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Hi all!

We're proud to present a new content build of FurryVNE. This one introduces a new kobold character (and parts), as well as some bug fixes.


You can find the download here:

>>> CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD <<< (<--- for patrons.)

As you may know, we're in the process of implementing interaction systems. In the meantime, we will provide content builds such as this.

Thanks to all of our patrons for supporting the project.

We hope you will enjoy this release!

All the best.

- FurryVNE Team



Zexiara ✨

Hi Odes, hope your vacation was as good as your Beastars video. 🙂👍


Haha, thanks. It's good to be back. Done some great progress on the new interaction systems. Can't wait to show it all to you!

Fluffle Pimp

Awesome! But, where do I load in the Kobold? She is not showing up in my new characters &gt; templates


I love that you kept the Greg name makes me imagine she wanted a human friendly name to ease adventuring, someone suggested Greg as a joke but she didn't catch it and took it serious it would've been 10x more hillarious if you kept it as "Greg Pendelton" lol


also i'd like to ask would it be too late to implement some kind of auto update system to the app? since things are getting chunkier with every update and it gets a bit tedious to download the whole 1.1GB app for minor updates like this or perhaps bundle apart minor updates on it's own for people who have the app already installed? I don't know if this would impact your workflow negatively but it'd make things better for people with low or capped bandwidth especially for addon and bugfix updates


Yeah it's something I want to do eventually. It also makes financial sense since bandwidth is actually quite expensive! So it's not only a good thing to implement for a better user experience, but also in our best interest to lower bandwidth costs. First things first though - interactions!

Cass. Wyvern

Hehe, she's got lil grabbers

Thundera Shineboom

I was wondering if I missed any updates. After opening the previously saved characters, I found that their areola and nipple are obviously smaller


Hi there Thundera Shineboom! Areola/nipple system was remade to be pure mesh rather than something done in shader! You can always read our release notes here: https://furryvne.com/notes The one regarding the areola/nipple you can read about here: https://furryvne.com/notes/2021-07-31 All the best. - odes


VR will be implemented after interactions and will be compatible with any VR device that is compatible with Unity.


Short, thick, and you used my name idea. I love it.