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A 4 finger hand variant since it's been requested a lot in the past. Not yet implemented in to the program but thought it'd be fun to show a WIP inside of Blender.

- Dogson




will more body parts be added in the future?


JUHUUU!! Can not Hardly Wait!

Heinz Holger

Could there be a centaur part in the future?


A centaur would require a completely different rig and is not something we're currently planning on implementing. - odes


But you do have the option for users to define their own rigging for parts planned, if I’m remembering correctly, no? I’m sure an enterprising individual could work with that to create all sorts of interesting non-standard configurations.

John Vermer

Awesome :) It would be nice to add reduced version of scalliedigitigrade2 (3 toes) in the future. It would be helpful to dinosaurus projects and other big reptiles. .... or birds :)


I just realised, these hands are great for more of my alien characters... BUT I am unlikely to update custom offseted characters with them :( *Sad Violin noises*