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Hey everyone. WIP for a second set of bovine digitigrade as this coming content release will contain parts for a Gazelle character for the cloud.

I will probably try to do  small revisions here and there but I'm happy with the whole overall shape.

- Dogson



John Vermer

So devilish. I love it :D


Would it be possible to introduce a 4-fingered hand? As you know, I like to work with Toon characters. : D Please please!!


A Gazelle Head and Horns would be nice! ;) Thanks for your Work


Hmm, I’m not quite sure about that fetlock joint; I think it should be closer to the dewclaws rather than so much further up the leg. Might also be a good idea to make its size tweakable; a lot of slimmer species would benefit from a less bulging variant. While we’re on tweakables, also consider making one for length. I know we could just increase the Y axis with the bone editor, but it often has some undesirable side effects (usually with digitigrade legs bulging out at the bottom sole) and often doesn’t quite extend as far as I’d like for a truly long-legged look. I suppose I could just whip up a custom offset, but still, having more options straight out of the box is always nice. Good job on the ankle, though. I’ve found that many of the previous digitigrade legs have one that is far too slim, especially noticeably so when the leg is straightened; on some legs it practically disappears, which looks very strange. Especially the horse legs suffer from this, so I hope an updated version of them is in the works for the future. In the meantime, it should be easy enough to tool this one into a non-cloven hoof with a bit of offset and garment magic, and it should work as-is for unicorn characters, which is always a big plus in my book. Also, since Vandred already asked for 4 fingered hands here, let me ask for 3 fingered ones too, while I’m at it. I’ve had the idea to make a 3D adaptation of a specific artist’s style of anthro unicorn for a while, but unfortunately, that calls for only three digits for the hands. Could be done right now with a garment model, I suppose, but I’m a bit worried about how it would articulate in posing.


I had already thought of a bulky and graceful three-fingered hand, would look good on all hoof wearers.