at all or not.


seems fine for me to


Never had connection problems with Yiffalicious.


the only issues I've experienced are the cloud sometimes taking notable time to load. And a few times it just failed to load after trying for a while.


Yeah, we're aware of that issue. In 0.6.1 we will migrate the data to another solution which will improve query times significantly.


so when is the Dragoness coming out?


In the next build. Dragoness has been far more difficult than we first anticipated, but she's coming along.


Zzzzz..... Zzzzz..... Zzzzzz....


next update?


We're aware we've been a bit silent lately. Dragoness has been more difficult than we imagined. But we're aiming for a release late this week or early next week. Updates will be posted soon too.