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We've begun working on a custom physics engine to be used in FurryVNE. This engine will replace inverse kinematics and will work in conjunction with the new animation systems. So you could say our entire new tech lineup is dependent on this work.

Since the animation is based off physical calculations, we hope this system will create a more engaging experience than before.

Custom engine

Here you can see things we've tested in this engine so far:



Here's a torture test - creating a very difficult scenario for any physics engine to handle. Most engines will fail with such extreme forces. Ours can handle this scenario just fine:


Comparison with PhysX

PhysX is the default physics engine in Unity:


(NOTE!! Not ours!!)


The reason we're implementing our own engine is in part due to PhysX suffering from limitations that cause undesired behaviors such as this. Not only for this kind of scenario, but in general.

By implementing our own engine and having full understanding of every nook and cranny about it, we'll have a completely customized engine that we can adapt to any need we have. This will come in handy for the animation systems, in which we will need to implement custom constraints* to enable different kinds of interactions.

Creating our own physics engine is something I've been wanting to do for a long time, since PhysX has always suffered from limitations and been a general pita to work with. Hopefully, with our systems, we'll be able to move beyond and create something very engaging.

* A constraint in this context essentially means code governing the behavior of a physical entity.

- odes



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Furry VNE in a nutshell: "Yeah, the current tech developed by massive companies and their team of engineers isn't really gonna work well enough for us... so we just built our own, better version."

Mobius Scarf

Wow, so will this new engine theoretically be able to handle tail animation way better than IK does, too?


helicopter dick heli helicopter dick


Ah, I've often been annoyed at how easily physics engines crap out too, so this is very promising. Can't wait to see it in practice, I already wonder what wacky shit we can accomplish with it using some creative application.


Love it! I really wish shooters had more physics like these, make it super fun and funny! Lol!

Nutty Mr Gecky

if the engine end up working as well as you hope for, do you have any plan to sell it on the market place? I feel like something like this could be useful for tons of project. In any case good job. I'm happy to see stride toward the animations and interactive part of FVNE


Thank you. The intention behind this is to create a physics engine specifically engineered for the needs of FurryVNE. Currently there's no plans to sell it on a marketplace, so don't get your hopes up... But, you never know. Not that fond of selling tech on marketplaces as that comes with tedious support obligations.